Friday, January 7, 2011

Need for 'Mea Culpa' Clause in Modern American Last Will and Testaments

I would like to respectfully suggest that Americans writing their own last will and testament in the 21st Century should at least consider possibly adding a "Mea Culpa" clause to that legal document on their own behalf.

In that brief section of their last will and testament, conscientious Americans of the modern era ---myself among them --- might choose at some future date to freely and strictly on their own volition cite one person from their life whom those Americans each believe they wronged at some point during their lifetime.

As an alternative, many Americans might choose to add a polite "Mea Culpa" chapter or appendix to the memoirs that they write and have published during their retirement years.

That posthumous expression of empathy and appreciation toward the cited individual, could be very helpful to him or his younger friends or younger relatives, and could boost his or their morale and self-confidence.

In most cases, conscientious Americans who at some future date decide to add a "Mea Culpa" clause to their last will and testament may choose to simply offer a polite posthumous written acknowledgement to a cited recipient of that belated apology---with no financial amount and no property from the estate of the deceased being bequeathed to that individual.

The "Mea Culpa" clause in modern wills and testaments from Americans might possibly be worded as follows:

"I feel that I significantly wronged that individual during my lifetime. While I never chose to become a personal friend or associate of his at any time during my lifetime, which would have given me the opportunity to generously befriend him in either context, I have concluded with hindsight that he is very benevolent and honorable, and worthy of being befriended by me through this written apology from myself in this last will and testament."

Among the many types of possible questions that many Americans might ask themselves as they attempt to identify which individual from their own life, if any, they might freely choose to provide a "Mea Culpa" clause written apology to in their own last will and testament, are:

---Did I repeatedly and over a multi-year or multi-decade period refuse to fully honor a verbalized rejection of myself by another human being?

---Did I repeatedly verbalize threats to another human being by stating that his own very permanent and irrevocable rejection of myself would result in his suffering an "unfavorable afterlife in which you may end up in Hell because of this unresolved conflict with myself".

---Did I pursue any actions aimed at punishing or restricting another adult human being for having values and beliefs and interests and affinities and priorities that were comprehensively very different from, and very incompatible with, my own values and beliefs and interests and affinities and priorities.

----Did I pursue any actions that were unfairly vindictive or excessively punitive in nature toward someone who had significantly offended me?

---Did I repeatedly state to a lifelong non-Christian gentleman that his choice to be a non-Christian gentleman on a lifelong basis meant that he would be "going to Hell" after he dies.

---Did I exhibit a very possessive or proprietary style toward an individual whom I myself never praised in any noteworthy manner on any occasion, and whom I had, in fact, repeatedly insulted and offended on a frequent basis.

---Did I repeatedly attempt to pressure someone who was, in fact, physically and personally repulsed by myself, to give into my demand that that individual be in a "sexual relationship" or "romantic relationship" with myself?

---Did I attempt to control and restrict someone who was, in fact, a consistently civil and law-abiding individual?

---Did I repeatedly trigger massive weight gain and increased anxiety and artificially elevated blood pressure in that individual by repeatedly and incessantly subjecting him to erroneous warnings to the effect that he was somehow "required" or "forced" to have an involvement of ANY type with ANY of the cited persons whom he had already permanently rejected on an individual basis from his own life.

---Did I decline to cite to that individual the specific name of a private attorney whom I knew to be reputable and first-rate, and who through litigation on that individual's own behalf might have been able to significantly help that individual to improve his own quality of life and living conditions and privacy rights?

---Did I myself knowingly withhold from that individual pertinent and useful factual information I was privy to that could have helped him significantly?

----Did I emphatically advise a cited "friend" of mine that I strongly believe he should discontinue his individual health insurance policy and go without any health insurance as a way of "saving money" during that time period, in my stated opinion.

---Did I ever emphatically state to another human being that I was completely sure that he definitely was NOT being stalked by any other person, even though I myself had no factual basis for making any such statement to the individual in question.

---Did I ever emphasize to another human being on the telephone that I was completely sure that NONE of the persons whom he had ever met or been acquainted with in any prior year of his life would like to have or seeks to have any further involvement with himself.

---Did I ever volunteer to anyone that if he plans to file a lawsuit on his own behalf in a court of law against some cited individual or some entity, I myself would NOT be willing to ever myself testify on his own behalf at any such judicial hearing.

---Did I myself ever volunteer on the telephone to a law-abiding and gainfully-employed resident of Cuero, Texas, that "your own living conditions in Texas call to mind the prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution"?

---Did I ever state on the telephone to that individual during a long-distance phone call he made to me from Sweetwater, Texas, in 1990, that "The circumstances to which you are being subjected in Sweetwater, Texas, these days are outrageous in their unfairness toward yourself!", without myself ever on any occasion citing to that individual the name of any specific person I was myself critical of in that cited context, with the exception of ONE total male adult person I cited during that early-1990s time period, and whom the former individual had reportedly encountered in the northeastern United States in a prior decade.

---Did I myself volunteer to a cited "friend" of mine in 1990 during a long-distance phone call he made from his residence in Sweetwater, Texas, to my home in a northern U.S. state that "The circumstances you are experiencing in Texas these days are pervasively dishonest toward yourself," without myself ever citing the source of that dishonesty or which legal actions he needed to pursue to promptly terminate those dishonest communications being inflicted on himself by others.

---Did I ever claim to another human being that I was a "true and lasting personal friend" of that individual during a period in which I was actually accepting payments of money from a third party to myself pose as a "true and lasting personal friend" for the individual in question.

---Did I repeatedly over a multi-year period refer to myself as being a "friend" of that individual while also repeatedly declining invitations from that cited "friend" of mine to meet him for lunch or dinner or breakfast inside ANY restaurant in the Austin area of Texas.

---Did I deprive that individual of full year-round access to reliable news and information services for any period of his own adult life?

---Did I myself ever illegally claim to hold legal authority for or legal responsibility for another adult individual during a time period in which I failed to ever directly notify him of that asserted "legal status" for myself, and I thereby may have possibly violated the state laws of Texas.

---Did I myself ever at any time hold "power of attorney" authority in regard to another individual during a period in which he suffered from severe financial hardship and received virtually no personal phone calls or personal letters or friendly knocks at his front door or friendly invitations to social parties or dinner parties from other human beings.

---Did I myself ever hold "power of attorney" authority toward another adult person during a period in which I pursued actions that were punitive toward and harmful to the medical and emotional health of that law-abiding person.

---Did I either attempt to enslave or enslave any individual or kidnap that individual or hold that individual hostage for any period of time?

---Did I myself ever at any time state to another person or state in my private diaries, for that matter, that I believed that I "owned" another person, or that I regarded another human being as "private property" of mine or "personal property" of mine?

---Did I ever fail to acknowledge the legal and human right of any adult individual to obtain a marital divorce from, or to reject from his own life, myself or any other adult person whom he regards as being significantly incompatible with himself.

---Did I ever fail to acknowledge the legal right of any single adult individual to live alone and to lead a celibate lifestyle, such as if he had indicated to me that he was not aware of any mutual-consent scenarios in which he would be living with another person or any mutual-consent scenario or mutual-consent scenarios in he would be dating anyone.

---Did I choose not to introduce that individual to personal friends of mine or career associates of mine, even though I regarded the former individual as an admirable human being.

---Did I repeatedly choose to exclude that individual from my dinner party or social-party invitation lists, even though I claimed to be a "personal friend" of his?

---Did I myself knowingly withhold from that individual pertinent and useful information that could have protected him from suffering significant permanent hearing loss as a result of constant and year-round noise pollution over a multi-year period of his own life that he himself did not cause or generate or request or want.

---Did I myself ever attempt through infliction of continuous noise pollution on another human being to cause him to "go deaf," and thereby himself sustain a permanent disability that would also severely harm his own quest for a social life and romantic life and gainful employment.

---Did I myself ever state to an acquaintance of mine in 1991, during a long-distance phone call he made to my private residence in the Austin area of Texas from his own private residence in Cuero, Texas: "The background voices you are hearing on a continuous and year-round basis may continue for the rest of your life," without myself ever citing any specific course of action in a court of law in Austin, Texas, that could be pursued by the listener to terminate any such cited illegal verbal harassment, illegal noise pollution, and illegal stalking of the individual in question.

