Friday, April 22, 2016


---I am NOT an alcoholic, and I prefer to associate with persons who are neither current alcoholics nor recovering alcoholics.

---I am a permanent teetotaler: I have not consumed any beer or drinking alcohol on any occasion since the late summer of 1990.

---I am NOT an illicit drug addict, nor am I a former drug addict, and I prefer to associate with persons who also fit that description.

---I very emphatically oppose legalization of either marijuana or medical-marijuana, and I prefer to associate with persons who share my revulsion toward marijuana.

----I strongly support full enforcement of the laws prohibiting the manufacture, sale, and consumption of marijuana or any other illicit drug; and I do file crime reports with the police based on that very strong belief of mine.

---I welcome lawfully conveyed criticism of the gay subculture or any other subculture, and I strongly support a vigorous Freedom of Speech tradition and a strong Freedom of Religion tradition in this nation and world.

---I am NOT effeminate, and I delight in associating with adult men who have good voice modulation, a pleasant voice that is NOT tobacco-scarred, or who have good vocal intonation.

---I have very high platonic-relationship credibility with anyone whom I actually enjoy associating with in person. I might add that I almost never discuss the subject of sex per se with anyone.

---I am a lifelong NON-smoker, and a lifelong abstainer from any and all tobacco products; and I prefer to associate with other non-smokers and other abstainers from tobacco products in my leisuretime.

---I am NOT heterophobic, and I prefer to associate with persons who, like me, are NOT heterophobes.

---I myself am often described by others as "too straight," with one male restaurant-waiter coworker of mine several years ago having politely stated to me in the waitstation of our IHOP Duval restaurant during a workshift that "you are too straight for me (that coworker) to invite you to the party that I will be hosting," and I prefer to associate with persons who are also described by others as being "too straight."

----I do not grab or pinch or caress the behind of ("goose") or initiate physical contact with any of the other male persons at any of my workplaces, and I respect the "personal space" of all of my male and female coworkers and work supervisors.

---I have no facial hair on me, and I feel much more comfortable associating with adult men who have no facial hair (no beard, no mustache, no goatee) in my personal life.

---I do NOT wear ANY jewelry on me, and I prefer to associate with men who have either no jewelry on themselves or only a minimal amount of jewelry on themselves.

---I do not verbalize profanity in my everyday conversations, and I prefer to associate with men and women who do not verbalize any profanity in everyday conversations.

---I take pride in myself being a member of the law-abiding HIV-negative community in this city, county, state, and nation, and I am very aware that 99 percent or more of all of the law-abiding adult male HIV-negative community members in this city, county, state, and nation are heterosexual in sexual identity per se.

---I feel more comfortable about associating with other members of the law-abiding HIV-negative community in my everyday life, partly because this means, by definition, that there is no casual-contact (non-sexual) scenario in which another member of the law-abiding HIV-negative community would ever infect me, or anyone else, with the HIV-virus. That knowledge has a relaxing effect on me.

---I prefer to associate with men and women who have a calming effect on me, and who are themselves non-abrasive and non-violent and polite gentlemen or polite ladies.

----I am one of the most tactfully honest and conscientious and law-abiding and vigilant and law-enforcement-minded adult residents of Austin, Texas, and of Travis County, Texas; and during my period of residence in Austin, I prefer to associate with other persons fitting that overall description, or visitors to this metro area who fit that description.

---My willingness to report crime evidence to the Austin Police Department that I have observed or heard rumors that someone other than myself may have been a victim of crime is NOT contingent on whether I "agree with the political or religious beliefs" of that possible crime victim or whether I identify that possible crime victim as someone "with the same sexual identity or gender identity or socioeconomic status or racial identity or ethnic identity" as myself.

---I oppose the beating and whipping of anyone, regardless of whether it is in a so-called "mutual-consent romantic relationship" context, and I prefer to associate with persons who also oppose sadomasochistic practices and violently destructive practices of that type.

---I do not spend any time in nightclubs or alcoholic bars, and I am profoundly aware of the joy to be found from sober and wholesome contexts in which to meet other persons.

---I am respectful toward children and child-friendly, and I am devoted to helping children in a very honorable and polite and law-abiding manner. Also, I seek to help improve the quality of life of children and young persons under age 30.

----I have NEVER on any occasion ever once agreed to purchase a pack of cigarettes or any quantity of alcohol for an underage coworker or any other minor---activity that is, in fact, a crime. I am very opposed to alleged "bribery" of youths of that or any other type.

---I am honest and conscientious toward a wide range of people, regardless of their cited "gender" or "sexual identity" or "racial identity" or "ethnic identity," and I prefer to associate with persons who fit that description.

---I greatly admire honorable and conscientious and attentive and generous biological parents and step-parents.

---I am idealistic and seek to help address the broader needs of society, and I prefer to associate with persons who fit that description.

---I oppose thought-control projects, and I also oppose censorship of lawfully expressed critical vantage points toward any cited subculture or "community" in this nation.

---I question the need for any sex-change operations involving surgical removal of a male sex organ, and I am uncomfortable with transsexualism involving sex change operations per se.

---I currently prefer to watch G-rated movies in my leisuretime, if at all possible, since I delight in a movie in which the characters actually talk without profanity and refrain from gratuitous acts of violence, and who exhibit a strong sense of platonic (non-sexual) aptitude and platonic purpose in their lives.

----I do not disparage persons who father or give birth to children, and I do not refer to heterosexual men or heterosexual women as "breeders".

----My support for Zero Population Growth does not in any way express any lack of support on my part toward biological parents and parenting and families. I do feel, though, that lawfully and in a civil manner limiting the number of biological offspring to two biological children per household helps our nation and world to achieve the urgently-needed goal of Zero Population Growth.


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