Tuesday, August 3, 2021


 To: Mr. James M. Kovakas, Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Officer,

Civil Division, United States Department of Justice, Room 7304,

20 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

(202) 514-3319 phone; (202) 514-2000 (main phone number for Civil Division)

Mr. Kovakas’s current office FAX number: (202) 616-8202.

May 6, 2005

Dear Mr. Kovakas:

This is a Federal Freedom of Information Act informational request letter from myself in which I seek to obtain from you a photocopy of any and all typed or printed or word-processed handwritten letters, reports, memoranda, handwritten notes, computer records, published documents, or, for that matter, any and all other items, that at any time since January 1, 1986, have ever at any time been received or generated or noted or written or published or stored by or on behalf of any attorney employed by your Civil Division or any staff member for any attorney employed in your Civil Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, or, for that matter, by any staff member of your federal agency’s Civil Division who maintains or stores or files or generates power-of-attorney-related legal records or mental-health-related legal records or mental-health-commitment records or business-law or financial-status records or family law records or lawsuit records, and that, in each and every one of those so-cited cases, refers to myself, John Kevin McMillan or John K. McMillan, in any manner or context.

This letter to you of today replaces a previous FOIA letter addressed to yourself that I had FAXed in April of 2005 to what I was later told by a staff member at your agency was an incorrect FAX number for yourself. This May 4, 2005, signed letter contains additional factual information that was not contained in the April of 2005 letter from myself that was addressed to yourself.

I was born on April 27, 1957, at Lincoln , Nebraska . My legal name is John Kevin McMillan. My social security number is..... My biological parents were Dr. Calvin and Mrs. Phyllis McMillan.

I have resided in numerous U.S. states, including, since January 1, 1986, Texas , Massachusetts , and New York . I have also resided in Minnesota and Missouri and Florida and California and Nebraska .

I am a 1975 alumnus of Stephen F. Austin High in Austin, Texas; a 1979 alumnus of UT-Austin; and a 1984 alumnus of The University of Minnesota-Minneapolis’s graduate school of  journalism.  I am  lifelong single male person.  I have resided in Texas on a continuous basis ever since January of 1988, when I moved back to Texas from the Boston area of Massachusetts, where  I had resided at the time.

 I have resided in Austin , Texas , on a continuous basis ever since March of 1997, most recently. I have resided in 16 cities of Texas in my  life thus far. They are: Westlake Hills; Austin ; El Campo; Big Spring ;
Taylor ; Sweetwater; Cuero; Childress; Yoakum; Zapata; Pampa ; Kermit, Snyder; Baytown ; Denver City; and Palestine .

My SID number is 04530055.

I am a former full-time employee of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, and the Texas Department  of Public Safety. Currently, I am not employed by any
government-owned entity of any type, and no government-owned entity or government-sponsored entity of any type has ever informed me in any way at any time since early 2001 that it claims to employ me or employs me or seeks to employ me in any context applicable to the present. Nor is any government-owned entity anywhere in the world currently authorized to impinge on my own privacy rights in any way or electronically surveillance me in any context.

 I am gainfully employed full-time in the private sector in Austin , Texas. I am a consistently honest, consistently civil, consistently  law-abiding,  illicit-drug-free, tobacco-free, alcohol-free,
never-previously-addicted, clean-talking, platonically masculine, facially-cleanshaven,
 lifelong non-Christian, non-Unitarian, non-Judaistic, non-Quaker, non-Mormon, rationally religious, rationally deistic, medically healthy, youthful,  athletically talented and fully ambulatory, psychologically
 healthy, disease-free, HIV-negative, STD-free, intellectually strong, gainfully  employed single adult gentleman holding full power of attorney authority on my own behalf.

 This Freedom of Information Act request was prompted by a very surprising January 4, 2005-dated and signed reply letter to me on official TDCJ state agency  stationary that I received via the U.S. Postal Service from Texas Department of Criminal Justice Assistant General Counsel Michael
P. Mondville at his Huntsville office in Texas .

In that reply letter addressed to myself in response to a January  2, 2005-dated E-mail Open Records request from myself, Mr. Mondville acknowledged in writing that the Office of the General Counsel
for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice state agency does, in fact, have at least one legal document in its files that refers to myself, John K. McMillan, in some context.

I have since been informed in writing that at least one of those legal documents is a recent inter-office memorandum that was recently prepared by Michael Mondville, an Assistant General Counsel for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in Huntsville, Texas.

 As you are no doubt very aware, I myself have no criminal-conviction record of any type--- which also means, by definition, that I am not a convicted felon. I have sometimes sensed that one government-owned entity operating in Texas has allegedly impinged on my own privacy rights in a manner violative of the law on the part of that government-owned entity.

I would also like to point out that, as Travis County District Attorney Ronald Earle’s office in Austin, Texas, confirmed to me  in writing a few years ago in response to a Texas Open Records request from
 myself, there are no pending criminal-law charges of any type against

This informational request is also prompted by a surprising request that  one  or more representatives of the Office of the Attorney General of Texas  reportedly made in 2004. According to two law-enforcement
officers  of  the Austin Police Department who made an unannounced visit to my  apartment  unit  in northwest Austin on Monday, October 11, 2004, at about 11:35 a.m.  that day---those two APD officers being Officer Jeff Olson and Officer  Chris Perkins---"the Texas Attorney General’s Office" (exact quote) had asked the Austin Police Department in Austin, Texas, to send  law-enforcement  officers  to my private residence in some context expressing concerns about my own "mental health" that had arisen in Austin, Texas, because of a Texas Open Records request I had myself written and submitted shortly before then to the Governor of Nebraska, Governor Mike Johanns in Lincoln, according to what one of those  two APD officers directly stated to me during that in-person meeting that  took place at my apartment unit. 

Needless to mention, no arrest or apprehension of this particular law-abiding and civil, psychologically and medically healthy, clean-talking, polite, single adult Austin gentleman (myself) was made during that surprise visit.

 This Freedom of Information Act request was also prompted in part by a  surprisingly unappreciative-sounding February 3, 2005-dated reply E-mail reply letter received that day from TDCJ General Counsel Carl Reynolds at his government office at Huntsville, Texas.

 In that reply E-mail letter, Mr. Carl Reynolds asked me to never again  send or mail to himself any additional carbon-copies on any future  public policy letter or letters of mine, including, presumably, any and all  future  public-policy letters of mine relating to the important theme of crime-deterrence or any other public-policy theme about which I might ever at any time write and send letters to public officials in our state.

Mr.  Reynolds in his bluntly-worded reply letter to me stated to me  that he has "no interest" (exact quote) in my own opinions about public-policy matters  in Texas.

Among the many questions for which I hope to obtain factual information through this Federal Freedom of Information Act request are questions prompted by comments or actions from others, or life circumstances for me, that have struck me as puzzling, with the following quotes being approximate quotations on the wording unless otherwise noted:

---What might explain why, even though I earned a Master’s Degree in Journalism from The University of Minnesota-Minneapolis in 1984, I myself have never in my entire life earned as much as $20,000 in gross total job-related income for any calendar year of my entire life.

--What might explain why my oldest brother, Kent McMillan of Austin, Texas, volunteered to me over the telephone in 1994, during a long-distance phone call I made to his home from my daily newspaper office in Snyder, Texas, that "through the years, you (John K. McMillan) have accumulated a sizeable financial wealth and property wealth for yourself that you don’t currently have access to."

---What prompted attorney John F. Campbell of Campbell & Morgan Law Firm in Austin, Texas, to repeatedly state to myself, John K. McMillan, inside his law firm office in central Austin that "I personally subscribe to the view that there is one person in the background who may be presiding over outside interference in your own life, John. But I (John F. Campbell, attorney) am not sure who that one person in the background is."

---What prompted attorney John F. Campbell of Campbell & Morgan Law Firm in Austin, Texas, to state to me one day in the late 1990s during an in-person conference I had with him at his law office: "If there is any electronic surveillance of yourself currently occurring in Austin, Texas, it would primarily be for your (sic) own good (sic), John."

---What prompted the dozens of State Bar of Texas members who are private-law attorneys in Texas I’ve consulted since 1988, to each state to myself, John K. McMillan, that they are not aware of ANY tangible or empirical evidence of ANY impingement upon my own privacy rights actually occurring anywhere in Texas.

--What prompted Westlake Hills-based attorney Erwin McGee, an Austin High alumnus to whom I had been politely referred over the telephone in 1992 by Austin-based attorney Fred Nieman (the latter of whom, Mr. Nieman, having stated to me in 1992 that he felt closer to my oldest brother, Kent McMillan of Austin, than to myself, John K. McMillan, so that it would be a conflict of interest for Fred Nieman to provide me with any legal services, in the event that a legal conflict between myself and Kent McMillan might ever develop, Fred Nieman stated to me over the telephone in 1992), to state to me in person during my only in-person consultation with him, "You (John K. McMillan) are very paranoid (sic), since you say that you suspect that there has been some spying of yourself involving electronic technology." Mr. McGee stated that day in 1992 that he declined to provide me with any legal-representation services, this despite the fact that attorney Fred Nieman had told me he felt confident that Erwin McGee would feel more receptive toward me than any other Stephen F. Austin High alumnus who’s currently a private-law attorney, Mr. Nieman stated to me in 1992 over the telephone.

--What prompted Austin-based attorney John F. Campbell, a UT-Austin Law School alumnus and State Bar of Texas member, to state to me one day in the late 1990s, during a two-person consultation meeting I had with him at his law office for which I was making payments both through my Texas Legal Protection Plan in which I’m a paid subscriber and from myself on my own as well, that "I (John F. Campbell) would feel very flattered (sic) if anyone wanted to invade my (John F. Campbell’s) privacy rights and spy on me (John F. Campbell). That would indicate that someone found me (John F. Campbell) to be very interesting, and the truth of the matter, John, is that most people just aren’t interesting enough to elicit any desire from others to spy on themselves. So you should feel flattered, John, if someone wants to spy on you, since that means he finds you to be interesting."

--What prompted Michael Stephens of Lockhart, Texas, during a 1988 phone call I made to himself from my parents’ home in Westlake Hills, Texas, to respond to an expressed concern of mine I told him about that someone was trying to "brainwash" me against my will, by Michael Stephens stating emphatically to me in that same phone conversation that "You’re (John K. McMillan) completely in control of it, since you’re the one who is brainwashing yourself (sic)."

----What might account for circumstances in my own life in Austin, Texas, in which a Texas Department of Public Safety official verbally assured me over the telephone in a recent month that I, John K. McMillan, am NOT myself required by law to myself be subjected to ANY gay-theme communications anywhere in Texas.

--What prompted John Broders of the "Texas Monthly" magazine staff to volunteer to me in 1988, in responding to a question from myself that I posed to him during a local phone call from a pay telephone outside a restaurant along West 24th Street a bit south of San Gabriel that has been, among other things, a barbecue restaurant, that possibly I came across as "obnoxious" (his exact wording) to others in Austin, Texas, during that period, John Broders stated in a very tentatively worded comment.

--What might help explain circumstances in my own life in Austin, Texas, in which a Texas Department of Public Safety state agency official in Austin, Texas, verbally assured me over the telephone in a recent month that the state laws of Texas do not require myself, John K. McMillan to have any gay or homosexual or lesbian friends. A Texas DPS official in Austin also assured me in a recent month over the telephone that I myself, John K. McMillan of Austin, am NOT myself legally required to myself associate with any gay or lesbian persons in my own career-related pursuits.

---What might help explain why a University of Texas at Austin Law School alumna and private-law attorney, Ms. Sherlyn Wiggs, during a two-person consultation I had with herself a few years ago that was paid for by the Texas Legal Protection Plan legal-aid service in which I am a paid subscriber, assured me in person that she was completely sure that neither Professor Guy Howard Miller, a professor of History at The University of Texas at Austin, nor "Arthur Rauch," a study-skills instructor at The University of Texas at Austin, has any involvement of any type in any aspect of my (John K. McMillan’s) life or life circumstances in Austin, Texas, as of that time period.

---What might help explain why the same private-law attorney, Ms. Sherlyn Wiggs, also emphasized to me in person during a consultation I had with her at her law firm office that I, John K. McMillan, had NO need to myself file any lawsuit against, or press any criminal-law charges on my own behalf against, either Professor Guy Howard Miller of UT-Austin’s History Department or Arthur Rauch, a study-skills instructor at UT-Austin, since it was obvious to her that NEITHER of those two persons had any involvement in any aspect of my own life or life circumstances in Austin, Texas, Ms. Sherlyn Wiggs stated.

--What prompted Chris Barbee, then the managing editor at "The El Campo Leader-News" newspaper and a work supervisor of mine, to greet me at a Christmas season party in late 1988 that was hosted by Harlan Hobbs, a columnist for "The Leader-News," inside Mr. Hobbs’s home, by Mr. Barbee suddenly stating without any context to it: "There are some people in El Campo who would like to wring (sic) your (John K. McMillan’s) neck (sic)." Chris Barbee had never previously cited to me the name of any person anywhere in the El Campo area who had expressed an antipathy toward myself, John K. McMillan, as of late 1988.

---What might explain the fact that in the entire 23-year period since 1982, in the vast majority of all of the occasions during that period in which I have arranged in advance with someone else to meet that person for a social outing other than playing tennis or racquetball with that person in my leisuretime, that individual has either not shown up to meet me for that meal inside a restaurant, for instance, or has informed me on a last-minute basis that he or she was not able to meet me that day, as it turned out.