---Did I ever knowingly and deliberately inflict any anonymous communications on another human being in any context that violated his own privacy rights.

---Did I myself repeatedly state to an adult individual in Texas that he himself was solely responsible for terminating unwanted noise pollution in his own life that he himself had not authorized or generated or caused in any way.

---Did I myself ever state to an adult individual in 1999 that his being subjected against his wishes to year-round noise pollution and accompanying verbal harassment in the background at his state-government agency workplace in Austin, Texas, "should not affect your (financial) earnings capacity at all."

---Did I myself repeatedly and over a multi-decade period state to an adult individual in Texas that I was very sure that he was not being subjected to ANY out-of-the-ordinary noise pollution in his own "living conditions" in Austin, Texas, that I myself knew for a fact to be occurring in his own everyday life on a year-round and continuous and multi-decade basis in Austin.

---Did I myself state to a cited "friend" of mine that I myself either did not know whether I supported full privacy rights for himself during his leisuretime in Austin, Texas, or I myself did NOT support full privacy rights for himself during his leisuretime in Austin, Texas.

---Did I myself ever state to that individual that he was apparently being harassed at present by an "unethical media company," but then repeatedly refuse to tell that individual exactly WHICH media company or companies having any involvement in his own life whom I myself regarded as being significantly unethical.

---Did I myself knowingly subject that individual to any noteworthy deliberately erroneous or fraudulent communications from myself or associates of mine?

---Did I pull an "innocent" prank on any individual that was, in fact, permanently injurious to himself?

---Did I myself subject any individual to involuntary and unwanted defacto or actual public nudity, or defacto or actual public nudity, at any time?

---Did I myself ever knowingly and willfully subject any human being to anonymous communications violative of his own privacy rights that featured frequent verbalization of profanity and obscene speech on my part?

---Did I surreptitiously or secretly videotape any adult person in the nude at any time without obtaining his prior written permission for that flagrant violation of his privacy rights.

---Did I subject another adult person to numerous prank phone calls, including some or several prank phone calls in which I verbalized obscene or profane speech or verbalized death threats to himself.

---Did I attempt to trigger a heart attack or heart disease or some other stress-related medical illness in that individual by subjecting him to incessant and year-round sadistic verbal torture of himself involving surreptitious media technology that he had no control over.

---Did I pursue unethical and injurious actions that were aimed at distracting an individual into sustaining an accident that might leave him handicapped for life or that might fatally injure him.

---Did I ever at any time make the significantly distracting and stress-inducing oral statement to an individual I knew during a long-distance phone call he made in 1994 to my private residence in Texas from his own rental-apartment residence in Kermit, Texas: "I feel very sure that you will someday regret having yourself expressed an initial affinity toward someone whom you previously encountered in your own distant past," without myself ever at any time being willing to specify WHICH PERSON, in particular, had been unworthy of the cited initial expression of affinity.

---Did I deliberately and willfully pursue actions aimed at triggering an emotional depression or despondency in that individual?

---Did I ever on any occasion directly state to that individual that "I'm very surprised you haven't committed suicide yet!" or emphasize repeatedly to anyone that "your own situation is completely hopeless, and you are a very pathetic excuse for a human being!"

---Did I pursue any actions in which I deliberately and willfully sought to undermine the medical longevity and creative longevity of that individual?

---Did I artificially trigger intellectual atrophy and significantly undermine the intellectual acumen of someone because of actions that I pursued that had a bearing on his own living conditions.

---Did I ever volunteer to that individual on the telephone that "the manipulative circumstances in your life in Sweetwater, Texas, these days are primarily designed for your own intellectual development," without myself ever once citing by name to that individual the source of those "educational services," information that would have given him an opportunity to himself file an immediate legal complaint in a court of law (or through the Office of the Attorney General of Texas in Austin) that permanently and immediately terminated any further involvement in his own life by that sadistically secretive, fraudulent, and very unwanted "educational services" provider.

---Did I subject that individual to numerous pranks and criminal mischief that undermined his ability to pursue his own law-abiding goals in his own life?

---Did I directly cause that individual to sustain a life-threatening illness or permanent medical injury?

---Did I ever advise another person to "move to the Midwest" or "move to San Francisco, California," or "move back to Quincy, Massachusetts," or "consider moving to Amsterdam, The Netherlands," or "move to San Diego, California" or "move to Florida" or "move to New York City, New York", this without myself ever citing any compelling or clear or justifiable reason why he should pursue any such proposed move away from the state of Texas, and without my also volunteering that I would be willing to myself help pay for his thousands of dollars in moving expenses for that relocation I urged him to pursue.

---Did I emphatically state to that individual in 1993 or 1994, during a long-distance phone call he made to my home in Austin, Texas, from his own city of residence of Pampa, Texas, in the Texas Panhandle: "For you to even consider moving from Texas to another U.S. state could be considered by many observers as an indication that you yourself may be mentally ill. It's a sign of mental illness for a Texas resident strictly on his own initiative to even consider moving to another U.S. state."

---Did I state to that individual that I blamed him for describing to me stressful and injurious circumstances in his own life that he had in fact endured and suffered from, with myself emphasizing that those accurate reports from himself had inflicted emotional duress and related medical illnesses on myself, and had thereby victimized myself in a significant manner.

---Did I repeatedly and very abruptly in the middle of the conversation hang up my end of the phone line during long-distance telephone conversations I had with an individual who complained about alleged violations of his own privacy rights in Texas, even though he himself never at any time accused me myself of being an alleged source of ANY of those violations of his own privacy rights in Texas.

---Did I repeatedly and directly state to another adult individual that I considered it "obnoxious" of him to himself repeatedly cite factual evidence to me or in my presence on behalf of his legal complaint to me about alleged violations of his own privacy rights that had been occurring in Texas.

---Did I ever verbalize a death threat to another individual at any time, such as might occur in a long-distance phone conversation in which I stated to that individual from my private residence in another city of Texas, that he is free to make long-distance phone calls to me from Pampa, Texas, as often as he wishes, "but if you ever write and mail me any letter of any type, I could KILL you!"

---Did I ever at any time state to any roommate of mine or housemate of mine in Massachusetts that "I'm very convinced that the Mafia will break into our residence and murder myself and possibly my roommates, too!"

---Did I ever state to a former classmate of mine from Stephen F. Austin High School of Austin Independent School District that "you are free to make phone calls to my private residence in the Austin area as often as you like, and I'll be willing to continue talking with you on the phone. However, I am not willing to get together with you for a meal and conversation inside any restaurant ever again. I don't care enough about you as a human being to get together with you in person ever again at any time."

---Did I ever impregnate a single woman by claiming at the time that I would be using a condom during the sex act with that single woman, but then insisting on having sex with her without any condom.

---Did I illegally impregnate a teenage female youth, which later prompted her to drop out of high school?

---Did I ever pressure an under-age female "student" of mine to have carnal relations or sex with myself during a period in which I was a "student teacher" at her public high school.

---Did I introduce a female youth to a notorious pimp or madam, and in an unconscionable and illegal manner thereby pressure that female youth into becoming a paid sexual prostitute?

---Did I repeatedly ridicule and mock a female teacher of mine at O. Henry Junior High School in Austin, Texas, by dubbing that older woman with a wrinkled face as "Old Prune Face" or "Prune Face"?

---Did I comment in a cruel manner to a fellow classmate of mine at O. Henry Junior High School of Austin Independent School District in the early 1970s that our biology teacher, a kindly African-American woman, "is the missing link between human beings and apes."

---Did I ever at any time unfairly dub a male high-school classmate of mine as "Lizard Man" or "Lizard" or "Sir Dildo"?

--Did I knowingly and deliberately draw a cartoon sketch of a male adult coworker of mine at "The Daily Texan" student newspaper on the UT-Austin campus that depicted him as a Neanderthal, with "The Daily Texan" then promptly publishing that very unflattering public sketch of my male coworker without his prior permission.

---Did I ever at any time during a long-distance phone conversation with an adult gentleman urge him to actively pursue a period of sexual promiscuity in New York City, New York, in 1986 that "could be very liberating for you," I advised, or words to that effect.

---Did I ever on my own volition advise a male adult person to go on a series of one-night stands in the Houston area of Texas in which he would be expected to "pick up" complete strangers in bars and then have sex with those complete strangers later that night.

