Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day Challenge to President Obama

Dear United States President Obama,
I am celebrating Valentine's Day this evening by asking you, our Chief of State, to please show a depth of true platonic or brotherly love for our entire nation, including for all current and future generations of Americans, by:

---pledging yourself to stop any and all future counterparts to Al Capone in this country from themselves turning some current or future Valentine's Day into a violent massacre inflicted on anyone by any organized crime group.
It is imperative, Mr. President, that you make it clear to our entire nation that you strongly and fervently oppose organized crime, and that even though you are from one of the most politically corrupt cities in America, Chicago, where Al Capone once inflicted terror upon our entire nation, you are determined to have the strongest record of any President at opposing organized crime.

---establishing a new tradition of conferring Presidential awards on the nobly vigilant Americans who in a very honorable and meritorious manner in the most recent 12-month period, say, have reported to a law-enforcement agency in the United States, or to a work supervisor of theirs, evidence of possibly illegal conduct they have observed in the United States.

---presiding over the establishment of an annual "Role of DNA Evidence in Crime Deterrence" public symposium in Washington, D.C. DNA evidence is proving to be particularly invaluable in criminal-law prosecution of shockingly immoral persons who commmitted the violent, unconscionable, and heinous crime of homicide. An annual or semiannual public symposia in our nation's capital, exploring the potential of DNA evidence on behalf of crime deterrence throughout this entire nation, would be invaluable. That DNA evidence, as I'm sure you would heartily agree, is also invaluable on behalf of protecting the integrity of court-ordered capital punishment of convicted murderers in the United States. (I'm also a law-abiding and crime-deterrence-minded adult constituent of yours who strongly and heartily supports revision of the criminal law throughout the United States to authorize court-ordered capital punishment of any person, regardless of his or her own legal-status-adult age, racial, ethnic, religious, sexual, or gender identity, who ever at any time is himself or herself found guilty in a court of law of the unconscionable crime of attempted homicide in the United States.)

---yourself and First Lady Michelle Obama giving as many public speeches as possible about why each of you chose to refrain from consuming any illicit drug or tobacco product, and why each of you (if true) almost never consumes alcohol, and why each of you urges all Americans to pursue a physical-fitness and personal hygiene strategy on a year-round and lifelong basis.

---diligently pursuing public-policy actions aimed at liberating millions of Americans from the pervasively injurious grip on their lives that has been inflicted on them by their addiction to illicit drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, stalking, anonymous communications that they directly and deliberately inflict on others, or profane speech, with help from treatment programs for each of those specific injurious addictions.

---insisting on establishment of a truly comprehensive and very-easy-to-follow nationwide natural recycling program in each city, suburb, small town, and rural area throughout our entire nation.
To help capture our entire nation's interest in that vital cause, Mr. President, you might want to name it "Operation Renew" or "Re-New America" or "Recycle or Ruination" or "21st Century America Revitalization Program," or some such term that might capture the imagination of an entire nation.
You could achieve this goal, Mr. President, partly by delivering a televised speech to our entire nation in which you remind our entire nation of which European nations and which Asian nations, for instance, currently recycle a significantly higher percentage of all recyclable materials in that nation than does American society. It is obvious that the United States Government and American society are tragically behind in that crucial evaluator of the level of integrity of our often-great nation. By contrast, nations such as Sweden, Japan, Great Britain, and Germany appear to have superior records in that category than does the United States of America (and I have not seen the most recent statistics on this, Mr. President, but I'm confident that those four nations have better records in that way than the United States does).

---To help boost citizen participation in our nationwide recycling program, you could ask Congress to approve a new federal law requiring that any and all manufactured goods sold in the United States must comply with a federally-specified uniformity in labeling code for stating whether that items can be recycled, and if so, the exact type of recyclable material found in that product. An example might be: "Contains Recyclable Manufactured Good: ALUMINUM." Many consumers at present are not sure which recyclable materials are contained in any given manufactured product. Those consumers may then cite that uncertainty as an "excuse" for failing to help recycle that product by placing it in a pick-up bin for that category (glass, plastic, paper, cardboard, etc.) of recyclable item.

----insisting on the establishment of as many additional safe and comfortable and speedy and energy-efficient rail-passenger systems (including a high-speed Los Angeles to New York bullet train) throughout this entire nation as you believe are needed. It is obvious that a conversion to speedy rail-based mass transportation systems will play a crucial role in liberating the United States of America from excessive reliance on fossil fuels. In addition, establishment of a comprehensive network of passenger-train rail transit systems throughout the entire United States will help to boost the security of this country, as experts on national security matters have concluded.

----insisting on a nationwide policy of zero tolerance toward deliberate acts of prevarication and fraudulent or anonymous communications, all such communications being a form of terrorism within this nation that severely undermines the integrity of this often-great nation.
Mr. President, you could help to promote this crucial theme for our entire nation by promulgating a Presidential policy pledging to dismiss or fire any federal official who is ever at any time determined to have verbalized a noteworthy lie or noteworthy and significant act of prevarication, or who ever participated in anonymous communications of any type, in or through a communication by that individual of which you yourself become aware.

----presiding over the establishment of a nationwide awards tradition honoring American citizens who in the most recent 12-month period were identified as having invented a new product or service that holds promise for significantly enhancing the quality of life and integrity of Americans and American society.

---insisting on the approval of new federal legislation that bans trans fats from manufactured food products and beverages that are sold in any retail store in the United States, and that also bans trans fats from any and all foods and beverages served in restaurants or cafes.

----insisting on the approval by Congress of strict new and nationwide building-code regulations that significantly enhance the level of energy efficiency and energy conservation, and that enhance the level of durability of each and every new building being constructed in the United States.

Thank you, Mr. President, for demonstrating to all of American society in this and other ways that you truly have a heart for America, and for the potential greatness that is America.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

from John Kevin McMillan, a direct descendant of the Rev. William Brewster, head chaplain on the Mayflower, who myself resides in Austin, Texas.

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