---What might explain why private-law attorney John F. Campbell of Campbell & Morgan Law Firm in Austin, Texas, stated to me in one late 1990s reply letter he wrote and signed and mailed to me that I would of course be "generously financially compensated" for any outside interference in my own life and life circumstances by anyone else that might ever at any time be identified, Mr. Campbell assured me in writing.

--What might explain why private-law attorney John Warner of Pampa, Texas, stated to me over the telephone in early 1997, during a long-distance phone call I made to his home in Pampa at my expense from my newspaper employer in Palestine, "The Palestine Herald-Press": "There may be some possible outside interference (sic) in your own life these days, but I (attorney John Warner) am not able to ascertain (sic) the source of that interference. I can assure you, by the way, that your brother Kent McMillan of Austin definitely is NOT the source of any interference or meddling in your own (John K. McMillan’s) life or life circumstances."

---What might explain why, despite the fact that numerous work supervisors and coworkers and classmates and acquaintances of mine through the years have told me that they regard me as being very friendly or friendly, and people-friendly as well as enthusiastic and generous toward many people, I have myself received personal phone calls, personal E-mail letters or notes or personal letters via the US Postal Service, or personal knocks at my front door of my residence, or personal phone calls at my workplace, from friends or prospective friends or prospective dating partners or dating partners on a combined average of two times in all per month from all of those combined sources in the 30-year time period since my graduation from high school in May of 1975.

 ---What might explain why, during a period of my writing in which I was pursuing factual reporting for "The El Campo Leader-News" general-circulation newspaper in El Campo, Texas, and in which I did not write any work of fiction I can recall during that period, I received a Holiday Season reply letter in late 1988 or early 1989 from Moscow-based reporter Mark Porubcansky of The Associated Press, himself a former coworker of mine at "The (New Ulm, Minn.) Journal" daily newspaper in New Ulm, Minnesota, in the early 1980s, in which Mr. Mark Porubcansky stated to me that I, John K. McMillan, was myself turning into a "first-rate fiction (sic) writer (sic)" during the late 1980s in Texas, Mr. Porubcansky stated.

---What might explain why reporter Jerome Crockford of "The Patriot Ledger" daily newspaper staff in Quincy, Mass., in 1988 volunteered to me over the telephone, this during a long-distance phone call I made to that former employer of mine in Quincy from my parents’ home in Westlake Hills, Texas: "The voices (sic) you are hearing in the Austin area will continue for a long, long time (a near-exact quote)."

--What prompted former "Daily Texan" coworker Jann Snell (married name Jann Snell Schwab, as of that time) to in 1988 respond to my only phone call I ever made to her since my graduation from UT-Austin in 1979, from what I can recall, this a long-distance phone call I made to her Denver-area (Colorado) home from a pay telephone at an apartment complex along Nueces Avenue where I was residing near UT-Austin at the time, by herself immediately stating: "John, you were one of those people whom I could not ever decide whether I wanted to keep up with them. …Are you a paranoid-schizophrenic? Are you manic-depressive?" At no time during that phone conversation did I ever state to Jann Snell Schwab that I believed that I myself had either of those mental illnesses.

--What might explain why Dr. Len Kerr, a psychiatrist employed by Big Spring State Hospital of the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, wrote a signed psychiatric report about myself, John K. McMillan, dated 12:01 p.m. April 5, 1990, a photocopy of which I obtained several years ago from a State of Texas agency through a Texas Open Records request, stating that Dr. Len Kerr had diagnosed me during that period as suffering from a "chronic paranoid schizophrenia" and then adding: "This is the patient (John K. McMillan) that certainly can be very dangerous (sic). He is bright, articulate, knows how to move about the United States, could easily buy a weapon without difficulty, and could easily stalk and locate his victim. While the family (of John K. McMillan) feels that the particular person...that this patient has a delusion about does not exist (sic), it would be very easy for this patient to identify some person with the similar name. One is just flooded with examples of persons who have been killed by such people over the years. Besides the ones that all of us who are in this profession know about, there are such notable cases as John Lennon, Lennon’s assassin, Mr. Hinkley (sic) trying to kill the president, etc. In fact, there is almost a news item weekly of some celebrity getting threatened or even killed by such a patient as this patient (John K. McMillan)."

---What prompted Albuquerque-based private-law attorney Ellen Thorne Skrak (maiden name, Ellen Thorne), herself a former schoolmate of mine and debate squad colleague of mine at Stephen F. Austin High School in Austin, Texas, to suddenly volunteer to me in 1992 or 1993 or 1994, during a long-distance phone call I made to her law firm office in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from my residence in Pampa, Texas, the following statement she volunteered with no apparent context to it a second before she hung up her end of the phone line: "Just a voice (sic) from the past (sic)." In that brief long-distance phone conversation that preceded that comment from herself that appeared to possibly suggest she possibly regarded me only as being someone from her distant past, and not someone she would like to keep up with, Ellen Thorne Skrak emphasized to me that "I see no legal barriers for you whatsoever in Texas. You can live your life as you wish, and you have no apparent need for any attorney." The "Just a voice from the past" statement from Ms. Thorne Skrak appeared to suggest to me that she regarded me as being someone she regarded...as being mired in the archaic or obsolete, and someone irrelevant to the world of today, in her apparently conveyed view.

--What prompted Ms. "Trisha Boyles, M.A., P.A.," herself an official of the Big Spring State Hospital psychiatric facility of the State Government of Texas, to state in writing in a report she wrote about myself at that state hospital in Big Spring, Texas, that was dated 3:05 p.m. April 5, 1990 (a State Government of Texas report on myself for which I later obtained a photocopy through a Texas Open Records request of mine): "Mr. (John) McMillan continues to believe that unknown persons have come into his (locked) apartment during the night and had sex with him. When questioned about this, he stated that he is a very sound sleeper and does not know about it until the next morning because he is ‘sore.’ Mr. McMillan is clearly manifesting paranoid delusions…."

--What prompted Christen Pistulka of Minneapolis, Minnesota, whose cited childhood hometown was Seaforth, Minnesota, to repeatedly state to me in 1983 and 1984 over the telephone, this during a period in which I resided in Minneapolis, Minnesota, that I, John K. McMillan, reminded Christen Pistulka, of her terminally-ill sister with lupus, "who has difficulty getting her various goals accomplished each day since she often gets distracted by her own bitterness about being terminally ill," Christen Pistulka emphasized to me repeatedly over the telephone. The same Christen Pistulka also stated to me, when I told Christen Pistulka that her sister had been surprisingly unfriendly toward me when I met her sister in person, that her sister was often like that with everyone, since her sister was bitter about being terminally ill, Christen Pistulka stated.

---What prompted Christen Pistulka of Minneapolis, Minnesota, during a period in which she was an undergraduate major in English at The University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, to state to me over the telephone in 1984 or 1983, "It doesn’t matter whether you (John K. McMillan) are trying to write seriously or trying to write humorous prose, everything that you write comes out amusing, anyway."

---Has any person or group of persons or entity, such as a religious group or an atheist group of a gay group or a self-identified gay or lesbian person, claimed to represent myself, John K. McMillan, in any legal or financial matters at any time since January 1, 1986?

---Does any religious group or person currently fail to acknowledge that I am the founder and sole current member of my own religion, the Austin-based and implicitly deistic and non-Christian Progressive Prohibitionist Religion, that has stringent membership-eligibility requirements and is not affiliated with any other religious denomination or any other religious group or any other civic group in any way.

---What might explain why my oldest brother, Kent McMillan of Austin, informed me over the telephone in 1994, during a long-distance phone call I made to his home from my "Snyder Daily News" newspaper workplace in Snyder, Texas, that I, John K. McMillan, have accumulated a very sizeable lifelong financial savings for myself that I myself do not currently have access to, he indicated in that 1994 phone conversation.

--What might explain why my oldest brother, Kent McMillan of Austin, several months ago on his own volition advised me over the telephone during a local phone call I made to himself to myself file for personal bankruptcy in Austin, Texas, "since that would enable you to get a fresh (sic) start (sic) in your own finances and life," Kent McMillan advised me over the telephone on at least one occasion.

--What might explain why my oldest brother, Kent McMillan of Austin, repeatedly over a multi-year period stated to me over the telephone during local phone calls I made to him in Austin, Texas, that he believed that "your (John K. McMillan’s) lack of career-related skills is the primary reason why you yourself have never earned more than $20,000 per year in gross annual job-related income so far in your life," or words to that effect.

--What might explain why Sona Spear Nast, a former classmate of mine at Stephen F. Austin High School in Austin, Texas, in 2000 during an in-person conversation she initiated with me at an Austin High Class of ’75 reunion inside the North by Northwest restaurant in northwest Austin, stated to me, "At least you (John K. McMillan) can understand why (sic) the gay community possibly has been pursuing punitive actions against you, since you (John K. McMillan) did make some recent public statements on local television here in Austin in which you urged the government-ordered closing of all of the gay bathhouses of Austin."

---What prompted my biological mother, Mrs. Phyllis McMillan, to state to me over the telephone in 1986 or 1987, during a long-distance phone call I made to herself from Quincy, Massachusetts, to her home in Westlake Hills, Texas, that I should stop writing journal entries of any type during that period. "Freedom of speech (for yourself, John K. McMillan) can only go so far!" she emphatically stated to me in surprising personal advice that my biological mother offered to me in that 1986 or 1987 phone call.

---What prompted my biological Father, Dr. Calvin McMillan, to refer to a new development in my own life circumstances in Quincy, Mass., in May of 1987, I believe it was, by emphatically stating to me during a long-distance phone call I made to his home in Westlake Hills, Texas: "John, I can’t handle (sic) this (sic)! I (Dr. Calvin McMillan) would like to ask that you remain in the Boston area in order to resolve this problem you’re having of your being subjected to anonymous background voices there, rather than your returning to the Austin area of Texas! If you came back to the Austin area of Texas, it would be too stressful for me and harmful to my (Dr. Calvin McMillan’s) own medical health!"

--What prompted Minneapolis resident Christen Pistulka, during a period in which I had no published writings of my own that ever once referred to herself, to declare in 1983 or 1984 with seeming delight and amusement to Peter Kizilos, a University of Minnesota student and coworker of hers at "The Minnesota Daily" student newspaper at that university campus in Minneapolis, during a three-person meeting inside the Grandma’s nightclub near The University of Minnesota-Minneapolis campus: "John (McMillan) is my (Christen Pistulka’s) biographer (sic)!" The comment struck me as puzzling, since there was no context to it at all; ...

--What prompted reporter Gayle Reeves of "The Dallas Morning News" staff to respond to a friendly phone call from myself to herself in 1989 or 1990, this during a long-distance phone call I made to her office from my "Big Spring (TX) Herald" newsroom at no expense to the "Herald," by herself volunteering to me: "It often seems as if all I (Gayle Reeves) ever do here at The Dallas Morning News is write fictional stories."

--What might explain why my managing editor work supervisor at "The Big Spring Herald," Mr. Steve Ray, surprised me one workday by angrily informing me in late 1989 or early 1990 inside his office at that daily newspaper employer of mine in Big Spring, Texas: "I (Steve Ray) have just received an anonymous (sic) tip (sic) on the telephone from Stanton, Texas, that you (John K. McMillan) were observed today having sex with a varsity male tennis player for Stanton High School inside the Dairy Queen restaurant in Stanton (Texas)!" That allegation was completely incorrect, and I was, in fact, platonically polite throughout my two-person meeting with that youth that occurred in broad daylight in the front section of the Dairy Queen restaurant in Stanton. I had, in fact, merely interviewed the teenage male Hispanic tennis player in question at a booth in that Dairy Queen in connection with a feature story about that youth that I planned to write for "The Big Spring Herald" in my capacity as a regional reporter covering the towns around Big Spring, including Stanton. It is very likely that the story idea to do a feature on that particular teenage varsity tennis player had been assigned to me by a "Big Spring Herald" editor.

---What prompted a male resident of the Sloane House YMCA facility in New York City, New York, whom I had never met before in my entire life, to himself state to me in 1986 during an in-person meeting I had with himself in a different wing of that YMCA from the wing where I was staying: "And after a certain point, you (John K. McMillan) may conclude that the system (sic) is harmful to you. At that point, you can choose to REJECT the system, and take actions accordingly…." That individual in question never explained to me what he meant by the term "the system" that somehow referred to my own life circumstances during that period.

---What prompted a female adult psychiatric patient at Malden Hospital in Malden, Massachusetts, to state to me one day in that hospital in 1987, during a period in which I was myself involuntarily confined to the psychiatric unit in that same hospital: "It may well be that some older man who seeks to develop a romantic relationship with you (John K. McMillan) is just trying to mold (sic) you and alter your personality and behavior, so that you (John McMillan) would become what he wants you to be like as a marriage partner for himself, and that is why you are in this psychiatric hospital," or words to that effect. "Your being here in this psychiatric unit at Malden Hospital may just be his means for preparing you for a personal marriage with himself" (approximate quote).

--What prompted the male pastor of the Church of the Presidents Unitarian Universalist Church in Quincy, Massachusetts, to state to myself, John K. McMillan, during a one-to-one consultation I had with that pastor inside his pastoral study one day in 1986 or 1987: "You are being subjected to intense sexual deprivation in Quincy, Mass., accompanied by intense sexually suggestive imagery in the Boston area, as a means of someone eliciting from you (John K. McMillan) intellectual creativity and cultural accomplishments that you will achieve through sublimation of your sexual and romantic desires."...