---Did I ever at any time directly state to any individual at any time that I myself "endorse" or "approve of" consumption of the illicit-drug marijuana or any other illicit drug?

---Did I ever attempt to sell or sell any marijuana or any other illicit drug to another individual at any time?

---Did I ever at any time subject any person to involuntary or unwitting consumption of marijuana or any other illicit drug, such as if I had offered him a "delicious homemade brownie I've baked," without ever warning that individual at any time that the brownie in question was laced with the illicit-drug marijuana.

---Did I formally agree to serve as a the unofficial and honorably law-abiding "godparent" of a cited minor not related to myself, but later myself fail to befriend that individual during his time of need despite my prior pledge of devotion to himself.

---Did I present myself as a "Sugar Daddy" or "Sugar Momma" and in a ruthless manner exploit the emotional vulnerability and financial weakness of male or female youths or adult persons significantly younger in age than myself?

---Was I myself aware of any "Sugar Daddy" figure whom I myself suspected of allegedly attempting to coerce an adult younger person into having a "sexual" relationship with that ruthless and sadistic and law-breaking Sugar Daddy, without myself ever volunteering to the victim of the cited intergenerational exploitation of himself that I would be willing to myself serve as a witness on his behalf in regard to any criminal-law charge he might choose to file against the infamous Sugar Daddy figure in question through the Austin Police Department or the Travis County Sheriff's Office or the Travis County District Attorney's Office or the Travis County County Attorney's Office in Austin, Texas.

---Did I ever at any time pressure any adult person significantly younger than myself in age to have sex with me or a "romantic relationship" with me?

---Did I ever at any time fail to fully and promptly honor the legal right of anyone more than one year younger in age than myself to permanently exclude myself from that individual's romantic life or sex life.

----Did I ever at any time during my life ever once pressure any younger person into consuming ANY quantity of drinking alcohol or tobacco, or ANY quantity of marijuana or any other illicit drug?

---Did I myself ever at any time subject anyone to illegal or unethical bribery or extortionism or blackmail at any time during my lifetime?

---Did I take advantage of my own lofty social stature by treating someone of lower socioeconomic status than myself as a "peon" whom I knowingly and willfully exploited in a ruthless and cruel manner?

---Did I myself repeatedly and deliberately slander or libel or defame or significantly disparage that individual by publicly and incorrectly labeling him as a "racist!", "an anti-Semite!" a "pathological liar!", "a paranoid!", "a mental patient!", a "traitor!", a "moron!", "a mentally retarded person!", "the Anti-Christ!", "an atheist", "someone guilty of treason against the United States Government!", "a pederast!", "a pedophile!", "a rapist!", a "Fascist", "a communist in political ideology", "a Nazi", "someone very similar to Adolph Hitler of Nazi Germany!", "someone very similar to Benito Mussolini of Fascist Italy!", "someone very similar to Josef Stalin of the Soviet Union!", "someone very similar to the Fascist political leader Generalissimo Franco of Spain!", "a murderer!", "a serial killer!", "a genocidal maniac!", "one of the most infamous persons in world history!", "a notorious refuge from justice with pending criminal-law charges against him, someone who soon will be formally extradited to Massachusetts, Israel, Nebraska, California, Florida, New York, or Minnesota by the Governor of Texas in the very near future in order to himself then face felony criminal charges in a court of law in Massachusetts, Israel, Nebraska, California, Florida, New York State, or Minnesota!", "a military officer who will soon be subjected to the humiliation of a dishonorable discharge from the U.S. Armed Forces!", etc.

---Did I emphasize to that individual that I would feel very reassured about him as a human being if he would please present me with a copy of a recent criminal-history record for himself indicating that he himself has no felony-conviction record, with myself after reviewing that legal document then emphasizing to that same individual that the document from the Federal Bureau of Investigation that he had presented to me at my request "could just mean that you were previously convicted of a felony crime, but the FBI has not obtained that incriminating criminal-law information about you yet."

---Did I myself knowingly and deliberately subject that individual against his wishes to a "thought-control" project or a "brainwashing" project or to "an educational services project" or to a "psychological services project" that he definitely did not want, and that he repeatedly protested and filed law-abiding and civilly-worded complaints against with legal authorities.

---Did I ever angrily accuse another human being of having internal thoughts he did not verbalize to me about a cited individual whom I myself did not want that human being to be having any internal thoughts about?

---Did I presume to critique or attempt to alter the "thought process" of another human being without receiving his express prior permission in writing for any such critique or attempted alteration of that individual's cited "thought process"?

---Did I repeatedly state to that individual that "you are very paranoid," without myself ever volunteering to that individual that I myself have no training in the field of psychology and that I myself should not be offering individual gratuitous evaluations of his own mental health.

---Did I myself knowingly and deliberately attempt to censor the writings and beliefs and ideas of that individual?

---Did I ever fail to fully acknowledge the Freedom of Speech-protected legal right of another human being to himself (in a privacy-respectful and civil and law-abiding manner) verbalize criticism of any cited "subculture" or "community" or "political movement" or "religious group" or "individual" or "group of individuals" or "business entity" or "city" or "U.S." state" or "country", including any civic group or organization in which I was myself a dues-paying member or employee or officer.

---Did I ever fail to fully acknowledge the legal right of another individual to NOT himself have any type of relationship with a cited media company or business that he himself disliked or did not feel comfortable with.

---Did I myself knowingly and deliberately attempt to undermine that individual's ability to develop and enjoy a strictly-mutual-consent social life featuring numerous mutual-consent personal friends in his own life and a strictly-mutual-consent romantic love life or a strictly-mutual-consent and law-abiding sex life?

--Did I attempt to prevent a single adult person from going out on mutual-consent romantic dates or strictly-platonic personal outings with an adult person other than myself?

---Did I myself knowingly and deliberately exhibit a contempt for or defiance of that individual's Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, and Freedom of Strictly-Mutual-Consent Association legal rights, and of the privacy rights as well, that are assured to that individual by the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution?

---Did I ever myself state to another individual that I had expectations of any type as to which of the law-abiding and honest persons in the USA he would himself agree to have or have any involvement with.

---Did I ever once ridicule a new religion that had been founded by another human being, by myself loudly declaring at a public event I attended that "his new religion's stated emphasis on helping all persons under age 30 indicates to me that he is himself a pederast and pedophile who preys on under-age youths!"

---Did I ever advise the individual in question on the telephone that "I don't know of ANY private attorney anywhere in Austin, Texas, who would be willing to help you formally establish the anti-alcohol and non-Christian religion you've founded. Every attorney I know of in Austin would be very unreceptive to a project of that type, since all the attorneys I know of definitely DO NOT have an anti-alcohol bias."

---Did I repeatedly exhibit a contempt for the asserted right of that individual to set his own priorities and set his own course in his own life?

---Did I repeatedly state or indicate to any individual that his legal and Constitutional rights were somehow negated or nullified or restricted because he guided himself in his own life partly based on prejudices of his that included his own civilly-stated and lawfully expressed bias or prejudice against male adult effeminacy and his own civilly-stated and lawfully-expressed bias or prejudice against facial hair on adult men.

---Did I myself ever volunteer to an acquaintance of mine on the telephone, during a long-distance phone call he made to my home in Austin, Texas, from a pay telephone in west Texas that his own cited greater affinity for a higher percentage of all heterosexual adult men, as compared with the other cited subpopulations of adult male persons, had triggered what many people regarded as "persecution" of himself on the part of many Americans; and did I subsequently NEVER at any time provide the individual I'd spoken with in that phone conversation with the name of ANY alleged or possible "persecutor" of himself.

---Did I myself ever state to that individual that I strongly believed that he was himself being "persecuted" in Texas, without myself ever on any occasion ever once volunteering to that individual the name of ANY specific person or any specific group of persons whom I most suspected of allegedly persecuting that individual?

---Did I myself ever at any time state to my employer that I would feel "very uncomfortable" if that employer of mine were to hire that particular job applicant for a position of employment with my employer, when the only factual evidence I cited to my employer in making that emphatic request was that the individual in question had allegedly been consulting a private-law attorney in recent years about alleged violations of his own privacy rights.

---Did I myself knowingly and deliberately attempt to harm or injure that individual in any way?

