Tuesday, January 12, 2021



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From: John McMillan <mcmillanj@att.net>
To: State Senator Sarah Eckhardt 2020 <sarah.eckhardt@senate.texas.gov>; Senator Sarah Eckhardt Constituent Assistance <district14.eckhardt@senate.texas.gov>; Senator Sarah Eckhardt Public Policy <andromeda.roberts@senate.texas.gov>; Senator Sarah Eckhardt Political Items <sarah@saraheckhardt.com>; Joe Biden <info@joebiden.com>; p139@traviscountydemocrats.org <p139@traviscountydemocrats.org>; press@txdemocrats.org <press@txdemocrats.org>; Rep. Sheryl Cole 2019 CentralTX <sheryl.cole@house.texas.gov>; Austin Mayor Steve Adler <steve.adler@austintexas.gov>; District 4 <district4@austintexas.gov>; Austin City Council Member Ann Kitchen 2016 <district5@austintexas.gov>; District 7 <district7@austintexas.gov>; Austin Police Dept. Asst. Chief Troy Gay <troy.gay@austintexas.gov>; Commissioner Jeffrey Travillion 2019 <jeffrey.travillion@traviscountytx.gov>; andy.brown@traviscountytx.gov <andy.brown@traviscountytx.gov>; APD Chief Brian Manley 2020 <brian.manley@austintexas.gov>; City of Austin City Attorney Anne Morgan <anne.morgan@austintexas.gov>; Travis County Commissioner Brigid Shea <brigid.shea@traviscountytx.gov>; Dennis Bonnen <dennis.bonnen@speaker.texas.gov>; Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick <dan.patrick@ltgov.texas.gov>; Governor's Office of Texas Open Records Administrator <publicrecords@governor.state.tx.us>; Texas Crime Prevention Asssociation President <president@tcpa.org>; chair@bastropdemocrats.org <chair@bastropdemocrats.org>; info@traviscountydemocrats.org <info@traviscountydemocrats.org>; Saundra Ragona <ssragona@gmail.com>; kpwatson@uh.edu <kpwatson@uh.edu>; roosevelt.weeks@austintexas.gov <roosevelt.weeks@austintexas.gov>; Spencer Cronk <spencer.cronk@austintexas.gov>; carol.alvarado@senate.texas.gov <carol.alvarado@senate.texas.gov>; news@texasmonthly.com <news@texasmonthly.com>; Texas Tribune Editor in Chief Evan Smith <esmith@texastribune.org>; Texas Observer Editors <editors@texasobserver.org>; Houston Chronicle Letters to the Editor <viewpoints@chron.com>; Austin Chronicle Editors <mail@austinchronicle.com>; Trustees <trustees@austinisd.org>; tasb@tasb.org <tasb@tasb.org>; Austin Crime Commission 2020 <info@austincrime.org>; Texas Rangers 2015 <rangers@dps.texas.gov>; matt@crosspointeaustin.org <matt@crosspointeaustin.org>; roger@northwestfellowship.com <roger@northwestfellowship.com>; Bethany United Methodist Church Pastor Tom Deviney <tom.deviney@bethany-umc.org>; Bethany United Methodist Church Assoc Pastor Sheri Clifton <sheri.clifton@bethany-umc.org>; office@uachurch.org <office@uachurch.org>; The University of Texas at Austin <president@utexas.edu>; ACC President Richard Rhodes <rrhodes@austincc.edu>; ACC Criminal Justice Dept. Chair Gerald Hildebrand <gwhil@austincc.edu>; texaspolitics@mail.laits.utexas.edu <texaspolitics@mail.laits.utexas.edu>; Trinity University San Antonio Assoc. Prof. Political Science John Hermann <jhermann@trinity.edu>; Rice Univ. Polit Sci Prof. Alford <jra@rice.edu>; stein@rice.edu <stein@rice.edu>; Sociology Prof. Jim Nolan West Va. University <jim.nolan@mail.wvu.edu>; District 1 <district1@austintexas.gov>; district2@austintexas.gov <district2@austintexas.gov>; district3@austintexas.gov <district3@austintexas.gov>; Council Member Flannigan <district6@austintexas.gov>; Austin City Council Member Ellen Troxclair 2016 <district8@austintexas.gov>; district9@austintexas.gov <district9@austintexas.gov>; shirleyr@txla.org <shirleyr@txla.org>; Texas Education Agency 2016 <teainfo@tea.texas.gov>; pir@tea.texas.gov <pir@tea.texas.gov>; Leander ISD Officials <governance.team@leanderisd.org>; Dell <michael@dell.com>; news@dailytexanonline.com <news@dailytexanonline.com>; Daily Texan Alumni Association 2016 <friendsofthetexan@gmail.com>; central_texas@cruz.senate.gov <central_texas@cruz.senate.gov>; U.S. Rep. 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Vikki Goodwin 2019CentralTX <vikki.goodwin@house.texas.gov>; jose.garza@traviscountytx.gov <jose.garza@traviscountytx.gov>; People Against Violent Crime 2020 <pavc@peopleagainstviolentcrime.org>; National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence Dir. Debbie Tucker AustinTX <dtucker@ncdsv.org>; Office for Victims of Crime U.S. DOJ <itverp@usdoj.gov>; State Rep. Harold Dutton <harold.dutton@house.texas.gov>; chris.turner@house.texas.gov <chris.turner@house.texas.gov>; lynn.stucky@house.texas.gov <lynn.stucky@house.texas.gov>; dan.huberty@house.texas.gov <dan.huberty@house.texas.gov>; diego.bernal@house.texas.gov <diego.bernal@house.texas.gov>; Debbie Hiott <dhiott@kut.org>; info@klru.org <info@klru.org>; david.maxwell@texasattorneygeneral.gov <david.maxwell@texasattorneygeneral.gov>; Darla Dixon <darla.dixon@tcole.texas.gov>; U.S. Department of Homeland Security <private.sector@dhs.gov>; The New York Times <nytnews@nytimes.com>; editorial@nytimes.com <editorial@nytimes.com>; mdowd@nytimes.com <mdowd@nytimes.com>; WashingtonPostLettersEditor <letters@washpost.com>; Steven Rich <steven.rich@washpost.com>; Crime Victims' Institute 2020 SHSU <crimevictims@shsu.edu>; National Crime Victim Law Institute Lewis & Clark Law School Portland Oregon <ncvli@lclark.edu>; Criminal Justice Journalists Board Member Rashbaum <rashbaum@nytimes.com>; Fbinaa Info <info@fbinaa.org>; infocenter@houstonisd.org <infocenter@houstonisd.org>; Mike Henderson <mike.henderson@traviscountytx.gov>; Hernandez Sally [TCSO] <sally.hernandez@traviscountytx.gov>; tracy.martinez@dps.texas.gov <tracy.martinez@dps.texas.gov>; alumnimembership@umn.edu <alumnimembership@umn.edu>

Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 10:27:17 PM CST
Subject: 1-12-21 Urgent Question for Rep. Cole, Sen. Eckhardt: How to raise literacy rate in Texas?

"Texas has the fourth-lowest literacy rate of 81.0% with 19.0% of adults lacking basic prose literacy skills. Texas has the fourth-lowest number of libraries of 3.2 per 100,000 residents."

January 12, 2021

Dear State Rep. Cole and State Senator Eckhardt and Policy Director Andromeda Roberts of Senator Eckhardt's legislative staff,

Best Wishes to each of you during the current Legislative Session here in Austin.

I was alarmed to read online tonight the above statement about the literacy rate in Texas being fourth-lowest in the nation and the number of libraries per capita in Texas being fourth-lowest in the nation. That fully up-to-date information at the above webpage apparently comes from the National Center for Education Statistics.

Do either of very distinguished state legislators who directly represent me in the Texas Legislature plan to offer a bill this session that is aimed at helping to raise the literacy rate and the number of public libraries per capita in Texas?

As a gainfully-employed white male self-identified victim of alleged continuous personal-injury-crimes in Austin, Texas, I am very hopeful that if our Texas Legislature can help raise the literacy rate throughout Central Texas and Texas, this might deter criminal activities and violations of our state's traffic laws.

If a Texas resident is illiterate, he is at increased risk of violating a state law or municipal ordinance that he is unaware of or does not understand the meaning of.  For instance, an illiterate resident of Texas who is driving a motor vehicle may have difficulty reading and understanding the text of traffic display signs at street intersections that state, "Left on Green Turn Signal Only" or some such phrasing.

I am reminded, incidentally, that possibly we may have a need for additional bilingual traffic sign displays on roadways in Texas. This might help more effectively communicate traffic laws in our state to Texan residents and visitors to our state for whom Spanish is their native language.

I would also like to point out that Texans who are illiterate are less likely to be able to support themselves financially. That can play a role in their being at increased risk of committing crimes such as theft of property or the sex crime of prostitution. 

These are just some of the many tangible ways in which widespread illiteracy in Texas can spawn all too many violations of our state's penal code that comprise a threat to the public safety of others.

Thank you in advance for your helpful reply letter to me on this.

Sincerely and Best Wishes,

John Kevin McMillan, a law-abiding and law-enforcement-minded, gainfully-employed, always-sober, single Anglo male adult constituent of each of you. I am also the founder and only approved current member of the quality-of-life-minded and politely-non-Christian "Progressive Prohibitionist Religion" ---a factually-minded, implicitly-deistic new religion that has very stringent membership-eligibility requirements.
My home address: 8805 North Plaza Drive, Apt. 2418, Austin, TX 78753.
Home phone: (512) 342-2295.

John Kevin McMillan

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