--What prompted my biological father, Dr. Calvin McMillan, to state to me in person in December of 1990, as he either drove me or dropped me off at the municipal airport along Airport Boulevard in Austin, for a plane flight I was taking back to west Texas, that he felt very sure that I am not at any risk of gay ghettoization, or any permutation of that very unpleasant and unacceptable status for myself, John K. McMillan, in any aspect of my own life. "You (John K. McMillan) have a very keen intellect (sic), and this is the primary reason why many heterosexual men and many heterosexual women will always be congenially inclusive of yourself," Father very helpfully reminded me in person that day. "You (John K. McMillan) will never have to lead a gay-centered lifestyle, I can assure you." The same biological father of mine assured me over the telephone in 1990 or 1991 that I would never be expected to work for any entity situated in San Francisco, California, partly because there was no job there for me, Father helpfully assured me over the telephone in 1990 or 1991. "You (John K. McMillan) can forget about San Francisco (exact quote)!" Father stated to me emphatically that day in 1990 or 1991, my biological father having previously assured me in 1990 inside his hotel room in Big Spring, Texas, that "this (the verbal harassment of myself, John K. McMillan) can all end in Texas!"

--What prompted the copy chief at "The Patriot Ledger" daily newspaper, Karen Hambleton, to develop a habit of each workshift writing a message that flashed on all of the computer screens, including my own, of her copy-editing staff, I having been one of the copy editors she supervised: "Is it (sic) dead (sic) yet?" At no time did any employee of "The Patriot Ledger" daily newspaper staff ever explain to me what that message signified.

---What prompted a female professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs on the University of Texas at Austin campus, Professor Dagmar Hamilton, to volunteer to me in 1995, during a two-person conversation I had with her in the hallway of that school at a time when I was employed there full-time as a clerical staff member there, "I (Professor Hamilton) would recommend that you (John K. McMillan) consider moving to the Netherlands (sic), since the Netherlands is one country that’s very tolerant of everyone and where persecution of residents does not occur. Your human rights would be honored more fully in the Netherlands, it seems to me."

--What would explain why private-law attorney Michael Robertson of the State Bar of Texas, himself a former classmate of mine at Stephen F. Austin High School in Austin, Texas, during a private consultation I had with himself inside his law office in downtown Austin, stated to me one day in 1995: "The two best (sic) cities in the entire world for someone like yourself are Austin, Texas, and the city of Amsterdam (sic) in the Netherlands. Either of those two cities is very tolerant toward someone like yourself, John, and I myself see no reason why you would ever have to leave Austin." The same Michael Robertson a matter of days or weeks later, during an in-person lunch or dinner I had with himself inside the Pecan Street Café along East Sixth Street in Austin, that he himself had selected as our eating site and where Michael Robertson generously treated me to the meal that day, surprised me that day by stating, "John, you have reporting skills and it’s obvious that you could make a lot more money if you were to apply for a reporting job outside of the Austin area. I would recommend that you do that, and make use of your talents that way."

--What prompted Dr. Carolyn Boyd, then the chairman of the History Department at the University of Texas at Austin, to state to me in writing in late 1994----this in a signed letter from herself reprimanding me as "inappropriate," she stated, for having myself politely complained to UT-Austin President Robert Bierdahl in writing days before about the cited problem of illicit sexual activities between gay men and/or bisexual men occurring inside public restrooms at UT-Austin----in a signed letter from herself on official UT-Austin stationery that "when I (Dr. Carolyn Boyd) told you (John K. McMillan) before that I would agree to serve as a reference for you, I only was agreeing to serve as an academic reference for you, and only for the context of my having been a Spanish History professor of yours a semester or two in the late 1970s. And that academic reference for you from myself (Dr. Carolyn Boyd) would ONLY be applicable if you (John K. McMillan) were to apply to enroll in some university or college OUTSIDE of the Austin area. I would NOT be willing to offer you an academic reference for any educational institution situated anywhere in the Austin area."

--What might explain why my oldest brother, Kent McMillan of Austin, Texas, stated to me in 1990 or 1991, during a long-distance phone call I made to his home from my apartment in Sweetwater, Texas: "You (John K. McMillan) should look upon the anonymous voices you are hearing as all being prospective friends (sic) for yourself, John."

--What might explain why Sarah Goodfriend of Washington, D.C., stated to me in 1990 or 1991, during a long-distance phone call I made to her residence from my apartment in Sweetwater, Texas: "They’re all (sic) your friends, John! Anyone you encounter anywhere in the Sweetwater area is a friend of yours!"

--What might explain why Carol See of Columbia, Maryland, volunteered to myself on her own volition in 1993 or 1994, during a long-distance phone call I made to her home from my apartment in Pampa, Texas: "What many Americans are particularly impressed by is all the love (sic) toward yourself (John K. McMillan) that many people have been expressing." Carol See never at any time elaborated upon that stated outlook of hers.

---What might explain why a nervous-sounding Charles Hilty of Washington, D.C., suddenly interrupted me in 1990 or late 1989 during a long-distance phone call I made to his home from my residence in Big Spring, Texas, by himself saying: "But not me (Charles Hilty), right?", Mr. Hilty choosing to ask me for a verbal assurance that I, John K. McMillan, someone about 40 years younger than himself, did NOT myself want to have any sexual contact of any type with Charles Hilty. Mr. Hilty posed that surprising question to me despite the fact that he was married to a woman at the time in which he posed that nervous-sounding question to me that had no context to it.

--What might explain why Elspeth Rostow, a professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs on the UT-Austin campus, volunteered to me in 1991, during a phone call I made to her office from my residence in Cuero, Texas: "You’ve made some contributions (sic) to this state (Texas), so I think you should remain in Texas, rather than yourself seek to emigrate to a foreign nation."

--What might explain why Elspeth Rostow of the LBJ School of Public Affairs on the UT-Austin campus responded to a question of mine in 1992, during a long-distance phone call I made to her office from my rental residence in Zapata, Texas, by stating: "I (Elspeth Rostow) cannot speak for the faculty (sic) on whether you (John K. McMillan) might be offered a Professor of Humanitarian Studies position here at the LBJ School of Public Affairs in the foreseeable future."

----What might explain why Austin resident John Cannon, a former schoolmate of mine at Stephen F. Austin High School in Austin, Texas, and a longtime City of Austin employee, wrote me a surprising E-mail reply letter in a recent year in which he stated that possibly there are some "civil rights" legal issues relating to my own life and life circumstances in Austin, Texas. John Cannon’s reply letter via the E-mail was surprising, in retrospect, partly because no City of Austin official has ever stated to me that he or she was aware of any such "civil rights" issues of any type that relate to me in any way.

--What prompted Lee Smith, then an attorney for The University of Texas at Austin, to state to me in a signed legal letter dated October 18, 1999: "The privacy-rights concerns for yourself (John K. McMillan, a UT-Austin alumnus) that you cited in a recent E-mail to UT-Austin do not refer to UT-Austin in any way. UT-Austin does not have any involvement in any of that. If you seek to explore this question through some other avenue (sic), you are free to do so." That reply letter from Mr. Smith of UT-Austin’s administrative staff was mailed to me in apparent response to an E-mail letter I had sent to either Dr. Beryl Simpson or some UT-Austin administrator in which I quoted Dr. Beryl Simpson, a specialist in economic botany and former departmental colleague of my father, Dr. Calvin McMillan, as having herself stated to me in 1999 over the telephone, "There are some meanies (sic) in the Austin area who are harassing you, John!"

--What prompted Associate Rabbi Elizabeth Dunsker of Temple Beth Israel Reform Judaistic congregation in Austin, Texas, to send myself, John K. McMillan, a December 25 (Christmas Day), 2002-dated reply E-mail letter in which she stated that because many members of her congregation in west Austin were experiencing considerable financial hardship during that period and needed financial help from Temple Beth Israel, and because I myself am not a member of their Reform Judaistic religious congregation, Temple Beth Israel was not financially willing to offer me any financial help during a period of financial duress for myself in Austin, Texas, Rabbi Dunsker stated in that Christmas Day communication to myself, John K. McMillan of Austin.

--What prompted reporter Victoria Loe of "The Dallas Morning News" staff to emphatically declare to me over the telephone in 1988---this a matter of a day or two after a male adult bespectacled neighbor of mine at an apartment complex west of and near UT-Austin had volunteered to me inside a Burger King restaurant along Guadalupe that he had heard that the UT-Austin-affiliated Ark housing coop had lots of sexual orgies among gay male residents there during that period, and that the Ark in 1988 was quite a lively place in which to live, he stated on his own volition in the complete absence of myself having stated to that male neighbor of mine that I myself sought to develop a sex life in Austin at that time and in the complete absence of my having discussed sex or sexual identity matters with that man----"When something suddenly does break in Austin in the near future, be prepared (sic) for a lot of news media scrutiny of your own conduct at that time." When I then expressed concern to Victoria Loe in that same telephone conversation about whether at that point I might possibly or could conceivably get some bad publicity, this for the first time ever in my entire life, from sudden news media coverage of me that obviously had not previously occurred as of that date in 1988, Victoria Loe immediately replied from her end of the phone line: "Why should you (sic) care about what the news media think of you (John K. McMillan)?"

---What prompted Victoria Loe Hicks to smile with apparent gleefulness and a hint of defiance in her facial expression after I asked her in early 1997 during a two-person lunch meeting we had in a restaurant in downtown Dallas, Texas, whether Victoria Loe Hicks sensed that my many years of addressing the broader needs of Texas through my reporting and story-idea brainstorming for numerous general-circulation newspapers in Texas and my many years of public-policy-minded brainstorming letters I had written and sent to government agencies and public universities in Texas had, in fact, enhanced my own ability to make more heterosexual male adult friends in my own life, with Ms. Loe Hicks immediately replying to my question by saying: "Not one bit. I (Victoria Loe) see no evidence that any heterosexual men have a greater appreciation for you (John K. McMillan) and would be more likely to consider you as a prospective personal friend as a result of your journalistic efforts and public-policy brainstorming efforts and lifestyle conduct in this state." That comment was very demoralizing to me, since through the years I had myself repeatedly conveyed to Victoria Loe Hicks my own great desire to significantly increase the percentage and absolute number of my own friends who are heterosexual men. In that regard, it was in that same two-person leisuretime meeting that Ms. Loe Hicks at one point asked me what my own "goals" were for the next multi-year period, with the question I had posed to her at that meeting about my own desire to significantly increase the involvement of friendly and aesthetically pleasant heterosexual men in my own life having already conveyed one of my most emphatic long-term goals for myself.

----What prompted the following comment: "The alternative (sic) would have been very severe toward you, John," John Broders of the "Texas Monthly" magazine staff in 1992 stated to me from his magazine office over the telephone, when I told John Broders that I had moved to Pampa, Texas, to begin reporting full-time for "The Pampa Daily News" general-circulation newspaper there. It is not clear to me what John Broders referred to when he made that surprising and unsolicited comment to me in 1992.

--What prompted Boston-based psychotherapist Steve Cadwell to suddenly pose a question to me with no context to it at an early point in my psychotherapy sessions with himself in Boston that began in 1985: "Are you (John K. McMillan) at all prone to committing suicide (sic)?" I was surprised by that question, since I had not told him about any self-destructive conduct of my own about which I was aware, and I definitely told psychotherapist Steve Cadwell that I definitely am NOT suicidal or suicide-prone, I politely emphasized.

--What prompted Dan Hitt, a self-described Southern Baptist roommate of mine at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and a self-described permanent resident of the Phillipsburg area of Missouri in those days, to himself repeatedly state to me in 1976, this before I permanently rejected him and moved out of his dorm room that same year: "Your (John K. McMillan) being a non-Christian makes you delusional and out of touch with reality." At no time did Dan Hitt ever cite to me any example of ANY intellectual accomplishment or ANY reasoning skills by myself that Dan Hitt himself ever admired.

--What prompted an African-American female coworker of mine at the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles state agency workplace of the State Government of Texas in north Austin to volunteer to me one day inside our office that "That photograph of you (John K. McMillan) that was taken at our recent staff party across the hall that shows you smiling makes you (John K. McMillan) look like a mass (sic) murderer (sic), John!"

---What prompted Janet Rosenbloom of New Ulm, Minnesota, to state to myself, John K. McMillan, in 1990 or 1991, during a long-distance phone call I made to her and her husband’s home from my apartment in Sweetwater, Texas: "These circumstances in your life in Texas are very destructive (sic) toward yourself (John K. McMillan) and others!"

--What prompted Heidi Wittenborn of Austin, Texas, to volunteer to me without any context to her comment in 1993 or 1994, during a long-distance phone call I made to her home from my apartment in Pampa, Texas: "You (John K. McMillan) are making the transition from one great university (sic) to another great university." Heidi Wittenborn, a Texas A&M University alumna, never at any time cited to me the name of any university that she maintained had any involvement of any type in any aspect of my own life or life circumstances.

---What prompted Karen McCarthy, a reporter colleague of mine at "The Big Spring (TX) Herald" daily newspaper, during a guided tour of Big Spring in which she drove me that day in late 1989, to volunteer to me suddenly and without any context to it, "The female reporter whom you are replacing (?) here at the Big Spring Herald found that the apartment in town here where she was residing turned into a flophouse (sic) because lots of guys from Big Spring had sex with her inside her residence. She ended up having to move to the dog pound here, with my help, since I help run the dog pound here for the local Humane Society and I myself live in the dog pound for this city."