---Did I ever make any comments to an individual that I knew to be flagrantly untrue, such as if I had repeatedly stated to that individual that I regarded him as being "delusional" or "psychotic" or a "psycho case" or "mentally ill," even though I knew for a fact that he was NOT delusional and he was NOT mentally ill.

---Did I ever make any comments to any individual that I knew at the time might significantly demoralize him, such as if I had stated to him on the telephone, "You always were a pest, even during your childhood."

---Did I ever state to an adult first-time acquaintance of mine during an ostensibly friendly dinnertime meal and conversation in which several persons dined together inside an Italian restaurant in Austin, Texas: "I hope that my adult son hasn't been poisoning you!"

---Did I ever directly accuse another person of being "mercenary," without myself specifically explaining with specific factual evidence at that time why I was apparently alleging that the individual in question was allegedly or possibly "murdering" persons in exchange for payments of money to himself.

---Did I ever write and send a letter to anyone in which I warned that individual that if he ever at any time cited my full name to any other person in any context, I would immediately "pursue legal actions" against himself, without my specifying how I would be capable of lawfully filing a lawsuit in a court of law in Austin, Texas, against that individual based on his having exercised his Freedom of Speech legal and Constitutional rights in the United States.

--Did I myself ever indicate to any individual on the telephone during a long-distance phone call he made to my private residence that "if you continue to keep private diaries or have internal thoughts that ever refer to me in any way, I will file a lawsuit against you!"

---Did I emphatically and without any context to my emphatically worded comment state in 1988 on the telephone to a former acquaintance of mine whom I had corresponded with by U.S. Postal Service in an appreciative manner during the multi-decade period since he graduated from at The University of Texas at Austin, "Keep your own internal thoughts (sic) away from me!"

---Did I ever make a significantly unreasonable request of any individual at any time?

---Did I ever emphatically and in a near-hysterical voice volunteer to a cited "personal friend" of mine on the telephone in 1990 or 1991, during a multi-year period in which he resided in Sweetwater, Texas, and made a long-distance phone call to my private residence in the northeastern U.S., "Try to remember someone from your distant past who DOESN'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU, and then try to stop ever again having any more internal thoughts of your own about that particular individual in your own internal thought process! Would you PLEASE be willing to do that for me, as a favor to me?"

---Did I ever state to that individual on the telephone in 1997, during a local phone call he made to your home from an outdoor pay telephone in Austin, Texas, that "'the comment you just made sounded anti-Semitic to me', even though I myself knew at the time that it was NOT, in fact, an anti-Semitic comment he had just made----and I also knew that this was the first-ever occasion in your entire life in which I had ever once faulted the individual in question for allegedly making ANY "anti-Semitic" comment of any type.

---Did I ever volunteer on the telephone in the late 1990s to a former student of mine at The University of Texas at Austin, "There appear to be some MEANIES IN AUSTIN, TEXAS, who are harassing you these days!", without myself ever at any time being willing to cite to that individual the specific names of ANY specific persons whom I suspected of allegedly attempting to harass that individual.

---Did I myself ever secretly involve anyone at any time with an organized crime group such as the Mafia or Cosa Nostra, even though I never informed that individual of any such organized crime involvement in his own life at any time.

---Did I ever respond on the telephone to an individual's stated concerns about possibly injurious meddling in his own life from a cited person other than himself, by myself replying, "You are still alive"?

---Did I state to that individual that his writing abilities or artistic abilities or intellectual aptitude appeared to be very limited or weak, and then cite this as my reason for not providing him with a referral to a publisher or literary agent or art museum or university or college or cultural institution that or whom I myself had a relationship with.

----Did I myself pursue actions that directly undermined the ability of that individual to earn a decent financial income and thereby pay all of his bills as soon as possible?

---Did I myself knowingly and deliberately attempt to undermine the ability of that individual to liberate himself from poverty or severe financial deprivation?

---Did I ever at any time volunteer the comment to that individual in person that "you've had a rough life," without myself ever once citing the name of any actual person (other than himself) whom I regarded as being significantly or primarily responsible for his own substandard living conditions and severe financial deprivation.

---Did I ever at any time state to that individual on the telephone in 1992, during a long-distance phone call he made to my home from Zapata, Texas, that "even if you moved to Portland, Oregon, and attempted to pursue a career there, your living conditions would not be any better in Oregon. The entire United States these days has been compared by many people to Nazi Germany, and that also applies to anyplace in the United States where you might choose to yourself reside."

---Did I myself repeatedly advise that individual during a long-distance phone call he made to my home in Austin from Pampa, Texas, in 1993 that he should not write and send any letters of complaint about his own living conditions to any official of the U.S. Government in Washington, D.C., "since it would only result in the CIA or FBI labeling you as a 'nut', and you might then be detained and interrogated by the CIA or FBI."

---Did I ever at any time on my own volition verbally advise a cited "relative" of mine on the telephone that he should file for personal bankruptcy, so that he could "get a fresh start and avoided being burdened by excessive financial debts," or words to that effect.

---Did I ever at any time ever once file for personal bankruptcy in any court of law anywhere in the United States, and thereby deprive numerous mutual-consent creditors of mine of the money that I had agreed to pay them as compensation for financial debts that I owed them.

---Did I myself knowingly and deliberately attempt to punish that individual in any noteworthy manner for having beliefs and priorities as a human being and for pursuing law-abiding conduct that I myself disliked or did not feel comfortable with.

---Did I myself knowingly and deliberately attempt to undermine any of the freedoms and options in life and opportunities in life for any individual?

---Did I pursue actions that prevented or discouraged any individual from visiting favorite places of his or favorite foreign countries of his, even though he might have greatly benefited from those trips to other cities, other U.S. states, and other nations.

---Did I participate in harassment of any individual that was aimed at attempting to coerce him into moving AWAY from the city or metro area or U.S. state where I myself also resided, or that was aimed at coercing him into moving TO the city or metro area or U.S. state where I myself resided.

---Did I improperly pressure that individual into moving to the city or U.S. state where I myself resided, only to myself later fail to get together with that person and befriend that individual in a respectful manner after he moved to that city or U.S. state to which I had urged him to move.

---Did I flatly refuse to provide that individual with a signed letter of recommendation that he had requested of me, even though I felt that he was honorable and very worthy of a favorable professional letter of recommendation from me?

---Did I possibly violate federal law by ever at any time concealing from that individual a favorable letter he had received in the mail that would have provided him with a potentially lucrative career opportunity, with myself burning that letter in order to deny that individual the cited career opportunity.

---Did I fail to ever thank or express sincere gratitude to a law-abiding individual I liked and admired who had generously befriended me and significantly enhanced my own quality of life.

---Did I repeatedly choose to never send any "Christmas greeting card" or any "Holiday Season greeting card" to an adult individual whom I liked or loved and admired, and whom I was otherwise communicating with during my leisuretime on a year-round and mutual-consent basis.

---Did I ever verbalize a warning to anyone at any time that if he continued to complain about his own living conditions in the United States, this would prevent him from ever landing a job with any reputable major daily newspaper anywhere in the United States.

---Did I ever state to anyone at any time that unless that individual were dating or living with a "mutual-consent" romantic partner or a mutual-consent sex partner for himself, his own ability to enjoy or have privacy rights or any other legal rights would be either inapplicable or very doubtful, in my opinion.

---Did I ever withhold from any cited friend or acquaintance of mine the name of any individual whom I had reason to believe was planning to murder himself or attempting to murder himself.

---Did I as an Austin-based private attorney member of the State Bar of Texas ever state to any client of mine in Austin, Texas, that the circumstances in his own life that he described to me comprised clear and convincing legal evidence that someone during that time period was trying to kill himself; and despite this statement I verbalized orally to my client during an in-person consultation he had with me inside my law office in Austin, did I myself choose against ever at any time contacting the Austin Police Department, the Travis County Sheriff's Office, the Travis County District Attorney's Office, the Travis County County Attorney's Office, the Texas Department of Public Safety in Austin, or the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to share this major concern of mine on behalf of my client with any of those law-enforcement-minded government agencies.

---Did I ever at any time attempt to prevent any individual from developing or being involved in a mutual-consent sexual relationship with another person in any context in which I myself feared that any such sexual relationship might then add to the total number of adult individual beneficiaries receiving financial payments of money or property from the sizable estate of the former individual upon the expected death of himself.

