Monday, June 10, 2024

My July 2, 2001-dated and Signed Five-Page Legal Letter to Texas DPS Director That Sought Any and All Records of Electronic Surveillance of Myself in Texas At Any Time Since March 1986

 I am very proud of having written and mailed on July 2, 2001, a five-page typed and signed public information request, along with accompanying factual information from myself, to the Texas Department of Public Safety Director at his official DPS headquarters office in Austin, Texas.

My July 2, 2001, request was as follows: "I would like to obtain from your office any and all photocopies on any and all computer records or written documents or notes or observations or any other items that your state law enforcement agency has or stores or maintains in regard to any and all possible authorized or any and all possible illegal electronic surveillance of myself, John K. McMillan, in Texas that has occurred at any time since March 1986...."


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