--What prompted Phyllis McMillan of Westlake Hills, Texas, to suddenly volunteer to me in 1989 or early 1990, this without any context to her comment, during a long-distance phone call I made to her home: "I (Phyllis McMillan) already know (sic) how this is going to turn out (for you), so I’m (Phyllis McMillan) not worried about it."

--What prompted my biological mother, Phyllis McMillan of Westlake Hills, Texas, to emphatically state to me in 1988, during a local phone call I made to her home from an apartment complex where I was living at the time along Nueces Street near UT-Austin, "I definitely don’t think it (the current restrictions on your own privacy rights in Austin, Texas, and accompanying verbal harassment of yourself, John K. McMillan) is necessary." Two years later, the same biological mother of mine, Phyllis McMillan of Westlake Hills, Texas, volunteered to me in 1990, during a long-distance phone call I made to her Westlake Hills home from my daily newspaper office in Sweetwater, Texas: "The circumstances you (John K. McMillan) are being subjected to these days in Texas are outrageous (sic) in their cruelty and unjustifiability toward yourself!"

--What prompted a former "Daily Texan" colleague of mine, Ms. Karen Hastings, then an Austin-based bureau reporter for "The Fort Worth Star-Telegram," to state to me over the telephone in 1988, during a local phone call I made to herself: "I (Karen Hastings) can sure empathize with your (John K. McMillan’s) stated impression in this phone call to me that your own life experience these days in Austin is a bit like getting stranded at a county fair that never ends" (approximate quote). Ms. Hastings in that phone call did not offer me any suggestion in the way of a logical step I could take to extricate myself from those circumstances.

--What prompted Carrin Patman, herself a Houston-based private-law attorney and former schoolmate of mine at Stephen F. Austin High School, to respond to a long-distance phone call I made to her law office from my "El Campo Leader-News" newsroom in October or November of 1988 by asking me with incredulity in her voice: "Are you ENJOYING it?" She did not specify what she meant by the word "it," and she subsequently declined to return any phone calls from me or send me any reply letter at any time over a multi-year period.

--What prompted Mrs. Bill (Carrin) Patman of Austin in 1988 to pay a personal visit to the newsroom of "The El Campo Leader-News" where I was employed as a reporter at the time, and to then state within earshot of me, "If I were subjected to someone’s nasty thoughts like that, I would be very upset about it, too!" Mrs. Patman, who was surprisingly slender at that time, had made a visit to that newspaper in order to review advertisements for a Democratic candidate in a political campaign that were scheduled to be published in "The El Campo Leader-News" newspaper. Mrs. Patman, who during her visit that day in 1988 chose not to approach me on her own volition and say hello to me on her own volition inside that newspaper office, appeared to suggest through her demeanor and detached style toward myself that she had a critical vantage point toward my own thought process and my own overall conduct during that period.

--What prompted my biological mother, Phyllis McMillan of Westlake Hills, Texas, to state to me inside her private residence in Westlake Hills several years ago that she recommends that I, John K. McMillan of Austin, myself file criminal-law charges against one or more alumnae of Stephen F. Austin High School of Austin ISD who had (allegedly) wronged me, Mother stated to me during an in-person conversation I had with herself that day inside her home.

--What prompted my biological mother, Phyllis McMillan of Austin, Texas, to state to me in 1986, during a long-distance phone call I made to her home from a YMCA facility in New York City, New York: "It’s (manipulations of your own life circumstances there in New York City are) designed to be helpful to you (John K. McMillan)….Your circumstances will get realer (more honest and more realistic, in other words) with time."

---What might explain why I, John K. McMillan of Texas, have myself heard incessant year-round sexuality-related and sex-gossip-related rumors about myself in a variety of cities in Texas and in Massachusetts in the period ever since 1987, when I have been completely celibate throughout nearly all of my waking hours ever since mid-1987, I have been completely celibate throughout ALL of my waking hours ever since 1995, and back in 1982 or 1983, Ms. Karla Brungardt, herself a graduate student in journalism and a female colleague of mine at "The Minnesota Daily" student newspaper on the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis campus, emphatically stated to me in person inside that campus newspaper newsroom one day that "you (John K. McMillan) are the most (sic) asexual (sic) staff member here! You have plenty of platonic credibility here with everyone!"

--What might help explain why at least two different Austin-area residents, one of them being Bernie Owen of Austin, have each stated to me in separate conversations I had with each of them in the last five-year period that they believe that I, John K. McMillan, have been subjected to "discrimination" (sic) against me in Austin, Texas, in recent years.

---What prompted Phyllis McMillan of Westlake Hills, Texas, to repeatedly state to me during long-distance phone calls I made to herself from Quincy, Mass,, in which I expressed an interest in myself developing more of a social life in Quincy, whether platonic or sexual romantic in nature: "Don’t contact them! Let them come (sic) to you John K. McMillan)!" I was repeatedly surprised to find that despite mother’s advice, no staff member of "The Patriot Ledger" newspaper, a recent employer of mine, ever called me or knocked on the front door of my apartment on a strictly social basis after I left that newspaper in early 1986, with one possible exception that comes to mind, herself having been a female student intern named Nancy Welch who was attending Boston University or Northeastern University at the time.

--What prompted Helen Obermeyer (sp?), a Brandeis University alumna and a sales representative for a suburban Boston newspaper that had offices west of Boston, to state to me in central Boston one day in 1987: "You (John K. McMillan) definitely are not mentally ill, so you are not at risk of yourself ever being confined to a psychiatric institution, John." Helen Obermayer, then a resident of Cambridge, Mass., made the comment to me in person within a day or so after I had been released from the psychiatric ward of Malden Hospital in Malden, Mass., where I had been confined against my will.

---What might explain why attorney Sherlyn Wiggs, during an in-person consultation I had with herself inside her downtown Austin law office in 2003, stated to me that "there seems to be a non-profit (sic) group from your own past that has been continuing to have an involvement of some sort in your life of today." Ms. Wiggs never did elaborate on that, but she offered me no comment when I told her during that in-person meeting that I have heard rumors to the effect that (an) Austin-based... religious congregation reportedly may have somehow impinged on my own privacy rights in Austin, Texas, in some capacity, according to those rumors I have heard.

--What prompted private-law attorney John F. Campbell to warn me very emphatically in 1997 that I myself, John K. McMillan, have a definite need to permanently exclude from my own life any and all persons who exhibit a lack of full confidence in my own high level of mental healthiness, Mr. Campbell stated to me inside his law firm office in 1997. The same Mr. Campbell, a member of the State Bar of Texas, repeatedly stated to me in person during meetings I had with him in his law firm in downtown Austin, Texas, that "I (John F. Campbell) have never seen any evidence of your being mentally ill."

--What might explain that at several of my full-time jobs in the last 17-year period, one work supervisor or another, including Ms. Betty Dougherty at the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles state agency in Austin, a Texas Department of Public Safety Motor Carrier Bureau work supervisor, and an editor at the "Victoria Advocate" daily newspaper in Victoria, Texas, and work supervisors of mine for Holt, Rinehart and Winston book-publishing company in Westlake Hills, Texas, have each stated to me in person that I was myself "too slow" at processing data on a computer or conducting interviews or in pursuing writing or word-processing duties for that employer, I was told....

--What prompted State Bar of Texas member Michael Robertson, a former classmate of mine at Austin High School, to state to me emphatically over the telephone from his law office one day in 1994 or 1995, this during a local phone call I made to his law office from the Kensington Motor Lodge in east Austin where I was living alone in an apartment at the time: "No one can force you (John K. McMillan) to have sex with that person, regardless of the individual."

--What prompted my sister-in-law, Sara McMillan of Austin, to advise me over the telephone in 1992 to stop keeping a personal journal during my leisuretime during a period in which I resided and worked for a general-circulation newspaper in Zapata, Texas. "If the Hispanic (sic) people of the Zapata area were to see those personal journal entries of yours, they might be so angered by them that they would physically attack you, John!" Sarah McMillan, a certified social worker and University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work alumna, stated to me over the telephone during a long-distance phone call I made to her and her husband’s home in Austin, Texas, from Zapata, Texas.

--What prompted my sister-in-law, Sara (Sarah?) McMillan of Austin, Texas, to volunteer to me over the telephone in 1996, during a long-distance phone call I made to her and Kent McMillan’s south Austin home from Denver City, Texas: "Many people think you (John McMillan) are being persecuted (sic) because of your own much greater emotional and aesthetic attraction toward heterosexual men than toward gay men."

----What prompted Dr. Madalyn Murray O’Hair of Austin, Texas, to emphatically state to me over the telephone from her American Atheist Press workplace in Austin, Texas, one day in the 1990s, "You (John K. McMillan) have very severe and extensive psychiatric (sic) problems, and...(you) will have to have many years of additional psychiatric treatment before you are cured of those severe mental health problems of yours!" (an approximate quote). I had made a phone call to herself that day in connection with my career-related search during that period.

----What might explain (why) with only one exception, no person has ever stated to me at any time since 2001 that he would like to invite me to live with that person or that he definitely wishes to live with me or definitely wishes to move in with me inside my residence....

--What might explain the fact that in the last 20-year period, no person whom I have myself become acquainted with in my personal life other than Aunt Allegra Dane of the Iowa City area of Iowa, Phyllis McMillan of Westlake Hills, Texas, or Julie McMillan Lechtenberger of Houston, Texas, each of them being relatives of mine, has ever directly stated to me in my personal life that he or she feels a platonic love toward me....

---What prompted Louis Black, editor of "The Austin Chronicle," to state to me over the telephone in 1997 or 1998, during a phone call I made to Mr. Black’s newspaper office from my Texas Department of Public Safety State of Texas agency workplace in north Austin, that "there is no circumstance in which ‘The Austin Chronicle’ would ever publish anything about yourself (John K. McMillan) or about your Progressive Prohibitionist Religion. 'The Austin Chronicle' has a policy against our ever publishing articles about civic groups here in town, since there are so many of them. They make nice contributions to our community, but we just don’t have the space or the resources to cover them all."

---What prompted Louis Black, editor of "The Austin Chronicle," to state to me in 1994 or 1995, during a local phone call I made to his newspaper office in Austin from a pay telephone in north Austin: "We don’t currently have any job openings at The Austin Chronicle. And even if we did have job openings here, I (Louis Black) would not ever consider employing you."

---What prompted Rich Oppel, editor in chief of "The Austin American-Statesman" daily newspaper that’s owned by the Cox newspaper chain, to state to me in 1997, this in a bluntly worded and signed reply letter, a copy of which I have kept in my personal legal files, and for the record I should emphasize that I had NOT been aware of having myself ever applied for a religion-writing job per se at "The Austin American-Statesman":

"September 17, 1997

"Mr. John McMillan

"P.O. Box 11517

"Austin, TX 78711

"Dear Mr. McMillan:

"Please, let’s discontinue the correspondence.

"You have written me many times, and I have answered at least once. The letters are essentially the same and the answer remains the same.


"1. We don’t have a religion writer’s job open. Kim Sue Lia Perkes very ably fills that.

"2. If we did, we would not consider you a candidate. Anyone who is ‘founder and president’ of a religious organization has surrendered any prospects of being a journalist for this newspaper. We need objective professionals, not practitioners in the areas to be covered.

"3. Given No. 2, there is no point in meeting.


"Rich Oppel


--What might explain why Federal Bureau of Investigation Agent Rick Copelin about five years ago volunteered to me in a local phone reply phone call I made to his Austin bureau FBI office that "there may be some government agency that is currently electronically surveillancing you (John K. McMillan). The state laws of Texas, from what I understand, would only authorize that if you were suspected of involvement in illicit drug trafficking. So it is very unlikely that any State of Texas-owned entity would be electronically surveillancing you, John, since there would be no legal authorization for it unless you were yourself involved in illicit drug trafficking."...

--What might explain why Austin resident McDonald Smith Jr., a former schoolmate of mine at Austin High School in Austin, Texas, volunteered to me over the telephone in 1994 or 1995, during a local phone call I made to him from the Kensington Motor Lodge in east Austin: "It would be illegal (sic) for you to meet your biological mother (Phyllis McMillan) in person."

--What might explain why Kent McMillan of Austin, Texas, in the mid-1990s stated to me over the telephone one day, "It would be illegal (sic) for any resident of Minnesota or any entity in Minnesota to have any current involvement in your (John McMillan’s) own life circumstances in Texas."...

--What might explain why Bill (William) Leach, a private-law attorney and member of the State Bar of Texas, in 1998 (chose) to write and give to me a signed legal letter on official stationary for his legal practice that assured me that the United States Constitution protects me against my being required to be an "indentured servant" to anyone, he helpfully volunteered in that legal letter on my behalf.

The exact wording of attorney Bill Leach’s December 10, 1998-dated and signed legal letter to myself is as follows:

"Mr. John McMillan

"P.O. Box 11517

"Austin, Texas 78711

"December 10, 1998

"Dear John:

"I am writing to confirm the verbal advice I gave you some time ago, during a lengthy conversation we had at Hernandez Café. At that time, you expressed concern that persons with whom you had a personal relationship, specifically those whom you had ‘dated’ in the past, might be able to assert some claim against you.

"Public policy in the State of Texas specifically precludes any claim for specific enforcement of any type of personal services. One of the primary reasons for this policy is the constitutional ban on involuntary servitude contained in the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution... It is my opinion that no party from your past can assert any claim against you, of the type we discussed.

"I am specifically not addressing the issue of any monetary payments for which you might be liable under traditional contract law. Specifically, but not by way of limitation, any sums for which you may be liable as a result of promissory notes, leases or other credit transactions are not covered by this letter. Hopefully this letter addresses the issues of concern to you. If you have any questions, or desire any additional information, please do not hesitate to let me know. Please let me take this opportunity to wish you the very best during this approaching holiday season and throughout the new year.

