Thursday, April 28, 2016


(1) There will be at least two indoor racquetball courts and at least two outdoor tennis courts and at least two indoor tennis courts, including at least one clay tennis court, situated at and available for use by any official resident at the condominium complex or apartment complex where I myself am living.

(2) DNA-trace rape-evidence processing technology will be greatly improved---so much that DNA-trace rape evidence for an alleged continuous-rape-crimes case involving rape-crimes perpetrated on the same rape victim on a daily basis over a multi-year period can be identified for as far back as 2,000 days.

(2a) A very generous anti-rape foundation will donate millions of dollars toward development of technological improvements in processing of DNA-trace rape-evidence kits for victims of continuous-rape-crimes. Those technological improvements will make it possible for law-enforcement agencies and prosecuting attorneys to identify DNA traces of any and all alleged suspected rapista from as far back as five full years ago.

(3) My home or apartment unit or condo unit will be situated within five blocks of a pleasant municipal nature park, within five blocks of a clay outdoor and clay indoor tennis-court facility, within five blocks of a first-rate public library, within five blocks of a post office, and within five blocks of a first-rate supermarket.

(4) Improvements in the technology for medical imaging tests for patients, including for victims of personal-injury crimes, will significantly reduce the percentage of all medical imaging tests in which any radiation is emitted by that test, and in which the patient is subjected to any radiation exposure.

(5) A generous philanthropic foundation will donate millions of dollars toward establishment of a new medical research institute that is exclusively devoted to inventing new medical-imaging technologies that either reduce the amount of radiation emitted by tests of that type or that eliminate radiation emission from those tests.

(6) Some team of scientists team will invent new technology that helps reverse the global warming effect without inflicting an Ice Age on this planet; and an Academy award-winning Hollywood movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio as the super-hero will highlight that amazing success story to American citizens and citizens of foreign nations.

(7) The United States Government and federal lawmakers will greatly admire and feel inspired by The United Kingdom's success at balancing its national budget, and will achieve a balancing of the federal budget of the United States.

(8) A truly comprehensive nationwide network of treatment programs for illicit-drug addiction, tobacco addiction, and alcohol addiction. and tattooing addiction will be strengthened so much throughout the entire United States that the percentage of Americans who are drug addicts, tobacco addicts, alcoholic, or addicted to getting tattoos emblazoned on their own body will decline dramatically.

(8a) Some philanthropist will provide generous financial assistance to the tobacco-producing states of North Carolina and Virginia as they attempt to recover from the loss of tobacco income they sustained because of a sharp decline in the percentage of all Americans who smoke. That financial assistance will be earmarked specifically for economic diversification projects aimed at creating societally responsible new jobs in those two U.S. states.

(9) The federal government will develop a very successful American propaganda public-service announcements strategy on television and radio that convinces millions of Americans that they can help to fight terrorism abroad and in this country by choosing to lead an illicit-drug-free lifestyle. "Americans who permanently abstain from illicit drugs are helping to dry up funding sources for a wide variety of terrorist groups in the Middle East, North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and elsewhere."

(10) A celibate adults' rights group and "Right to Healthful Nightly Sleep" group will help protect the legal right and human right of any adult person, including myself, to lead a completely celibate lifestyle on a 24-hour-a-day basis, and to sleep alone on their own private bed inside their own bolt-locked apartment unit or bolt-locked home without being touched or wounded or injured or physically abused or physically tortured or raped or molested by anyone while they themselves or sleeping.

(11) The United States Government will finally develop a successful strategy throughout the United States for promoting land conservation, urban-sprawl containment, and conservation of existing farmland and ranchland and wilderness land.

(12) A nationwide recycling program throughout the entire United States will be so successful that the United Nations will approve a resolution praising the level of devotion to recycling of waste products that nearly all Americans and the U.s. Government are exhibiting.

(13) American society will assign so high a priority to promoting fossil-fuel conservation, land conservation, water conservation, and environmental protection that a very generous non-profit foundation in the United States will confer annual awards honoring Americans who contributed the most in each of those respective categories.

(14) A truly comprehensive forensic-medicine counterpart to the Mayo Clinic that is exclusively devoted to serving victims of crime through the most comprehensive and reliable forensic testing provided by any medical facility or research institution in the entire nation, will help law-enforcement agencies and prosecuting attorneys throughout the U.S. to press successful criminal charges against those who inflict personal injury crimes or sexual assault crimes on cited crime victims in this country.

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