Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Advice to Young Boys or Young Male Youths

I would like to share with young boys or young male youths some ideas that might be helpful to each of you:

(1) Which subjects and topics and activities do you like or love the most? Have you tried to find children's books about each of those subjects?
FOR EXAMPLE, do you love running? Have you found a book about running as a sport? Have you found a book about great runners of American history?

(2)Do you keep a personal filebox inside your home that contains articles and ideas about each of your favorite subjects or topics or activities? If your parents permit you to do this, you will have a way to store information about your favorite interests. You can then review that information whenever you wish. It can be included in your own personal library inside your home.

(3) You could ask each of your parents to give you a copy of his or her "resume," as he or she may call it. That one-page or two-page fact sheet refers to his or her accomplishments. You can then create your own personal file about each of your parents that you can review on a year-round basis. This will help you to appreciate what each of your parents has achieved as a human being.

(4) Which of the human beings you've read about or heard about do you like or love the most? Can you find a children's book biography about each of those human beings? If so, you could then read each of those children's books with great interest.

(5) Are there any museums, art galleries, nature parks, amusement parks, schools, libraries, restaurants, or stores in your city or town that you would like to visit? You can learn more about the museums, art galleries, libraries, nature parks, amusement parks, restaurants, and stores in your city through research on the Internet.

(6) Are you planning to give a Holiday greeting card to each of your favorite teachers and friends and relatives? If so, this would give you an opportunity to write a brief and friendly note to several of the persons you like or love the most.

(7) What would you like to do when you grow up? If you want to become a lawyer when you grow up, try to find a children's book that describes the life of a person who was a great lawyer. You can then read that book to learn what the life of a lawyer is like.

(8) Is there any famous person you would like to write to? If you write to that famous person and ask for his autograph, he might give that to you. You can then post near your desk in your home that autograph from a famous person you like. This will help to inspire you in your own life.

(9) What foods do you enjoy eating in your home? You could ask your mother or father to help you learn how to prepare that food in your family's kitchen.

(10) When are you the happiest as a young boy or young male youth? Is there anything you can do to increase the number of times when you feel that happiness?

(11) Who is the most interesting person you know? Pretend you are a newspaper reporter. Jot down questions you would like to say to that interesting person. Then ask that interesting person if he would be willing to answer those questions that you've come up with for him.

(12) Try to live creatively. If you enjoy playing war games in which you are a soldier, try playing a "peace game" as well. Try playing a game in which you help to protect world peace for all nations.

(12a) Which foreign country do you love the most? Do you like the food of that foreign country?

(13) Pretend you are President of the United States of America. What would you ask Congress to do that would help to improve this country?

(14) Which of the toys that you own is your favorite? What makes it your favorite toy?

(15) Which of the games that you play helps you the most when you read or think hard or attend school?

(16) Ask each of your friends where they were born. You will find that some of your friends were not born in the same U.S. city or U.S. state as yourself. You can then do some research to learn more about each of the cities and U.S. states where your friends were born.

(17) Who do you enjoy talking with the most? Why do you enjoy talking with that person?

(18) When do you smile the most often? Do you find that you smile the most when you are talking with someone you like quite a bit? Do you smile the most when you are facing someone you like or love in person?

(19) What do you know about each of your grandparents? You could write to each of your grandparents and ask them to tell you more about themselves.

(20) Do you have a godparent? If so, you could write to your godparent and ask him to give you more information about himself.

(21) Which television show do you like the most? Why do you like that television show?

(22) What are your favorite places to visit? Why do you like visiting that place or those places?

(23) When you hear the word "love," which persons or things or activities immediately come to mind for you?

(24) What do you love the most about your brother or sister?

(25) What do you love the most about your parent or step-parent?

(26) What do you love the most about your aunt or uncle?

(27) What do you love the most about your grandfather or grandmother?

(28) What was the happiest day of your life so far?

(29) What do you love the most about yourself?

(30) When are you not feeling bored?

(31) When are you the most aware of feeling bored?

(31a) Do you keep a "things to do when I'm bored" list? If so, you could review that list whenever you feel bored.

(32) If someone says the word "fun" to you, what do you think of?

(33) When do you feel calm? Is there some person you know who helps you to feel calm?

(34) When you read, which book makes you want to meet the author? Have you written to the author of any book that you like or love?

(35) When are you the most aware that you feel very ambitious and confident? Is there someone you know who encourages you to feel very ambitious and confident? If so, that person might possibly become a good friend for you.

(36) Which persons whom you know never tell you lies?

(37) Which persons whom you know are always honest with you?

(38) Which persons whom you know never pull pranks on you?

(39) Which persons whom you know follow the rules and obey the law?

(40) Which honest persons whom you know also praise you the most often?

(41) When you hear the word "kind," which persons do you think of?

(42) What is your favorite hobby? Do you know of any subject in school or career that makes use of the skills you use when you pursue that hobby?

(43) Of all the botanical plants and trees you know about, which plant or tree smells the best when it is in bloom? Which plant or tree is the prettiest? Could you yourself raise a plant or tree of your own that smells good when it's in bloom and is pretty?

(44) Which pet of yours do you like or love the most? What makes that pet your all-time favorite?

(45) If you enjoy helping to raise a pet, have you ever spoken with the veterinarian or medical doctor who takes care of your pet when your pet is sick? Would you like to become a veterinarian or doctor yourself when you grow up?

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