"Sincerely yours,

"William H. Leach, Jr.

"Attorney at Law."

---What might explain why my biological mother, Phyllis McMillan of Westlake Hills, Texas, stated to me in 1987, during a period in which I resided in Quincy, Massachusetts, that "the voices (sic) you (John McMillan) are hearing in the Boston area don’t do justice (sic) to you!"

---What prompted Nancy Besse of New Ulm, Minnesota, to volunteer to me in 1990 or 1991, during a long-distance phone call I made to her home from my apartment in Sweetwater, Texas: "Your phone call to me today reminds me that I used to have some friends of mine whom I regarded as wholesome (sic) at the time, but no longer do." It struck me as very possible that Nancy Besse was indicating to me that she possibly had previously regarded me as "wholesome" in 1980, when she first met me, and that she had concluded otherwise since then.

--What prompted Nancy Besse of New Ulm, Minnesota, to volunteer to me one day in the 1980s ,during a return visit of mine to New Ulm from Minneapolis in which she conveyed a surprising emotional detachment from me a matter of a year or two after she had declared me in person in New Ulm, Minnesota, to be her "adopted brother" one day in 1980 on the grounds of the annual Heritage Fest German-style civic event in New Ulm: "I think you (John K. McMillan) are going to write about me (Nancy Besse) someday, and it won’t be nice (sic)."...

---What prompted Charles Hilty of Washington, D.C., a self-described conservative Republican and congressional aide to Congressman Madigan of Illinois, to send me a postcard to myself in 1980 in New Ulm, Minnesota, which declared Minnesota to be "a favorite state of mine (Charles Hilty)" and advised me to "listen" carefully to what the people I encountered in my life in Minnesota were saying to me, with the front of that postcard featuring a photograph of a statue of a partially nude Roman goddess, Venus, that was itself situated at a public place in the Soviet Union, according to the postcard.

---What prompted Phyllis McMillan of Austin, Texas, to declare to me in 1989 or 1990, during a long-distance phone call I made to her home from Big Spring, Texas: "Some new developments that could occur in your life soon will give you a completely different perspective on the circumstances of your own life that you are having in Big Spring."

--What prompted some person identifying himself as "Sammy Salami" (sic), a cited editor of "The Houston Chronicle" daily newspaper, to send me a completely unsolicited FAX in 1996 that I received at my "Denver City Press" newspaper office and that stated that he agreed that I had had rough circumstances in my own life during that period, and that promised me a very generous salary of about $100,000 per year in my expected capacity as a staff writer for "The Houston Chronicle" who would myself be expected to "write about the bar and nightclub scene in Houston," the FAX writer noted. "You would qualify for full Met Life Insurance policy in connection with that career for yourself." When I called the Houston Chronicle office in Houston, Texas, from Denver City in 1996 to inquire about that FAX, I was told that it had been a fraudulent letter, and that no one from "The Houston Chronicle" daily newspaper had in fact sent that to me, an editor there told me.’’

 --What might explain why a private-law attorney in the Houston area volunteered to me over the telephone in a recent year that "you (John K. McMillan) may have acquired a statewide reputation for being a queer-basher."...

--What might explain why Janet Rosenbloom of New Ulm, Minnesota, herself a former work supervisor of mine at "The (New Ulm, Minnesota) Journal" general-circulation daily newspaper in the 1980s, volunteered to me one day in the 1990s during a long-distance phone call I made to herself from a city in Texas: "The many rumors you hear in Texas are a case of false (sic) prophets (sic)."

---What might explain why a former social studies teacher of mine at Austin High in Austin, Texas, Mr. Bernie Owen of Austin, in 1992 volunteered to me over the telephone during a local phone call I made to his home from my Kensington Motor Lodge residence in east Austin, "You have acquired a public reputation for being prejudiced. The United States Constitution says you (John McMillan) have a legal right to guide yourself in your life by your prejudices, if you wish. You also have a legal right to be wrong in those prejudices of yours."...

--What prompted Kent McMillan of Austin, Texas, to state to myself in 1994, I believe it was, during a long-distance phone call I made to his home from west Texas: "I (Kent McMillan) believe that you will regret having expressed an initial affinity toward someone from your past." At no time did Kent McMillan ever elaborate as to who that person was.

---What prompted Kent McMillan of Austin, Texas, to state to me in 1996, during a long-distance phone call I made to his home from Denver City, Texas: "I (Kent McMillan) that many of the people of your past who have wronged (sic) you (John K. McMillan) have been Jewish (sic)."

--What prompted attorney John F. Campbell of Campbell & Morgan Law Firm in Austin, Texas, to verbally warn me in a signed legal reply letter, this during a period of the late 1990s in which he provided me with legal-consultation and some legal-representation services, "John, I hope very much that your (John K. McMillan) own life circumstances in Austin, Texas, don’t get to the point that you yourself have no personal life, and all of your involvements with others are strictly professional involvements for themselves. That would be a very grim scenario for you, if that were to ever occur for you here in Austin, and I hope very much that that will never occur for you."

---What prompted a State Government of Texas official, Cy (sp?) Tabor, an Anglo man in his 20s or 30s who was himself a State of Texas social services state agency in Snyder, Texas, to state to me in 1994, during a two-person meeting I had with himself at his state agency office in Snyder in which I observed that he had some bottles of beer a matter of inches from himself that he was planning to drink in some social context for himself later that day, and I quote the following question he posed to me: "Why do you (John K. McMillan) continue to beat (sic) a dead (sic) horse (sic) through your many stated criticisms of and cited alienation from the gay community in Texas? That is counter-productive for you, John."...

---What might explain why Dan Hardick, a representative for "The Austin Chronicle" newspaper in Austin, Texas, volunteered to me one day in 1997 or 1998, during a visit of mine to his newspaper office, that "possibly you (John K. McMillan) are not getting any responses to your personals ads in ‘The Austin Chronicle’ because there is a gay (sic) professor in the Austin area who may be wrecking havoc upon your (John K. McMillan’s) own quest for a social life and romantic life in this metro area."

--What might explain why Dan Hardick, a representative for "The Austin Chronicle" newspaper in Austin,Texas, to state to me in 1997 or 1998, during an in-person meeting I had with Mr. Hardick at his newspaper office in north Austin: "Your getting zero responses in response to your several recent personal ads you have placed in ‘The Austin Chronicle’ this year suggest to me (Dan Hardick) that possibly the demographics (sic) of the Austin (sic) metro area are not compatible with you (John K. McMillan)." There are approximately one million persons residing in the Austin metropolitan area.

--What prompted Charles Hilty, then an official of the federal government in Washington, D.C., to state to me in 1990 or 1989, during a long-distance phone call I made to his office in Washington D.C. from my residence in Big Spring, Texas, I believe it was, that "it would be IMPOSSIBLE for you (John K. McMillan) to ‘non-participate’ in the world around you. You are employed as a newspaper reporter, and to be a first-rate reporter you have to immerse yourself in the world around you, including during your leisuretime, and become extensively involved in that world." In that same long-distance phone conversation, if I remember correctly, Mr. Hilty stated to me, "I (Charles Hilty) support this project in regard to yourself (John K. McMillan)."

---What prompted North Carolina business reporter Dave Mildenberg to state to me in 1988 or 1989, during a long-distance phone call I made to his home or business in North Carolina from my apartment in El Campo, Texas: "I (Dave Mildenberg) agree (exact word) (with yourself, John K. McMillan, and your stated outlook that others’ have put too much emphasis on your own sexual identity, and their own view of yourself, John K. McMillan, in sexual or gender-related or sexual identity-related terms). You are a platonically polite and friendly masculine cleancut gentleman, and you should have as many heterosexual men friends as you like, in mutual-consent cases….I agree with you (John K. McMillan) that you should not have to lead a gay-centered lifestyle, even though others have that expectation of yourself (John K. McMillan). They are very unreasonable in having that outlook toward you there in Texas." (approximate quote).

--What prompted Kevin Diaz, then a graduate student in journalism at The University of Minnesota-Minneapolis and a reporter for "The Minnesota Daily" student newspaper on that campus, to volunteer to myself, John K. McMillan, one day in 1983 or 1984: "That humor column you wrote for ‘The Minnesota Daily’ about your various accidents and mishaps on the roadways as a motorist was very funny, John. But it also made you look like a boob (sic) who is very ignorant." The same Kevin Diaz told me several times in 1983 and 1984 that I reminded him a lot of his wife, a tall dark-haired, slender female professional dancer, "because you and she are both very vulnerable (sic) persons," Kevin Diaz said.

--What prompted Donna Turk, an editor of a special auto-care supplement to "The Minnesota Daily" in 1983 or 1984, to refuse to publish a photograph that photographer Layne Kennedy (??) had taken of myself, then age 27 or age 26, with that photograph showing myself fully attired in blue jeans and a casual shirt and standing near a demolished automobile at a Minneapolis junkyard as an illustration for my humor column for that student newspaper about various auto accidents and automotive incidents I had had on roadways, including in the Minneapolis area, with Ms. Turk on her volition stating to me in person inside "The Minnesota Daily" newsroom: "That photograph of yourself looked like something from ‘Playgirl’ magazine, John. It was too sexually provocative for ‘The Minnesota Daily,’ and that is why I (Donna Turk) made the editorial decision to prevent that photograph of yourself from being published in our campus newspaper here in Minneapolis."

--What prompted Chris Barbee, managing editor of "The El Campo Leader-News," to state to me one day in the late 1990s, I believe it was, during a long-distance phone call I made to his and his wife’s home in El Campo, Texas, from my apartment at 2518 Leon Street near UT-Austin: "An employer might have doubts about your own (John K. McMillan’s) level of emotional (sic) stability (sic), since your resume shows a lot of discontinuity and spottiness. You have worked for numerous employers, and it is best to show greater continuity with the same employer."

---Why is it that so few Texans who have communicated with me on the subject have themselves directly acknowledged the accuracy of my beloved biological Mother’s repeated and emphatic assurances to me over the telephone in the early 1990s: "NO ONE is forcing you to have ANY involvement with ANY gay persons. It is strictly up to yourself, John, as to whether you (John K. McMillan) ever at any time choose to have any gay or lesbian friends or any involvement with any gay or lesbian persons."

--What prompted U.S. Representative Lloyd Doggett, in a surprising E-mail letter specifically addressed to myself, John K. McMillan, to state to me about five years ago, or words to this effect: "John (McMillan), I (Rep. Doggett) am sure that you strongly support increased federal funding for AIDS treatment and AIDS research." As I pointed out in a reply letter on the matter to Rep. Doggett, with himself later apologizing for the assumption he had made to me in the original letter he had sent me, I myself have NEVER stated to Rep. Doggett that I myself support increased federal funding for AIDS treatment or for AIDS research, and in point of fact, as an alternative emphasis, I strongly support increased federal criminal-law prosecution of any and all persons who infect anyone with the HIV virus, for instance. I also emphasized to Rep. Doggett in my letter of complaint about his own conduct toward me which elicited an apology letter from himself, that I myself am NOT a member of the so-called gay community, and that I myself definitely am NOT a member of the so-called AIDS community, either, and that no gay group or gay person anywhere in the world represents me in any way, etc. At no time did Rep. Doggett ever state to me that he himself disputed any portion of the information I provided Rep. Doggett in my letter objecting to his own presumptuous, inaccurate, and inappropriate conduct toward myself.

--What prompted the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission in its personnel records about myself (records I later obtained through a Texas Open Records request I submitted in 2002, I believe it was) that that state agency had generated in November of 2001, to paraphrase in writing a cited statement about myself, John K. McMillan, that Bob McVey, publisher of "The Zapata County News" newspaper in Zapata, Texas, reportedly had made to that state agency in the context of the TNRCC doing additional background checks on me before it would then consider offering me a formal job offer there, by quoting Mr. McVey as saying that "John McMillan should not be permitted by any employer to himself work in the presence of or work with children, since John K. McMillan is not trustworthy around children." Mr. McVey reportedly made that statement to the TNRCC despite the fact that I had reported on education for "The Zapata County News" and there had never once been any incident involving myself and any minor in the Zapata area during my multi-month period of employment there in 1992.

--What prompted an official of the Texas (Department of) Mental Health and Mental Retardation at Big Spring State Hospital in Big Spring, Texas, to note about myself in early 1990 in a psychiatric report that I later obtained through a Texas Open Records request, that "there seems to be some doubt here in Big Spring about Mr. (John) McMillan’s sexual (sic) preferences (sic), which may possibly include juveniles (sic)."

--What prompted a cousin of mine living in North Las Vegas, Mr. Ron Orr, to state to me over the telephone several years ago during a long-distance phone call I made to that retired military man at his home: ‘Your father (Dr. Calvin McMillan) was a lot straighter (sic) than you (John K. McMillan) are."

--What might explain why two psychologists whom I consulted in person in 1988 in Texas (a female psychologist based in Westlake Hills, Texas, and a Dr. Greeson (sp?) based in Wharton, Texas) each stated to me during my first-ever session with each of them that I, John K. McMillan, was not mentally ill and that I had no apparent need for mental-health counseling, each of them stated to me that day inside their psychotherapy clinics in Texas.