----Did I ever verbalize my emphatic opinion to an acquaintance or relative of mine in Austin, Texas, that he had a definite need to himself file criminal-charges in Austin against "several Stephen F. Austin High School alumni," without myself then specifically stating WHICH, if any, alumni of Stephen F. Austin High School of Austin Independent School District in Austin, Texas, I myself regarded as having allegedly wronged the former individual in a context that allegedly violated the state penal code of Texas.

---Did I myself ever pursue actions at any time that were aimed at deliberately triggering a "nervous breakdown" or "psychiatric illness" in another human being?

---Did I myself ever knowingly and deliberately pursue actions that were aimed at accelerating the aging process in another human being, which could also undermine his own medical longevity and creative longevity and harm his own quest for a full social life and a full romantic life.

---Did I myself specifically volunteer to any individual that I believed very strongly that he was being "persecuted in Texas," without myself then citing the names of some or several foreign nations and some or several state governments of other U.S. states or other cities or counties of Texas, for that matter, that each might also have concurred with my own stated outlook that the individual in question was being "persecuted in Texas."

---Did I ever decline to become a personal friend of someone, or decline to get together with someone, because I feared that any such involvement for myself might necessitate my testifying as a witness on his own behalf in a court of law at some future point.

----Did I ever decline to meet in person with a polite acquaintance of mine partly because during that time period he was mired in life-threatening circumstances in his own life, and I felt that meeting with him under those circumstances would be "unpleasant" or "too grim," in my view.

---Did I ever decline to meet in person with any person based primarily or solely on my own fear that I myself would be victimized by retaliation against me from individuals seeking to harm that person and seeking to harm his friends or associates as well.

---Did I ever pursue any actions aimed at preventing any individual from earning a sizable income from his career pursuits, partly or primarily or solely because I feared that if he enjoyed a decent financial income, he would have a lot more money of his own that he could draw from to pay a private-attorney to file a civil-law lawsuit on his behalf---a lawsuit scenario that I myself might regard as a potential "embarrassment" to myself or a potential "threat" to myself in some context.

---Did I myself ever state to an individual I liked and admired that "privacy rights are very important for me," without my ever at any time exhibiting ANY interest in the privacy rights of that individual himself.

---Did I myself ever at any time attempt to punish someone or morally compromise someone or inflict an artificial or contrived "scandal" on someone after I identified him as being "too straight" for myself, and "too straight" for my own tastes?

---Was I myself ever possibly guilty of debauchery in any context victimizing another person.

---Did I myself ever refuse to hire someone because he volunteered to me during his job interview with me that he himself is HIV-negative, and that he has a religious tradition or personal tradition of himself volunteering to his employer on a regular basis a copy of his most recent HIV-negative medical test results indicating that he is himself HIV-negative and STD-free as well.

---Did I ever at any time subject someone to mental cruelty in regard to mysterious and challenging circumstances he was encountering in his own life, by myself volunteering to him, "If you would ask me the right question about your own circumstances, I will tell you the information you need. But so far, you have not asked me the right question, so I cannot provide you with the factual information you need."

---Did I ever state to anyone at any time that because I regarded him as being intellectualy inferior to myself, and I also regarded him as being someone of a lower socioeconomic status than myself, I would not be compatible with him as a prospective personal friend for himself or prospective personal acquaintance for himself.

---Did I ever significantly demoralize another person by stating to him that he is the most boring person I have ever met in my entire life?

---Did I ever state to an adult acquaintance of mine that I was myself very intolerant of his legal right to himself go on a mutual-consent romantic date, or become a mutual-consent roommate, with a legal-status adult person significantly younger in age than himself or herself.

---Did I myself ever write to the Chairman of the English Department of a major university and myself knowingly tell a flagrant lie to that administrator by myself falsely asserting in writing that a graduate student in that midwestern academic department had allegedly committed the crime of plagiarism in his dissertation or thesis paper.

---Did I myself ever at any time in the late 1970s scrawl a flagrantly untrue or injurious graffiti message about a female UT-Austin student on the wall of a toilet stall in a public restroom at The University of Texas at Austin, such as a libelous scrawled message relating to a consistently nice and friendly female staff member at "The Daily Texan" student newspaper, that was read on thousands of total occasions by dozens of male staff members of that student newspaper during periods when they used the toilet in that public restroom in 1978 and 1979.

---Did I myself scrawl an offensively obscene and very unfair anonymous message in the 1970s about a female Stephen F. Austin High School student on the wall of a toilet stall in the the boys' restroom of that Austin Independent School District campus at 1212 Rio Grande in central Austin.

--Did I myself ever pressure anyone into undergoing a sex-change operation, despite his repeatedly stating or indicating to me that he did NOT want to himself ever undergo a sex-change operation?

---Did I myself ever punish or attempt to punish any adult male person for himself exhibiting a significantly keener affinity and enthusiasm in his own life toward masculine or very masculine gentlemen than in regard to effeminate male adult persons?

---Did I myself ever at any time punish or attempt to punish anyone at any time in retaliation against any individual that was based on his exhibiting a law-abiding and lawfully-expressed, civilly-conveyed aversion on his part toward male adult effeminacy?

--Did I myself ever at any time punish or attempt to punish any non-smoking adult person in retaliation against himself for his choice of preferring to associate with non-smoking adult persons in his personal life and, as much as possible, his career pursuits?

---Did I myself ever at any time knowingly damage any person's medical health by asking him or ordering him to strain his larnyx or vocal chords in any way, such as might occur if he were pursuing conduct I myself authorized or requested or ordered in which he subjected another person against the latter individual's wishes to non-stop verbalized communications that the victim of that noise pollution and defacto verbal harassment definitely did NOT want and he definitely DID NOT need and he definitely DID NOT request.

---Did I myself ever at any time knowingly involve another human being with ANY of the persons whom he had already rejected from his own life.

---Did I myself ever attempt to punish ANY adult human being based on my own perception or impression that he expressed a law-abiding and cheerfully enthusiastic and wholesome affinity toward a higher percentage of all heterosexual adult men and all heterosexual adult women than of all homosexual adult male persons, all gay male adult persons, all lesbian adult persons, all bisexual adult persons, all transvestite adult persons, and all transsexual adult persons.

---Did I myself ever attempt to deny any non-handicapped adult person the legal right to himself associate in full with other non-handicapped adult persons?

---Did I myself repeatedly hurl knowingly false accusations of any type at any individual?

---Did I myself trigger emotional duress in an acquaintance of mine during a period of life-threatening circumstances for himself by myself asking in a hysterical-sounding voice: "WHAT IS THE WORST POSSIBLE INTERPRETATION OF WHY THESE CIRCUMSTANCES IN YOUR OWN LIFE ARE CONTINUING?", without myself ever at any time being willing to provide that factual information to that male adult acquaintance?

---Did I myself repeatedly state to any acquaintance of mine in 1988 in Austin, Texas, that the complaints he repeatedly verbalized to me on the telephone about alleged violations of his own privacy rights in Austin, Texas, were "matters that are beyond the scope of what the American legal system can ever address....It would be pointless for you to contact an attorney about this, since you can't file a lawsuit against yourself!"

---Did I myself ever in the late 1990s state to any acquaintance of mine on the telephone from my own private residence in Houston, Texas, that I regarded it as "evil" (exact wording) conduct on the part of that individual to himself be consulting a private-law attorney in Austin, Texas, about alleged violations of his own privacy rights allegedly occurring in Austin, Texas?

--Did I myself ever state to an acquaintance of mine complaining about year-round noise pollution and accompanying verbal harassment of himself in west Texas during a long-distance phone call he made to my home in Austin, Texas, in 1991 from his apartment in Sweetwater, Texas: "I have MY REASONS for wanting the voices (sic) to continue!", without myself ever on any occasion citing ANY specific reason to that individual for myself somehow "endorsing" that noise pollution being inflicted on that acquaintance of mine.

---Did I ever trigger considerable emotional duress in an acquaintance of mine by angrily and in an accusatory voice asking him on the telephone in 1994, during a long-distance phone call he made to my home in Austin, Texas, from his daily newspaper workplace in Snyder, Texas: "I find it galling in the extreme that you somehow gave legal authority to a person who disliked you intensely even during your childhood!", without myself ever at any time volunteering the name of that cited individual.

---Did I ever make an unfair request of any individual in which I asked him to never write about me or never cite my own name in his private diaries and private journals?

