Monday, June 10, 2024

My April 14, 2000, Signed Legal Letter Addressed and Mailed by Me to Austin (TX) Police Chief Stan Knee, Austin-based Travis County Sheriff Margo Frasier, Dallas Police Chief T.D. Bolton, and Houston Police Chief C. Bradford:

 "P.O Box 11517,

"Austin, Texas, 78711

"Phone: (512) 482-0092 (home)

"or (512) 305-4599 (voice) 

"or E-mail address of

"April 14, 2000

"To: Austin Police Chief Stan Knee,

"Austin Police Department,

"715 East 8th Street,

"Austin, Texas, 78701

"and Travis County Sheriff Margo Frasier,

"Travis County Sheriff's Office,

"1010 Lavaca Avenue,

"Austin, Texas, 78767

"and Dallas Police Chief T.D. Bolton,

"Dallas Police Department,

"2014 Main Street,

"Room 506,

"Dallas, Texas, 75201

"and Houston Police Chief C. Bradford,

"Office of the Police Chief,

"Houston Police Department,

"1200 Travis,

"Houston, Texas, 77002

"Dear Chief Knee, Sheriff Frasier, Chief Bolton, and Chief Bradford,

"As each of you admirable and outstanding law-enforcement officers are no doubt aware, law-abiding Texans who are subjected to anonymous phone calls at their home or workplace in which the anonymous caller verbally harasses them or expresses contempt toward them or animosity toward them in an anonymous manner or threatens in an anonymous manner to harm them or deprive them of their full range of liberties and freedoms and legal rights in life, whether personally or professionally or otherwise, or threatens to violate the law in a manner victimizing the recipient of that phone call, often experience severe anxiety and needless suffering and degradation from those those deplorably sadistic and injurious acts impinging upon those Texans' privacy rights.

"In recent decades, new types of electronic technology and new levels of technological sophistication have been accompanied by horrifying new forms of anonymous verbal harassment of law-abiding Texans that involve sophisticated new technologies. No longer is the prank phone call the primary method by which a sinister stalker might employ an anonymously vocalized message to attempt to subjugate or demoralize or fatigue or undermine the emotional and medical and aesthetic health of or otherwise harm or jeopardize the life of or violate the full range of legal rights of a law-abiding adult Texan.

"Today, all law-abiding adult Texans in urban areas of our state face the increasingly horrifying spectre of insidious new forms of media technology --- deployment of high-frequency sound in some way, for instance; use of prank phone messages left on one's home or office answering machine; and use of hidden videotape cameras or hidden loudspeakers (microphones) being among the possibilities that come to mind---- potentially victimizing and severely undermining the medical and emotional health and personal safety and freedom and quality of life of those law-abiding adult Texans.

"As President and sole official member of the Progressive Prohibitionist Religion, a law-enforcement-minded religious denomination headquartered in Austin, Texas, I am writing each of you law-enforcement officials this public-policy letter to ask if you currently feel fully satisfied that your own sheriff's department's or municipal police department's technological equipment designed to record anonymous voices making slanderous or defamatory or otherwise-injurious statements to law-abiding Texan residents are fully adequate to respond to all of the hypothetical scenarios involving illegal violations of those law-abiding Texans' privacy rights and other unwanted anonymous communications to which those law-abiding Texans are subjected against their wishes.

"I would also like to raise the question of whether each of you feels fully satisfied that the technological investigative services currently available to each of your very fine local law-enforcement agencies in Texas are adequate to help your investigators identify by legal name each and every one of the suspects who in an anonymous and sinister manner allegedly created an  audible 'voice imprint' or 'voice recording' that can later be obtained by your own law-enforcement agency.

"The recorded voice messages, once evaluated by your respective law-enforcement agencies, could offer each of your agencies criminal-law evidence that some prankster or other criminal-law suspect attempted or attempts in an auditorily anonymous manner to torture and/or abuse and/or harass and/or harm and/or stalk and/or assault and/or degrade and/or demoralize and/or jeopardize the personal safety of and/or violate the privacy rights of a law-abiding Texan in a deplorably criminal manner on the part of that suspect.

"If any of you aren't fully satisfied with your own law-enforcement agency's current level of technological capacity to identify in a speedy manner the legal names of any and all such 'voice-stalker' suspects, regardless of those suspects' ages or who they are or where they are situated at the time or their permanent legal address of residence or place of employment, based on an evaluation of those suspects' anonymous 'voice recordings' that are available to your detectives and other law-enforcement officers, and to then successfully press criminal-law charges against any and all of those deplorable violators of the law, I would very much appreciate your letting me know as soon as possible.

"That kind of information from you would underscore the possible need for a local or statewide fund-raising campaign in this great state of Texas that's designed to help each of your four local law-enforcement agencies-----and any other law-enforcement agencies in our state or elsewhere in the nation for which this might be applicable, such as the Austin-headquartered Texas Department of Public Safety or any and all offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that are situated in Texas ---- to significantly improve their own voice-detection technological services used in criminal-law investigations in Texas.

"I am referring, of course, to the sort of much-needed investigative technology each of the noble law-enforcement agencies throughout Texas could and should be able to rely upon to identify and quickly apprehend any and all suspects who created or create 'voice imprints' or 'recorded messages' in which those suspects in an anonymous manner verbally assault or verbally harass or express contempt for the full range of Constitutional rights and other legal rights of a hypothetical law-abiding adult Texan resident being subjected to that truly hideous anonymous message, or in which the criminal-law suspects might threaten to commit hostage-taking or kidnapping or attempted slave-ownership or threaten to subject the person subjected to that audible message to an attempted compelled personal or compelled professional relationship/relationships of any sort, or threaten to commit physical violence against or in-person harassment of or to physically assault or otherwise commit an illegal act of any sort against or somehow imposed upon an adult Texan resident who was or is victimized by that sadistic and unconscionable and very injurious voice message.

"Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this public-policy letter from my Progressive Prohibitionist Religion, and I hope to hear from you soon in regard to these matters.


"John K. McMillan,


"Prohibitionist Prohibitionist Religion.

"cc: State Editor Rodger Jones, "The Dallas Morning News", P.O. Box 655237, Dallas, Texas 75265.

"Publisher and local law-and-order advocate Michael R. Levy, 'Texas Monthly', P.O. Box 1569, Austin, Texas, 78767.

"Colonel Dudley Thomas, Director, Texas Department of Public Safety, P.O. Box 4087, Austin, Texas 78773.

"Texas Attorney General John Cornyn, State Government of Texas, P.O. Box 12548, Austin, Texas, 78711.

"FBI Director Louis J. Freeh, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, at the U.S. Department of Justice,  Constitution Avenue and 10th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20530.

"U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, U.S. Department of Justice, Constitution Avenue and 10th Street N.W.,  Washington, D.C. 20530.

"Police Chief Francis Mullen, Quincy Police Department, 1 Sea Street, Quincy, Mass. 02169.

"Norfolk County Sheriff John Flood, Norfolk County Government, P.O. Box 310, Dedham, Mass. 02027.

"New York City Police Chief Louis Armeone, New York City Police Department, 1 Police Plaza, New York City, New York State 10038."

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