--What prompted Bernie Owen, himself a former social studies teacher of mine at Austin High School in Austin, Texas, to volunteer to me, much to my surprise, when I called Mr. Owen from my apartment in northwest Austin to ask Mr. Owen if he would be willing to serve as a witness for me in my various career discrimination complaints I had filed against state and local agencies in Austin, Texas, with the Texas Commission on Human Rights state agency in Austin: "I know there has been career-related discrimination against you in Austin, Texas, John! Your brother Kent (McMillan of Austin, Texas) has been the source of that, and I (Bernie Owen of Austin) will be willing to volunteer that agency to the Texas Commission on Human Rights if you volunteer my name as a cited witness for you in connection with each of your career-discrimination complaints you’ve filed there."

----What might explain why Dr. Carolyn Boyd, during a period in which she held the title of chairman of the History Department at The University of Texas at Austin, in late 1994 or early 1995 emphatically stated to me over the telephone one day during a local phone call I made to herself from another UT-Austin office building where I was employed as a temporary at the time, "I (Dr. Boyd) don’t want you (John McMillan) ever again visiting Garrison Hall (on the UT-Austin campus, where the History Department offices are housed)!" When I later made a telephone call to a secretary of Dr. Boyd in order to inquire further about that stated policy, that female secretary informed me over the telephone that Dr. Carolyn Boyd was merely making a "personal request" of mine, and not an official request on behalf of the University of Texas at Austin administration.

----What might help explain why I, John Kevin McMillan, have either almost never or only very rarely received any personal phone calls or personal letters or personal E-mail notes or knocks at the front door of my apartment, throughout nearly all of the most recent eight-year period in which I have resided inside the city limits of Austin, Texas, throughout that entire eight-year period?

--What might explain why despite my own friendliness toward a wide range of persons in the Austin area ever since I moved back to Austin in March of 1997, I have been invited by another person to attend a meal or social party hosted by that person on fewer than 10 total occasions in the entire period since March of 1997.

--What might explain the fact that the Office of the Attorney General state agency of the State Government of Texas has officially granted approximately 10 (or possibly even more) total exceptions to the Texas Open Records Law to a variety of government institutions, including The University of Texas at Austin and The University of Texas System in Austin, in response to Open Records requests I have submitted separately to each of those institutions in the period since 1997.

---What might explain why Lee Kelly, a reporter for "The Austin American-Statesman" daily newspaper in Austin, Texas, emphatically stated to me over the telephone in 1989, 1990, or 1991 during a long-distance phone call I made to herself from either Big Spring, Texas, or Sweetwater, Texas: "If you (John McMillan) get a reputation for complaining in your personal journals and over the telephone about your own circumstances in Texas, no major newspaper anywhere in this state will be willing to hire you!"

---What might explain why Charles Hilty of Washington, D.C., himself an official of the United States Government at the time, stated to me in 1988, during a long-distance phone call I made to himself from my parents’ home in Westlake Hills, Texas: "I (Charles Hilty) recommend that you reject and stay away from Eric Schwarz and any permutation (sic) of that theme." Mr. Hilty thereby appeared to suggest that I would meet future masculine and physically attractive, cleancut, youthful, athletically talented, very motivated or aggressive professionally employed single adult gentlemen whom Mr. Hilty automatically and in advance of my having ever met ANY of those gentlemen could himself offer his own view that I should not myself associate with any of those gentlemen in my own personal life, in the view of Mr. Hilty.

--What might explain why a social worker at Big Spring State Hospital of the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation staff in 1990, during a two-person consultation I had with himself at that psychiatric state-owned hospital in Austin, Texas, volunteered to me with no context to his comment, "Even if you (John K. McMillan) were to move to San Francisco (sic), California, you would find that heterosexual men there would verbally assault you and express animosity toward you, based on your (John McMillan) being perceived by themselves as gay." I had not even mentioned the city of San Francisco to that social worker, which made his comment to me doubly shocking to me. I also regard it as disappointing, in retrospect, that the State of Texas-employed, Indian-born social worker in question did not cite to me any prospect of any gay male persons, any homosexual male persons, any bisexual male persons, any lesbian persons, or any heterosexual female persons, for that matter, who, in that scenario involving the city of San Francisco, would account for any of the predicted antipathy toward me to which he said I would definitely have encountered based on my being perceived as "gay," he said, had I myself ever chosen to move to San Francisco, California.

---What might explain why a female adult official of the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation during an oral presentation inside the State of Texas-owned Austin State Hospital in the spring of 1990 that she made before a ward of psychiatric patients confined there against their will, myself among those persons, suddenly glanced at me and declared, "Some of you may not (sic) be mentally ill, but you were confined here, anyway."

---What might explain why Sarah Goodfriend of Washington, D.C., in 1988 or 1989, during a long-distance phone call I made to her private residence from my apartment in El Campo, Texas, responded to a question of mine that had been prompted by rumors along those lines I had heard in Texas, by herself saying: "If you were to move to San Francisco, California, that would not accomplish anything for you. You would still be very preoccupied (sic) with (sic) your own sexuality there."

--What might explain why Suzanne Bryant, a private-law attorney in Washington, D.C., in 1988 or 1989 stated to myself, John K. McMillan, over the telephone during a long-distance phone call I made to her and her roommate Sarah Goodfriend’s private residence in Washington, D.C.: "Your circumstances in Texas these days are a lot like being in the (United States) military." I have never been employed by the United States Armed Forces at any time in my life, I wish to emphasize.

---What might explain why a 1990 response to a personals ad that I had place in ‘The Austin Chronicle" alternative newspaper in Austin, Texas, featured this cryptic message from a self-identified gay man: "If you are who I think you are, I want to break (sic) every bone (sic) in your body! If you are not that person, though, I would be interested in going out on a date with you."

---What might explain why Chris Barbee, editor of "The El Campo Leader-News" newspaper in El Campo, Texas, stated to me over the telephone in 1997, during a long-distance phone call I made to himself from my apartment unit along Salado Street near UT-Austin: "I don’t see how any media company that might be currently involved in your own life circumstances in Austin, Texas, could deprive you of the legal right to yourself develop a mutual-consent sexual romantic life on your own terms. It would be impossible (sic) for any media company to prevent you from developing a mutual-consent sexual romantic life for yourself in Austin, Texas."

--What might explain why John Broders, an assistant to the editor of "Texas Monthly" magazine, in 2000 or 2001, during a local phone call I made to his magazine office in downtown office from my Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles office building in north Austin, responded to stated concerns of mine that day about incessant rumors I had heard in Austin to the effect that "Temple Beth Israel" (exact quote) Reform Judaistic religious congregation in Austin, Texas, had allegedly participated in verbal harassment of myself, John K. McMillan, according to those rumors I had heard about which I had not been able to determine whether they were true or false, by Mr. John Broders stating to me in that same phone conversation:"No, that’s not it. There may be an unethical (sic) media (sic) company (sic) that has been verbally harassing you, John (McMillan)." The same John Broders has never been willing to elaborate on that at any time since then....

--What might explain why my mother, Phyllis McMillan, in 1992 or 1993, during a period in which I resided in Pampa, Texas, declared to me one day over the telephone, during a long-distance phone call I made to her home in Westlake Hills: "You may be preparing for a career in television, John, and it often takes many years to prepare for a career like that." The comment was curious, partly because I have never once told or informed Mother that I would like to be employed by any television network or television station, to the best of my recollection.

----What might explain why my biological mother, Phyllis McMillan, in 1990 or 1989 ,during a long-distance phone call I made to her home in Westlake Hills, Texas, from my apartment in Big Spring, Texas, volunteered to me the following statement: "Many people believe that you (John K. McMillan) have incurred an obligation to have an involvement with the gay community at some point in your future. For that, you would have to move to an urban area where there are large numbers of gay men." For the record, I have repeatedly told Mother that I do NOT want to myself have an involvement with the so-called gay community, or with any gay group, and that I am a law-abiding rejector of the gay rights movement who prefers to myself associate with a much higher percentage of all heterosexual adult men than of all homosexual adult men or all bisexual adult men, in particular....

 ---What might explain why Charles Hilty, then an official of the United States Government, in early 1992, during a period in which I resided in Yoakum, Texas, volunteered to me over the telephone during a pay telephone call I made to Mr. Hilty from Yoakum: "You (John K. McMillan) would be perfectly safe (sic) anywhere in the entire world, regardless of the country, where you yourself might ever choose to live."

---What might explain why Richard Jalowy of the El Campo area of Texas in 1997, during a long-distance phone call I made to his home from my apartment at 2518 Leon Street, Apartment 101, near UT-Austin (that phone call having occurred a matter of days after Richard Jalowy sent me a letter stating that he would like to keep up with me—a letter he wrote and mailed to me in response to a generally worded letter to the editor of "The El Campo Leader-News" that I had written in which I invited any and all El Campo-area residents who wanted to keep up with me, without any names of any resident there being cited in that published letter, to send me a letter or call me), stated to me: "I’m very sure that all of the persons who are verbally harassing you (John K. McMillan) in Austin, Texas, are all heterosexual (sic) men (sic), with no other persons being involved in that verbal harassment of yourself (John K. McMillan)."

--What prompted the LBJ School of Public Affairs at UT-Austin to dismiss me from my permanent and full-time clerical job there, this about six days before my birthday of April 27, 1995, and then to impose a permanent ban on my ever again being considered for employment by that LBJ School of Public Affairs at UT-Austin?

---What prompted the director of the temporary employment service at The University of Texas at Austin one day in the mid-1990s to himself impose a permanent ban on myself, John K. McMillan, ever again being considered for employment by that temp employment service administered by and at UT-Austin?

--What prompted Cheryl McVay, my immediate work supervisor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, to write a very flattering signed letter of recommendation for me, a signed letter praising me as "exceedingly polite," a matter of about three or four days after Ms. McVay during a two-person meeting with me at the LBJ School in April of 1995 fired me from my full-time clerical job at the LBJ School on the UT-Austin campus, with Ms. McVay at the time of my dismissal stating to me that "You (John K. McMillan) have been the most (sic) disruptive ( sic) employee in the entire history of the LBJ School of Public Affairs!"

---What might explain why Richard Jalowy of the El Campo area of Texas one day in the late 1990s wrote me a reply E-mail letter or letter in which he stated, "It seems to me that your (John K. McMillan’s) family (sic) is uncomfortable with your (John K. McMillan) being gay, and this is causing lots of problems for you in the Austin area. I recommend that you (John McMillan) join a gay support group during this period. That should help you."

---What might explain why Arthur Rauch of Austin, Texas, responded to a 1988 or 1989 comment I cited to Mr. Rauch over the telephone that had been verbalized to me by attorney Mark Williamson of Minneapolis, in which Mark Williamson cited the distinct possibility that a Howard Goldberg was publishing personal journal entries of mine in the newspaper, by Mr. Rauch replying in that 1988 or 1989 phone conversation: "NONE of your (John K. McMillan’s) personal journal entries are being published anywhere."

--What might explain why Phyllis McMillan in 1993 or 1994, during a long-distance phone call I made to her home in Westlake Hills, Texas, from my apartment in Pampa, Texas, volunteered to me one day that either my own perceived antipathy toward the gay subculture or others’ perception of me as being "gay," and I forget which of those two scenarios Mother cited in that particular phone conversation, "will cause many years of negative repercussions for you in your (John K. McMillan’s) own life," she warned me that day.

---What might explain why Kent McMillan, in an uncharacteristically panicky-sounding voice, volunteered to me one day in 1994 or 1995, I believe it was, during a local phone call I made to his home from my apartment at the Kensington Motor Lodge in east Austin: "You may find, John, that someday you have to work for a state agency in Texas in which your work supervisor is gay." I have repeatedly indicated and directly stated to Kent McMillan through the decades that I myself seek to significantly increase the number and percentage of adult men in my own overall life and career who are, in fact, masculine heterosexual men; and that warning from Kent of some alternative scenario was very shocking and anxiety-inducing to me, and was very demoralizing to me.

--What prompted Kent McMillan in 1990 or 1991, during a period in which I resided in Sweetwater, Texas, to volunteer to me over the telephone one day during a long-distance phone call I made to his home from my apartment in Sweetwater: "The discussions that others have subjected you to about the gay theme and about the gay community appear to me to be a red (sic) herring (sic). Some other issue is in fact the real issue applicable to your own life and life circumstances these days." Kent McMillan has never elaborated upon that disclosure he made to me in 1990 or 1991.

--What prompted Kent McMillan in 1992, during a long-distance phone call I made to his home in Austin from my rental apartment in Zapata, Texas, in which I expressed concern that the gay-rights movement had somehow exploited me to by attempting to cite me as someone who somehow was involved in that movement, in their view, by Kent McMillan assuring me in that same phone conversation: "Gay rights (sic) would be a very inappropriate (sic) implication of this experience you (John K. McMillan) have encountered in Texas."

--What prompted Michael Stephens, during a 1986 meeting I had with him in the Lockhart area of Texas, where he was editor of "The Lockhart Post-Register" newspaper at the time, to volunteer to me one day: "John, you were a very nervous (sic) guy during your days as a reporter for ‘The Daily Texan’ student newspaper."

--What prompted Phyllis McMillan of Westlake Hills, Texas, to emphatically declare to me over the telephone in 1991, during a long-distance phone call I made to her home from a pay telephone in Cuero, Texas: "Whether you are perceived as mentally healthy or not has no bearing of any type on why these anonymous background voices that you hear are continuing. It is not an issue in this at all."