---Did I ever involve someone in a surreptitious videotaping of himself by others that I later concluded to have been a would-be or actual "snuff movie" project victimizing that individual?

---Did I ever respond to a male adult individual's polite invitation on the telephone in 1994 that I meet him for lunch and conversation inside a restaurant by stating to him that the invitation to have lunch with him inside a restaurant in Big Spring, Texas, or Snyder, Texas, comprised an apparent "illegal solicitation," and that on this cited basis I might myself press criminal-law charges against that individual through the Howard County District Attorney's Office in Big Spring, Texas.

---Did I ever at any time state in writing in 1990 for a State Government of Texas-owned institution in Big Spring, Texas, that I regarded a civil and honest adult gentleman with no criminal-conviction record as being "very dangerous, and very similar to John Hinckley, the man who shot a gun in attempting to assassinate U.S. President Ronald Reagan."

---Did I, in my role as a female secretary for nationally syndicated columnist Molly Ivins, ever myself state to an adult gentleman in 1997, when he made a local phone call to Molly Ivins' office in Austin, Texas, that "Ms. Ivins is not willing to have lunch with you inside a restaurant here in Austin. Ms. Ivins is only willing to have lunch with persons whom she believes are interesting, and she does not consider you to be an interesting person."

--Did I as a county government official in Austin, Texas, ever state to a male adult resident of Austin, Texas, in 2001 that "many people in the Austin area are apparently trying to drive you out of town," without myself ever citing to that adult gentleman ANY specific name of ANY specific person whom I myself suspected of actually trying to "drive" the former individual out of town.

--Did I as an attorney member of the State Bar of Texas ever state to a male adult client of mine in person in the late 1990s that I myself definitely believed very strongly that he was being "harassed" in Austin, Texas, and did I then add that I as an attorney was not myself able to identify any basis for my filing a lawsuit of any type in a court of law on behalf of that client of mine.

--Did I as the Chairman of the History Department at The University of Texas at Austin in late 1994 emphatically and with indignation in my voice state on the telephone to a law-abiding and honest and gainfully employed former student of mine that he was himself forbidden by me from ever entering Garrison Hall, the academic building on that campus where my own administrative office was situated.

---Did I decline to listen to a 1988 long-distance telephone call complaint to myself at my "Miami Herald" newsroom office in Miami, Florida, from a male adult former high-school schoolmate of mine in Austin, Texas, who initially stated to me in that phone call he made from a pay telephone in front of a convenience store along Barton Springs Boulevard in Austin, that he was himself being subjected to unpleasant and continuous anonymous voices in Austin, Texas? Did I interrupt his oral comments to me in that brief 1988 phone conversation by myself emphatically stating to him, "I have to get off the phone!", with a hint of panic to my tone of voice?

---Did I state to a male adult acquaintance of mine in 1989, during a long-distance phone call he made to my Houston-area home from his apartment unit in El Campo, Texas, that I would prefer that he NOT attend the wedding at the French Legation in Austin, Texas, to which I had myself mailed him a formal invitation. Did I cite as my reason for unofficially withdrawing that wedding invitation that "I don't want those anonymous background voices (sic) at my own wedding."

---Did I ever seek to punish any individual in any context that was based on his having chosen to NOT himself be a member of my own religious group or my own civic group or my own political group?

---Did I myself ever at any time state to any individual that I myself personally "endorsed" or "advocated" or "supported" the illicit consumption of marijuana or any form of noteworthy and alarming illegal conduct.

--Did I myself choose to not keep up with a former high school teacher of mine at Austin High School in Austin, Texas, whom I had myself particularly liked or admired, and did I thereby subject her to additional evidence that her former students did not want to befriend her in their years after graduation from Austin High School of Austin Independent School District?

---Did I myself ever knowingly attempt to subject anyone to a time warp in which he was denied the opportunity to develop real-life and fully honest and strictly-mutual-consent friendships with human beings from a variety of ages?

---Did I ever respond to an acquaintance's cited concerns about alleged violations of his own privacy rights in Texas by emphatically stating to him during a long-distance phone call he made to my residence in Austin, Texas, that "The President of the United States of America is not interested in you. So it would be pointless of you to ever contact the President of the United States about your concerns and complaints as a U.S. citizen."

----Did I ever knowingly or inadvertently demoralize a single adult resident of Texas who complained about his living conditions in this state, by myself stating to him on the telephone during a long-distance phone calls he made to my private residence in Austin from his own private residence in west Texas: "The Governor of Texas is not interested in you or your concerns. So it would be pointless of you to ever attempt to contact the Governor of Texas and ask our Governor for any assistance."

---Did I ever knowingly demoralize and inflict emotional duress on a single adult male resident of Austin, Texas, in 1991 by coughing nervously on my own end of the phone line during a local phone call he made to me, with myself then volunteering that "you may well find that your work supervisor at a State of Texas agency ends up being a lesbian (sic)," even though I was myself fully aware at the time that the individual to whom I was speaking had repeatedly stated to me that he sought to lawfully and in a very civil manner minimize his own involvement with gay and lesbian persons through his own career-related pursuits and life.

---Did I ever knowingly inflict emotional duress and needless suffering on a law-abiding and alcohol-free single adult gentleman residing in Texas by myself angrily and with very emphatic incredulity in my tone of voice, asking him on at least two separate occasions on my end of the phone line during a long-distance phone call he made to my home in Austin, Texas, in the early 1990s from his city or town of residence in West Texas: "WHY WOULD ANY HETEROSEXUAL MAN WANT TO BE A PERSONAL FRIEND OF YOURS?"

---Did I myself ever pursue any actions at any time that prevented a law-abiding biological son of someone from himself meeting in person with that older relative of his?

---Did I myself ever deliberately seek to inflict emotional anxiety and duress on anyone by stating to that individual on the telephone during a long-distance phone call he made in 1990 or 1991 from his city of residence of Sweetwater, Texas, to my own home in Austin, Texas, that "the anonymous voices you are hearing in the background in Sweetwater, Texas, suggest that the voices are very angry with you," without myself elaborating on what I meant to imply or signify by that comment.

---Did I as a member of the clergy of the First Unitarian Unitarian Church of Austin in Austin, Texas, ever on any occasion state to a law-abiding single adult resident who met with me in my ministerial study at my church in Austin in 1986: "A psychologist friend of mine tells me that he regards you as being very narcissistic. I myself, though, am not entirely sure whether I agree with my psychologist friend's evaluation of yourself here in Austin."

----Did I as a senior male adult pastor of a Lutheran church in Bay City, Texas, volunteer in person to a single adult man during a two-person meeting he had with me inside my church in Bay City, Texas, in 1988 or 1989: "Unless you yourself can develop a lasting mutual-consent romantic relationship with another human being, your own life is doomed to complete failure and ruination, and there is no hope for you at all."

---Did I as a male adult officer of the First Baptist Church of El Campo, Texas, volunteer in person to a male adult visitor to our church one Sunday morning in the 1990s during a multi-year time period in which I knew him to be facing life-threatening circumstances against his wishes in his own life in Texas, circumstances in which he himself was exhibiting a very strong will to live and consistently law-abiding lifestyle by himself: "We at First Baptist Church in El Campo are having a very extensive dialogue these days about whether suicide can be morally justifiable under certain circumstances."

---Did I myself ever have criminal-law evidence I'd obtained or been privy to about one or more persons allegedly seeking to harm or allegedly seeking to murder a law-abiding single adult male person in Texas, without my ever choosing to contact the Austin Police Department, the Travis County Sheriff's Office in Austin, Texas, the Travis County County Attorney's Office in Austin, Texas; the Travis County District Attorney's Office in Austin, Texas; the Texas Department of Public Safety in Austin, Teas; the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Department of Justice, or the Federal Communications Commission, and myself share with that government agency the tentative criminal-law evidence I'd obtained relating to alleged violations of the legal rights of the law-abiding single adult male person in question.

---Did I myself ever hang up my end of the phone line in response to a long-distance phone call to my private residence in Texas in which the caller stated or indicated to me that he believed his privacy rights had been flagrantly violated in Texas.

