Sunday, August 1, 2021


 ---"I would love to attend a Best Low Sodium Food Products Fair here, if my boss would let me take time off from work for it. I could tell him I need the time off to save my medical health. It's my preventive medicine strategy for this month. However, I am not sure my boss would give me preventive-medicine project paid time off. To me, a humane employer should offer paid time off for at least one preventive-medicine event every six months. I'm always shocked if they don't offer that as a fringe benefit."

---"I have been having debates with my boyfriend about what percentage of the cases of Manhattan residents falling from their balcony are because of dizziness that does not involve foul play. He says 99 percent of the time even the dizziness on a balcony could mean that someone with criminal intent had spiked your beverage so you're so dizzy you lose your balance and fall. If you did a thorough autopsy, maybe it would prove that. But my boyfriend underestimates the percentage of New Yorkers who get dizzy on a balcony even when there's no foul play involved. Let's face it. A lot of the people who live in this city are dizzy-headed every day of the week."

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