--What prompted Andrew McGavran of Austin, Texas, to declare to me one day in 1988, during an in-person meeting I had with himself inside his family’s home: "You (John K. McMillan) are awfully straight (sic) for an intellectual (sic)." Mr. McGavran did not elaborate upon that statement in any way. He repeatedly urged me to consume marijuana with himself in the 1980s and 1990s, incidentally, and I repeatedly declined. I finally lawfully terminated my friendship with himself in the late 1990s through a phone call I made to Andrew McGavran, this after I concluded, with help from my Texas Department of Public Safety state agency employer in Austin, that I myself should not have any personal friends who consume any quantity of illicit drugs.

--What prompted Dr. Calvin McMillan of Westlake Hills, Texas, to declare emphatically in my presence during a family dinner in Father’s and Mother’s home at which several of my relatives were present: "I am appalled by these idiots (sic) who insist on broadcasting (sic) everything (sic) all over the place!"

--What might explain why Kent McMillan of Austin, Texas, repeatedly volunteered to me in 1990 and 1991, during a period in which I lived in Sweetwater, Texas, and was subjected there to complete and uninterrupted celibacy throughout all of my waking hours: "San Francisco, California, has always been a city that our entire family has regarded as the place where romantic couples get married. As you recall, Mother and Father were married inside a Swedenborgian Church in San Francisco back in the late 1940s. This is probably why you (John K. McMillan) yourself sense that you hear repeated rumors in Sweetwater, Texas, about San Francisco, California, and about others’ apparently expecting you to move there, John. You look upon San Francisco, as does everyone in our family, as a city where romantic couples get married. San Francisco has a special romantic allure for everyone in our family."

---What might explain why a resident of Sweetwater, Texas, in 1990 made an anonymous phone call to my private residence in which she stated to me: "Your recent newspaper column in the local newspaper here in which you deplored the presence of military machinery at a municipal park in Sweetwater tells me that you are anti-American. You should move to Russia (sic), since it’s obvious you are a communist and a traitor to the United States!"

---What prompted Richard Goldsmith, an official of the Texas Department of Transportation state agency in Austin, Texas, to state to me over the telephone in 1997, during a local phone call I made to him, "You (John K. McMillan) live in Austin for several more years and try to develop a social life, for all the good (sic) it would do you." Mr. Goldsmith later elaborated upon that prediction of complete personal failure for myself in my own quest for a strictly-mutual-consent sexual romantic life and platonic social life for myself in Austin, Texas, by Mr. Goldsmith stating to me in a follow-up phone call I made a year or two later to his state agency office from my apartment at 2518 Leon Street near UT-Austin: "There is no legal barrier to your (John McMillan) developing a full social life and romantic life here in Austin. I (Richard Goldsmith) just know (sic) how Austin is toward you (John K. McMillan)."

---What might explain why Kent McMillan of Austin, Texas, for the first time ever, in early 1994, during a long-distance phone call I made to his home from my residence in Pampa, Texas, declared: "Your men friends don’t ALL (sic) have to be homosexual (sic), John."...

--What might explain why David Ferris, Civil Probate Division director of the Travis County County Clerk’s Office of Travis County Government in Austin, Texas, in 2001, during a local phone call I made to his office from my apartment at that time at Unit 1638 at Wind River Crossing Apartments in northwest Austin, volunteered to me on that one occasion: "There seems to be an organized campaign by many Austin-area residents to drive (sic) you (John K. McMillan) out of the Austin area!"...

--What might explain why Roland Klose of Memphis, Tennessee, volunteered to me over the telephone in 1994 that Roland Klose had been answering questions about me in 1994 that were being posed to himself by journalists, he stated to me in 1994 during a long-distance phone call I made to his home in Tennessee from my apartment in Kermit, Texas.

---What might explain why a primary care physician for myself in Austin, Ms. Teresa Coats of Central Austin Internists, told me during a medical examination of myself in 2001 or 2002, I believe it was, inside her medical clinic near St. David’s Hospital, "I (Dr. Coats, a Texas Tech Medical school alumna) don’t believe that you (John McMillan) are schizophrenic (sic). I (Dr. Coats) believe you are instead schizo-effective (sic)."

--What might explain why Carol See of Columbia, Maryland, in 1986 and 1987, and, in addition, at least once in the early 1990s, repeatedly stated to me over the telephone during long-distance phone calls I made to her home from Quincy, Mass., and from a city in Texas: "Why would anyone spend millions of dollars (sic) just to attempt to ruin (sic) your (John K. McMillan’s) own life?"

---What might explain why a poem about myself by McDonald Smith Jr. of Austin that was written and read aloud by Mr. Smith Jr., a schoolmate of mine and debate squad colleague at Stephen F. Austin High School in Austin, Texas, on my April 27 birthday in either 1973 or 1974, declared that "many have speculated about John’s expected (sic) demise (sic), but something that has never lived, cannot (sic) die (sic)," with Mr. Smith’s reading of that poem triggering uproarious laughter from most of the debate squad members present at a banquet that day that took place inside a cafeteria near Barton Springs Boulevard near Congress Avenue in central Austin.

--What might explain why a security guard for "The Baytown News" daily newspaper that was my employer at the time, and a security guard for "The Austin American-Statesman" daily newspaper in Austin, Texas, each directly stated in 1995 and one day in the late 1990s, respectively, that I appeared to be a security risk for management at that newspaper, this without any formal allegation against myself ever being filed by either publication and without any specific complaint of any property damage or alleged physical harassment of any person having ever been cited to me by any staff member of either of those two daily newspapers in Texas. Each newspaper’s respective security guards stated to me---incorrectly, I emphatically maintain----that I was myself believed to be possibly capable of committing a destructive act of violence that day inside that daily newspaper building in Baytown and in Austin, respectively.

----What might explain why an editor of "The Galveston Daily News" daily newspaper in Galveston, Texas, invited me to drive about 100 miles, from Yoakum, Texas, to Galveston, Texas, in 1992, I believe it was, in order to myself be interviewed for a reporting job at Galveston, only to have a female editor terminate that job interview within five seconds after it began by abruptly stating to me inside her office, "We don’t have any job vacancies for you (John McMillan), but we wish you luck in your job search" (approximate quote).

--What prompted Austin resident Liz Airth, a retired librarian for The University of Texas at Austin’s Perry Castaneda Library, to volunteer to me about five years ago, during a local phone call I made to her home in Austin, "I (Mrs. Airth) am very sure that UT-Austin is sadistic (sic)."...

--What might explain why Kent McMillan of Austin, Texas, over a multi-year period, including in 1995 when I made a phone call to him from my apartment in Baytown, Texas, in which I complained to my oldest brother that I had developed a major weight problem in this state, habitually stated to me in response: "Most people find that gaining weight is a common aspect of the aging process."

---What might explain why my biological father, Dr. Calvin McMillan, in the summer of 1991 chose to volunteer to me over the telephone that there had been a recent news story on television he had seen about a "strange" scandal involving "strange" impropriety that Father called my attention to by a "British corporation" that Father identified to me over the telephone in a statement he volunteered to me that day during a phone call I made to his Westlake Hills home from my rental residence in Cuero, Texas?

---What might explain why Charles Hilty, during a period in which he was employed by the United States Government in Washington, D.C., chose on his own volition in the summer of 1991 to volunteer to me, this during a long-distance phone call I made to himself from my rental residence in Cuero, Texas, that "I (Charles Hilty) would fully understand if you (John K. McMillan) were to choose to move to another country at some point." Mr. Hilty did not specify which foreign nation was the foreign country he had in mind, nor did he ever do so.

---What might explain why Dr. Michael McMillan volunteered to me over the telephone in 1990, during a long-distance phone call I made to the Westlake Hills, Texas, home of his parents, Dr. Calvin and Mrs. Phyllis McMillan, that I, John Kevin McMillan, was somehow being televised in some context during a period of my life in which I was, in fact, working for the daily general-circulation newspaper in Sweetwater, Texas.

--What might explain the emphatic revulsion and hysteria and extreme embarrassment toward myself that Dr. Michael McMillan acknowledged he was himself experiencing in 1990 from his cited experience of himself watching me on television, he said, in some context unbeknownst to myself, an outlook that he conveyed during that same telephone conversation I made to himself at his parents’ home in Westlake Hills, Texas, from my daily newspaper office in Sweetwater, Texas.

---What prompted Ann Rotramel, a retired podiatrist in New Ulm, Minnesota, to volunteer to me over the telephone in 1988, during a long-distance phone call I made to her home from El Campo, Texas: "From what I (Ann Rotramel) have seen of you (John K. McMillan) in recent years, I would not want to (romantically) date you, either." I had last seen Ann Rotramel in person in the early 1980s.

---What might explain why Sarah Goodfriend of Washington, D.C., in 1989 or 1990 chose to volunteer to me during a long-distance phone call I made to her residence from my apartment in Big Spring, Texas, that "you (John Kevin McMillan) have nice dreams about women." I had never cited to her any dreams about women that I had had, from what I can recall off-hand.

----What might explain why my biological mother, Mrs. Phyllis McMillan of Westlake Hills, Texas, in 1988 or 1989 volunteered to me over the telephone, during a long-distance phone call I made to her home from my apartment in El Campo, Texas: "In your dreams (sic), you (John McMillan) are a woman (sic)." Mother volunteered that outlook to me during a phone call I made to herself in which I had not cited any information of that type at all.

--What prompted Phyllis McMillan of Westlake Hills, Texas, to volunteer to me over the telephone without any context to it in 1988 or 1989, during a long-distance phone call I made to her home from my private residence in El Campo, Texas: "You (John K. McMillan) always were a lot more aggressive (sic) than your brother Michael was."

---What might explain why my biological mother, Mrs. Phyllis McMillan of Westlake Hills, Texas, on several occasions in the late 1980 and early 1990s, including during a long-distance phone call I made to her home from my rental residence in Cuero, Texas, that "you (John K. McMillan) may be hearing voices (sic) the rest of your life, John."

--What might explain why a male middle-aged or senior-citizen Lutheran or United Methodist Church pastor of a church in Bay City, Texas, stated to me in person in a personal context for me one day in 1988 or 1989 at his church in Bay City: "Unless you (John K. McMillan) can develop an intimate bond with at least one other person, your own (John K. McMillan) future is completely hopeless and doomed to failure" (an approximate quote).

---What might explain why Kent McMillan of Austin, Texas, in 1991 or 1992, during a long-distance phone call I made to his home from Yoakum, Texas, where I was or had been employed as a reporter for a general-circulation newspaper based in Yoakum: "The seemingly promising initial rapports you develop with other persons in your leisuretime in Yoakum are all doomed to failure from the start. None of those persons will ever have any involvement in your own future."

--What prompted Kent McMillan of Austin, Texas, to volunteer to me in 1996, during a long-distance phone call I made to his home from Denver City, Texas, where I was employed as an editor of a general-circulation newspaper in Denver City at the time: "It would be inappropriate for ANY of the persons whom you have ever previously encountered at any time in your life to hold any legal status or legal authority in regard to yourself (John K. McMillan) at any time in the present or future of your life."

--What prompted Michael McMillan, a biological relative of mine, to state to me in person in 1994, during a personal visit of his to Snyder, Texas, where I resided at the time: "All of the people of your own (John K. McMillan’s) past were sadistic (sic)."...

--What might explain why Henrike McGavran, the German-born wife of Andrew McGavran, volunteered to me in 1997 or 1995, and I forget which, inside her family’s home in east Austin, during a visit of mine to that home: "If an injustice (sic) has been done to you (John K. McMillan), your consulting a private-law attorney here in Austin can help you (John K. McMillan)."

--What might explain why my oldest brother, Kent McMillan, stated to me in 1991, during a long-distance phone call I made to his Austin home from my apartment in Sweetwater, Texas, that "you (John K. McMillan) are being persecuted (sic)!"

--What prompted an officer of the Austin (TX) Police Department who served campus-area residents, APD Office Vineyard, to emphatically state to myself, John K. McMillan, one day in the late 1990s over the telephone: "You (John K. McMillan) don’t have to have a relationship with ANYONE (sic). You (John K. McMillan) are free to exclude from your life anyone whom you don’t want to associate with."

--What might explain why attorney John Warner of Pampa, Texas, himself a member of the State Bar of Texas, volunteered to me in 1993 during a local phone call I made to his law office from my newspaper office in Pampa: "There appear to be manipulative circumstances in your own life being sponsored by others that are primarily designed to offer you (John McMillan) a mental health benefit (sic)." At no time did Mr. Warner ever state to me that I had the option of myself terminating outside interference in my own life and life circumstance, but he did assure me in 1997, during a long-distance phone call I made to his residence in Pampa from my "Palestine Herald-Press" newsroom in Palestine, Texas, that "you (John McMillan) always will have the option of yourself rejecting and excluding from your own life and life circumstances any person whom you don’t want to associate with, even if that person ends up being the source of some outside interference in your life."...

--What prompted Rabbi Firestein (sp?) of Temple Beth Israel Judaistic congregation in Austin, Texas, to state to me over the telephone in 1988: "If you could life your life over again, would you want your life to be like it is today?"

--What prompted a coworker of mine at Souper Salad-chain Braker Lane restaurant, Vivian, to state to me a few years ago during a two-person dinner meeting I had with her during my and her leisuretime at the China Sea restaurant along Far West Boulevard in northwest Austin: "I (Vivian, a native of Mexico) recommend that you (John K. McMillan) not associate with anyone who ever communicates with you anonymously."

--What prompted a female assistant rabbi, and I believe her name was Assistant Rabbi Dunskirk (sp?) of Temple Beth Israel Judaistic congregation in Austin, Texas, to state to me in 1997, during a local phone call I made to her synagogue office from the Camino Real Apartments apartment complex near The University of Texas at Austin: "I’m sure you (John K. McMillan) have been significantly wronged by others in your past."...