---Did I as a psychotherapist in Boston, Massachusetts, ever state to a former client of mine or current client of mine in 1986 or 1985 during a two-person session he had with me in Boston, Massachusetts, that "it would be impossible to say whether you are paranoid under these circumstances," without myself ever elaborating to that individual at any time as to what I had meant by the phrase, "under these circumstances," that I had used in explaining to him why it would be impossible for me to determine whether he was, in fact, paranoid during that particular period of his life in the Boston area.

---Did I as a Harvard University alumnus ever significantly demoralize a 27-year-old gentleman a and newcomer to Massachusetts by stating to him in person with angry exasperation during my first-ever meeting with him inside my mother's home in Auburn, Massachusetts: "I'm dismayed by how little you have accomplished in your own life! In my own life, by contrast, I've already written several live-theater plays. As for yourself, it's apparent that your creative efforts have been very minimal."

---Did I as an adult female resident of Cambridge, Massachusetts, ever significantly demoralize or traumatize a single adult male newcomer to Massachusetts in 1984 or 1985 during my first-ever meeting with that individual, by myself having an angry outburst toward that individual inside my apartment unit in the middle of a "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"-theme party I was hosting---an angry outburst in which I declared very loudly and very emphatically to that male adult gentleman in front of several adult invited guests inside my apartment unit: "You have a MASSIVE INFERIORITY COMPLEX!"

---Did I ever significantly demoralize an aspiring single male adult writer in Worcester, Massachusetts, by stating to that acquaintance of mine in 1984 that "I think you're the type of writer who is more noteworthy for being WRITTEN ABOUT, than for any writing of your own that you will ever accomplish. You remind me of the English writer Virginia Woolf in that way, since she is better known for having been written about by others than she is for her own writing."

---Did I myself ever at any time advise a celibate single adult gentleman in Massachusetts to "lower your standards in your quest for a mutual-consent sex life or romantic life," with myself possibly emphasizing that "they all look good in the dark."

---Did I ever state in 1990 to a longtime celibate single adult gentleman resident of Sweetwater, Texas, on the telephone during a long-distance phone call he made to my private residence in Austin, Texas: "You have the sexuality of a teenager!"

---Did I myself ever at any time directly verbalize any death threat in any of my in-person comments to any coworker of mine or any work supervisor of mine at any of my workplaces in Texas?

----Did I repeatedly respond to verbalized complaints about unwanted weight gains from an acquaintance of mine who made long-distance phone calls to my home in Austin, Texas, from a variety of cities of Texas, including from Baytown, Texas, in 1995, by myself stating: "The weight gains you've sustained that you are complaining about to me are just a normal part of the aging process that all human beings experience. You claim to have suffered from particularly stressful circumstances involving alleged verbal harassment of yourself that allegedly triggered massive weight gains in you here in Texas. However, it's a simple fact of life that most people gain lots of weight as they get older. It's unlikely you will ever be able to lose the weight you have gained in Texas during this period, since most people find it very difficult to lose weight as they get older."

----Did I as City Manager of Austin in the late 1990s habitually glare with sharp antipathy or hatred toward a scheduled "Citizen Participation" male adult speaker waiting to speak in person at an Austin City Council meeting, even though he himself had never made any unkind comment to me at any time, and he himself had never glared at me or looked at me with sharp antipathy or hatred at any time.

---Did I as a local government official official in Austin, Texas, ever contact a law-abiding constituent of mine in Austin, Texas, and ask him to never again write to me directly at any time and in any context.

---Did I as a municipal law-enforcement agency official in Austin, Texas, ever state to a law-abiding single adult male resident of Austin that I emphatically prohibit him from ever again directly writing to me with any criminal-law complaints of his own in which he might allege that he was himself being victimized by crime in Austin, Texas?

---Did I as a former high-school social studies teacher of a male adult gentleman in Austin, Texas, voluntarily state to him in the late 1990s during a meal and two-person conversation I had with him inside a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant along Barton Springs Boulevard in the late 1990s, that I was very sure that even though he was himself enduring severe financial hardship and great difficulty in his career-related pursuits during that time period in Austin, I was myself very sure that NONE of the persons whom he had ever previously encountered in his own life would be willing or able to assist him or help him or befriend him in any way.

---Did I ever state to another person on the telephone that I regard himself as being "intellectually inferior" to myself?

---Did I ever state to another adult person that I had myself signed a legal contract on that individual's behalf that required that individual to be in a "romantic relationship" or "marriage" with any other cited person?

---Did I ever volunteer to a male adult acquaintance of mine in 1994, during a two-person meeting I had with him in Snyder, Texas, a west Texas town, that "all of the persons of your own past were sadistic toward you," or words to that effect, without my then stating which legal action, if any, might help prevent each of the new persons who are encountered by that acquaintance of mine in the present or future from also being citedly cruel and injurious toward that acquaintance of mine?

---Did I ever verbalize to others a deliberate and flagrant misquotation of the beliefs or thoughts of another person?

---Did I ever attempt to inflict medical injury or medical illness on any individual that was in response to his decision to live in a city or state or a nation other than the city or state or nation where I myself wanted him to reside.

---Did I ever at any time pursue any actions that were aimed at depriving an adult human being of the opportunity to himself receive immediate access to comprehensive and very affordable health insurance coverage for himself?

---Did I ever state in writing to an adult person residing in Austin, Texas, that unless that individual were to undergo "many years of psychiatric care," as my 1997 mailed letter to that individual stated (or words to that effect), that individual would not have any hope of ever developing ANY strictly-mutual-consent sexual romantic relationship with any other adult person.

---Did I ever state to a self-described "personal friend" of mine in the 1990s that I had a policy of myself never returning ANY of the long-distance phone call messages that were left by or on behalf of himself.

---Did I myself impose a permanent ban on any future employment of a cited adult gentleman in any clerical position at my own State of Texas-owned workplace, even though on my own volition a few days later or a few days before that action of mine I wrote a very flattering letter of professional recommendation for that individual that I signed on official stationary of that State of Texas-owned public university in Austin.

---Did I myself state in 1995 to a full-time reporter whom I directly supervised at my daily newspaper in Baytown, Texas, that he himself had only minimal writing talent, and that all of his coworkers at "The Baytown Sun" were much better writers than he himself was.

---Did I ever state to any adult person in the 1980s that his most noteworthy trait was his cited "weirdness" or his "other-worldly intensity and style" that suggested to me that he was a visitor "from another planet," or words to that effect?

---Did I ever accuse another adult person of their being "too paranoid" about the prospect of their having pre-marital sex with other adult persons?

---Did I myself ever seek to punish anyone or harm anyone based on my own view that I did not like his internal thought process?

---Did I pursue any actions that deprived any individual of his legal right to himself enjoy full privacy rights in regard to his own internal thought process per se?

---Did I ever state to a person that I disliked one of his nocturnal dreams about me, and on that basis I felt a visceral disdain toward that particular nocturnal dream of his that he dreamed during his sleep?

---Did I myself ever exhibit or express a defiance of the legal right of an adult male person during his leisuretime and in his career-related pursuits to himself associate in full with other legal-status adult gentlemen?

----Did I ever state on the telephone in 1988 to a law-abiding male adult acquaintance of mine who I agreed was NOT himself mentally ill or delusional, that I myself expected that adult acquaintance of mine to ask a psychiatrist in Wharton County, Texas, to somehow "prescribe" psychiatric medications for himself that I expected that acquaintance of mine to then ingest on a year-round basis?

---Did I ever knowingly withhold from a law-abiding gentleman factual information about how he could himself obtain immediate access to all of the "lifelong cumulative financial savings" I told that individual that he had, in fact, accrued in one or more financial institutions over the course of his entire life.

---Did I ever attempt to artificially inflict financial deprivation on a law-abiding and talented and creative single adult person during a multi-year period in which I myself permitted associates of mine or friends of mine to incessantly taunt that individual with the repeatedly verbalized "advice" that he would be "expected" to "pursue an illicit career in sexual prostitution," or words to that effect.

---Did I ever attempt to artificially inflict severe financial deprivation on a law-abiding and talented and intelligent single adult person during a multi-month or multi-year time period in which I repeatedly advised him, or I repeatedly sponsored advice to him from others, that "your own poverty means you cannot support yourself on your own, so you must agree to the demands of an affluent older person that you reside with that older person as his or her 'live-in servant'."