--What prompted attorney John F. Campbell of Campbell & Morgan Law Firm in Austin, Texas, to write me a signed legal letter dated November 8, 1999, in which he stated to me, and I quote verbatim: "Dear John: The purpose of this letter is just to convey to you again my assurance that you have the absolute, unencumbered and unimpeded legal right to either accept or reject contacts, phone calls, knocks on your door and written communication from any adult gentleman in the Austin area and elsewhere in cases of persons whom you have not already rejected and who wish to develop or have a romantic or sexual involvement with you or alternatively, who wish to develop or have a congenial, platonic involvement with you…."

----What prompted private-law attorney and State Bar of Texas member John F. Campbell of Campbell & Morgan Law Firm in downtown Austin to write me a signed May 10, 1999-dated legal letter addressed "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN" that declared, and I quote: "I, John F. Campbell, Attorney, can state unequivocally that the State Government of Texas has never informed me or my Law Firm that the State fails in any way to honor John K. McMillan’s asserted right to exclude various specified persons from his own life and to enjoy a life for himself, in which he never again has to hear those rejected persons’ names.

"Also, I (attorney John F. Campbell, a UT-Austin Law School alumnus) am not aware of any restrictions or requirements or court orders of any kind imposed on John K. McMillan and can state unequivocally that he has the right to pursue his career and choose or pursue any person or group that he cares to associate with in the future.

"Furthermore, I (attorney John F. Campbell) am not aware of any legal barriers that prevent John K. McMillan from fully supporting himself financially in Austin, Texas, in a lawful manner that protects him from ever again having to rely on any of his relatives or friends or acquaintances for financial assistance.

Respectfully submitted,

John F. Campbell."...

--What prompted an official of the British Embassy in Houston, Texas, to state to me over the telephone in 1989 or 1990, during a long-distance phone call I made to that foreign embassy from my apartment in Big Spring, Texas: "Even if you were to visit England, the voices (sic) you are hearing in Texas would still continue there."...

--What prompted Charles Huff, himself a retired lobbyist who had been employed by the Texas Medical Association in Austin, Texas, to send me an angry-sounding reply letter in 1997 or 1998, in which he stated to me: "Remove my name from your mailing list immediately. I do not want any more of the lurid (sic) details of your life." I was baffled by that reply letter, particularly since Mr. Huff was an alumnus of Texas A&M University and I had received some appreciative signed reply letters in prior years from an official of that State of Texas-owned university in College Station, Texas....

--What might explain why a middle-aged man and civic leader in Sweetwater, Texas, who met me for lunch in a restaurant there at my request volunteered to me inside that salad bar restaurant in 1990 or 1991: "All of the people you are becoming acquainted with here in Sweetwater are just role models (sic) for you (John K. McMillan). They are not persons with whom you might ever develop an actual friendship or personal relationship." The man who made that comment to me resembled former Dallas Cowboys football coach Tom Landry, I noticed.

--On what basis did Peter Kizilos of the Minneapolis area of Minnesota state to me over the telephone in 1989 or 1990, during a long-distance phone call I made to himself from my apartment in Big Spring, Texas, that "your critical vantage point toward the gay subculture is accurate, from what I (Peter Kizilos) have observed."...

---On what basis did a representative for a gay alumni group from Rice University state to me during a strictly-platonic meeting I had with himself inside a restaurant in Houston in 1995: "Your own socioeconomic (sic) status (sic) as a cited reporter for The Baytown Sun daily newspaper is much lower than that of the members of my Rice gay alumni group, so for that reason none of them would be interested in having any involvement with you."

--What might explain why Roland Klose, then of Louisville, Kentucky, repeatedly stated to me in 1977, during a period in which he roomed with me at Washington University in St. Louis: "I’m (Roland Klose)... experiencing severe intellectual atrophy (sic) during this period."

----What might explain why a seemingly friendly coworker of mine at the "Snyder Daily News" in Snyder, Texas, himself a sports editor there by the first name of "Todd," volunteered to me one day in 1994 as we stood in front of that newspaper building in Snyder: "Being here in Snyder (is) like getting stuck in a time (sic) warp (sic)."

--What might explain why a female staff member at UT-Austin, Ms. Mary Walter, who herself was employed as a counselor to varsity athletes at UT-Austin, stated to me one day about five years ago during a two-person conversation I had with her inside a laundrymat near San Gabriel and West 24th Street near UT-Austin: "If someone is verbally harassing you (John K. McMillan) by incessantly repeating to you the names of persons whom you have already permanently rejected from your life and by exhibiting a defiance of your own legal right to exclude all of those persons from your own life, that verbal harasser of yourself is very cruel."

---"-What might explain why attorney John F. Campbell of Campbell & Morgan Law Firm in Austin, Texas, identified a legal issue on my own behalf that he chose to verbalize in writing as follows, in a signed January 27, 2000, letter he addressed to myself: "The purpose of this letter is just to emphasize to you that I (John F. Campbell, attorney at law) would pursue legal action on your behalf if it should ever become necessary to assist you in excluding from your life any person, group, or legal entity from having any involvement in your life, who or (that) in any way exhibits an intolerance or contempt toward your decision to pursue a life in which virtually all of your adult male friends and associates are heterosexual or primarily heterosexual."

----What might explain why Travis County County Commissioner Todd Baxter, with whom I shared a copy of that same legal statement (see paragraph just before this) from private-law attorney John F. Campbell, stated to me over the telephone about five years ago, during a local phone call I made to Mr. Baxter’s county government office in Austin, Texas, from my Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles state agency workplace in Austin, Texas: "I (Commissioner Todd Baxter) question the sincerity (sic) of attorney John F. Campbell’s legal statement for you in that particular January 27, 2000-dated letter" (approximate quote, with the word ‘sincerity’ being an exact quote). "There is no indication that Mr. Campbell has actually done anything on your behalf in the way of legal actions accompanying that legal letter for you."

---What might explain why a City of Austin male clerk employed inside the main Austin Public Library location along Guadalupe Street in downtown Austin, about five years ago volunteered to me in person near or at the book check-out counter of same main library that "your cited focus on writing your (John K. McMillan’s) own last will and testament during this period, and on your cited interest in possibly citing the Austin Public Library as a major beneficiary from your estate, is a very appropriate focus for you (John K. McMillan). That may well be the primary accomplishment from your own life, it seems to me, and the most you could hope for in your own life." The male clerk who made that comment to me had facial hair, if I remember correctly, and looked to me to be prematurely aged....

---What might explain why attorney John F. Campbell of Campbell & Morgan Law Firm in downtown Austin, Texas, stated to me inside his law firm during an in-person conversation I had with him one day in the late 1990s, "My own (attorney John F. Campbell’s) impression is that (unspecified) relatives of yours are sponsoring verbal harassment of yourself (John K. McMillan) in Austin these days."

----What might explain why Richard Jalowy of the El Campo area of Wharton County, Texas, volunteered to me over the telephone one day in the late 1990s or possibly as late as 2001, during a long-distance phone call I made to his residence from my campus-area apartment residence near UT-Austin in Austin, Texas, at that time, "Even if you moved to another city or state, your oldest brother, Kent McMillan of Austin, would be interfering in your life and severely restricting your own options and opportunities wherever you go."

--What might explain why "Austin American-Statesman" columnist John Kelso, in a published newspaper column about myself that appeared on page B1 of the September 25, 1998, issue of that daily newspaper in Austin, Texas, wrote: "McMillan just isn’t the kind of guy who would make this nation look foolish by creating a scene. This guy is so dull that sometimes he uses his compensatory and vacation time from his clerical position with the Texas Department of Public Safety to speak before the Austin City Council.

"A regular at council meetings, he speaks once a month on such topics as sidewalks.

"….It’s hard to imagine McMillan involved in a scandal, because to create one usually takes at least two people. And I suspect when McMillan is around, he is often the only one there."

---What might explain why my oldest brother, Kent McMillan of Austin, Texas, volunteered to me in 1992, during a long-distance phone call I made to his Austin home from my rental residence in Zapata, Texas: "If the entire United States has been compared to Nazi Germany (sic), your (John McMillan’s) moving to Oregon (a possibility I cited to Kent McMillan in that phone conversation after I noted that my life circumstances in Texas had been very severe toward myself during that period) would not do you any good. It would be the same everywhere in the United States for you."

---What might explain why Michael Crothers, a former acquaintance of mine in Minneapolis, Minnesota, volunteered to me over the telephone one day in the early 1990s, during a long-distance phone call I made to his mother’s home in Minneapolis, Minnesota, from my apartment in Sweetwater, Texas, or in Pampa, Texas: "Your own life circumstances are pervasively dishonest (sic) toward yourself these days. … If you were to move back to Minneapolis, your ( John McMillan’s) social life would be much better than if you were to instead emigrate to Sweden. Sweden is not a friendly country in which to live, and I have lived there for a year myself, so I know about that."...

---What might explain why the same Sarah Goodfriend in 1990 or 1991, during a long-distance phone call I made to her Washington D.C. residence from my apartment in Sweetwater, Texas, volunteered a request of me in a near-hysterical sounding voice on her end of the phone line: "John, think hard about someone from your distant past who doesn’t want ANYTHING (sic) to do with you. Do you think you (John K. McMillan) can stop having any additional thoughts (sic) of any type about that person?" Sarah Goodfriend did not elaborate as to which individual she was referring, nor did she ever do so.

--"The voices (sic) you (John K. McMillan) have been hearing in Austin, Texas, sound morbid (sic)," private-law attorney Ellen Thorne Skrak, herself an apparently friendly former schoolmate of mine at Stephen F. Austin High School in Austin, Texas, stated to me over the telephone one day in 1997, 1998, or 1999 during a long-distance phone call I made to her law office in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from an apartment of mine near UT-Austin.

--What might explain why then-History Professor Lewis Gould of The University of Texas at Austin suddenly volunteered to me over the telephone, during a 1988 local phone call I made to himself from my parents’ home in Westlake Hills, Texas, only two years after he had hosted me in 1986 for a friendly visit inside his and his wife’s home in west Austin at his invitation: "Keep your thoughts (sic) away from me (Dr. Lewis Gould)."

----What might explain why Kent McMillan, my oldest brother, in 1986 volunteered to me in person during a motor-vehicle ride in either Austin or in Rollingwood, Texas: "I will offer you this much (information), John. You have something of a reputation (sic) for being an eccentric (sic)."

--What prompted Kent McMillan of Austin, Texas, to volunteer to myself, John K. McMillan, in 1990 or 1991, during a long-distance phone call I made to his home from my apartment in Sweetwater, Texas, that "you (John K. McMillan) have the sexuality of a teenager or adolescent," this during a period of complete celibacy for me in Sweetwater during my conscious hours in which I did not sexually proposition anyone, and in which I was leading a drug-free, tobacco-free, and alcohol-free lifestyle while holding a full-time job as a reporter for about one year at "The Sweetwater Reporter" daily newspaper.

--What prompted Kent McMillan of Austin, Texas, in 1986 to volunteer to me in the backyard of his and his wife’s south Austin home during an invited visit of mine to their home: "The circumstances in your life today emphasize your status as someone who is very separate from and apart from the rest of the world and everyone else in the world."

---What prompted a German-born former English major at UT-Austin who was a former Prather Dormitory neighbor of mine during my college days, and himself a dark-haired fellow and a chain smoker, to state to me in person in 1986 as he sat in the outdoor patio at the Les Amis restaurant along West 24th Street near UT-Austin: "Your (John K. McMillan’s) perception that everywhere around you these days you seem to encounter friendly people may be a case of reverse (sic) paranoia (sic) that could be inaccurate." Also that day, that German-born man, who in the late 1970s rode a motorcycle, referred to himself, with his teeth badly stained that day, I noticed, as "just another ne’er-do-well in Austin."

--What prompted Paul Williams, a Clark University undergraduate student from Connecticut, to state to me over the telephone in late 1984 or early 1985 from his Worcester apartment residence where he resided with his wife: "What I (Paul Williams) find interesting about yourself, John, is that you are a rare example of a neurotic (sic) person who actually realizes that he is, in fact, neurotic (sic). I (Paul Williams) admire your honesty and self-awareness in that way."...

--What might explain why a Dr. Gibson, himself a Professor of Law at The University of Texas at Austin and himself also the father of a former debate partner of mine at Austin High, volunteered to me over the telephone in 1988, during a local phone call I made to his law school office from a pay telephone near UT-Austin along Guadalupe Street, possibly across from the RTF Building on that campus:" Your (John K. McMillan’s) circumstances in Austin, Texas, all fall under the purview of business law." Dr. Gibson did not elaborate any way on that quick evaluation of it all, nor has he ever been willing to tell me at any time since then which corporation or business entity had allegedly had an intrusive involvement of any type in my own life circumstances at present.

---What prompted a University of Texas at Austin male physics Professor whom I consulted on the matter in 1988 through a local phone call I made to his UT Physics Department office from a pay telephone along Guadalupe Street that was situated across from the Radio-Television-Film building on the UT-Austin campus, to state to me that "I (the UT physics professor I’d been referred to by an office secretary who himself had cited knowledge of or interest in the field of parapsychology) am completely sure that there is NO parapsychological phenomenon currently occurring in your own life, John (McMillan). In fact, no parapsychological occurrence has ever once been scientifically demonstrated at any time in the entire history of human civilization."...

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