---Did I ever at any time state to ANY adult person that "because you yourself are very incompatible with the gay-rights movement and the gay subculture, and you are also very incompatible with the bisexual male adult subculture, the effeminate-male-adult subculture, the lesbian subculture, and the transsexual subculture, this means that you therefore have no right to live on this planet. Your incompatibility with those four subcultures means that you have forfeited the legal right to continue dwelling on this planet, since you are yourself at the mercy of each of those cited subcultures that you are significantly incompatible with."

---Did I as a pediatric medical physician in Maryland state to an acquaintance of mine during a long-distance phone call he made to my private residence in Maryland in 1991 or 1990 from his private apartment unit in Sweetwater, Texas: "All the published medical journal articles I've read about your case clearly indicate that you are mentally ill. And because of your mental illness, it's just a matter of time before you definitely will be relocating to a European nation."

---Did was I myself ever guilty of conflict of interest or self-incriminating malice in any of the legal actions I pursued at any time on behalf of ANY person, or in any context relating to ANY person?

---Did I myself pursue any actions aimed at punishing or harming or harassing ANY person in any context relating to his own Constitutionally protected Freedom of Speech-protected and Freedom of Religion-protected choice to himself be a law-abiding REJECTOR of the so-called gay rights movement.

---Did I myself ever state emphatically to another adult person in 1992, during a long-distance phone call he made from his rental-trailer home in Zapata, Texas, to my home in Austin, Texas, that he should refrain from writing ANY additional private diaries or ANY additional private journals during his leisuretime, with myself citing as my sole reason for this emphatic advice from myself that "there are Hispanic people in Zapata County, Texas, who might attempt to physically attack you if they somehow got access to your private journal entries and were themselves offended by the private journal entries you wrote."

---Did I ever respond to a 1992 long-distance phone call to my magazine office in Austin, Texas, from a newspaper journalist in Zapata, Texas, who indicated that he needed additional factual information about baffling and injurious aspects of his own "living conditions" during that period in 1992, by myself observing to the male adult caller: "Ignorance can be a blessing," without my ever elaborating on that at any time.

---Did I ever state in 1994 to an acquaintance of mine during a long-distance phone call he made to my home in Austin, Texas, from his daily-newspaper workplace in Snyder, Texas: "Every time that you yourself criticize a cited person through your internal thought process or through your private journal entries and comments you verbalize to yourself or anyone else, what you are doing is comparable to giving money away to each of the persons you are yourself having critical thoughts about. So if you stop criticizing each of those persons, this is the best way for you to avoid ever making any additional payments of money to those persons."

---Did I myself ever in 1993 or late 1992 volunteer to an acquaintance of mine during a long-distance phone call he made at his own financial expense to my home in Austin, Texas, from his daily newspaper office workplace in Pampa, Texas: "You have a golden opportunity in Pampa, Texas, to yourself PRETEND that you are a prosecuting attorney in the Panhandle region of our state. You can't ever actually press any real-life criminal-law charges against anyone, of course, but you can derive satisfaction from vicariously IMAGINING what it would be like had you yourself actually been an actual district attorney or prosecuting attorney in the city where you live."

---Did I myself cite only six noteworthy scenarios in talking with an acquaintance of mine about his own expected future, with those scenarios being that he might be expected to himself gain a significant amount of weight, "which I myself attribute to the normal aging process that occurs in most people as they grow older," as I might have put it; that he himself might somehow contract AIDS at some future date should he ever have sex at any future date, this being a scenario cited to that individual in the complete absence of his having stated ANYTHING to me about sex or sexual identity during that in-person conversation I had with him in Austin, Texas, in 1992, with exact unsolicited words to that individual having been, "If you get AIDS someday, don't blame me"; that "I now believe that NOT ALL of your men friends have to be homosexual, since I now sense that some of your men friends can be heterosexual," as I may have put it in 1994 to that male adult acquaintance of mine toward the end of his multi-year period of residence in Pampa, Texas; that he himself might be detained and interrogated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the CIA of the U.S. Government at some future date after he was identified by the federal government as the writer of alarmingly strange or odd letters to a federal official; that he would be expected to himself continue to experience severe financial hardship in his own personal finances, with the emphasis in that comment of mine being that I myself would not be able or willing to help him pay any his bills in that expected future scenario; or that I would expect him to possibly choose at some future date to himself move to the San Francisco Bay Area of northern California, "since I myself regard that metro area as being an ideal environment for you," or words to that effect, as I might have put it.

---Did I as an Austin-based private attorney member of the State Bar of Texas state agency of the State Government of Texas ever volunteer on my own initiative in 1997 inside my law office in downtown Austin to a single adult male client of mine, that the persons allegedly harassing him in Austin, Texas, were allegedly "relatives" (exact or near-exact quote) of his, without ANY names of any such person being cited by me when I offered that in-person oral evaluation inside my law firm office as to the alleged source of the harassment of my legal-services client of mine during that time period in Austin, Texas-----this without my ever clearly specifying exactly what I meant by the term 'relatives' in that particular context-----only to myself later retract as 'incorrect' the previous stress-inducing oral statement of mine through a subsequent follow-up signed official legal letter to that client of mine who himself paid me more than $1,000 in legal-consultation and legal-services fees during that multi-month period of the late 1990s.

---Did I myself ever spend money of my own to "help finance" or "partly finance" a project of entrapment of dubious legality that subjected a law-abiding single adult gentleman to involuntary public nudity or involuntary defacto public nudity for any period of time.

---Did I as a Hispanic male general manager for a Souper Salad-owned chain restaurant that was situated at that time near Braker Lane and Research Boulevard in northwest Austin, ever myself volunteer to a single adult male employee of mine in 2002 inside our restaurant workplace during working hours for that employee of mine, "You don't have ANY chance of yourself ever developing ANY romantic social life for yourself here in Austin, Texas. You would have to leave the Austin area in order to achieve that goal for yourself."

---Did I as a self-described Jewish man with a cited PhD in Economics from the University of North Carolina cheerfully volunteer to an acquaintance of mine over lunch inside a Pizzeria Uno restaurant in central Boston, Massachusetts, that "I myself frequently practice anonymous sex with other men who are complete strangers to me inside the men's restrooms of the Boston area, and I find it to be a very enjoyable part of my own lifestyle."

--Did I play any role in myself serving as a financier for, or assisting in the financing of, a cited "project" that held another human being hostage against his wishes for any period of time?

---Did I play any role in myself serving as a financier for, or sponsoring, a cited "mystery project" that held an adult human being hostage against his wishes in a context in which at least one observer of that project alleged that it was or could potentially become "alarmingly similar to a homicidal snuff movie."

---Did I as a resident of the Washington, D.C., area myself claim to be a "personal friend" or "friendly acquaintance" of another adult person during a time period of his own life in which I stated to him in 1989 (during a time period in which he resided in Big Spring, Texas, and complained to me on the telephone about manipulative circumstances involving violations of his own privacy rights and harassment of himself in west Texas) that "I myself approve of this project you're in."

---Did I myself one day in the 21st Century respond to life-threatening circumstances for another male adult individual involving pervasive violations of his own privacy rights to which that male adult relative of mine was being subjected against his wishes, by myself volunteering to that individual on the telephone from my western U.S. state, "You are not as straight as your father was."

---Did I myself as a private attorney member of the State Bar of Texas state agency of the State Government of Texas ever on any occasion in 1997 or 1998 directly state in person to a legal-services client of mine inside my law office in downtown Austin that I advised that client of mine to himself associate with and personally trust a cited illicit-drug addict male adult resident of Austin, with myself emphasizing to my legal-services client at that time that "he is your friend!" and myself never citing any other person on any occasion whom I regarded as being suitable for friendship status with my client.

--Did I myself as a private attorney member of the State Bar of Texas state agency of the State Government of Texas repeatedly myself state or indicate to a client of mine in the 1990s that "there appears to be 'outside interference' (exact wording) by one or more persons in your own living circumstances and career pursuits in Texas. However, I am not able to ascertain who the source of that outside interference is. In any case, if at some future date that individual attempts to force you to have an involvement with that person, you always have the option of rejecting that person."

----Did I myself ever advise a cited friend or cited friendly acquaintance of mine who was himself law-abiding that he should move to a city of the world where sexual prostitution involving the payment of money to sexual prostitutes is legal, with myself possibly citing either a county in Nevada where prostitution is legal, or Amsterdam in The Netherlands, as being a place to which I recommended that he move or relocate.

---Did I as a private attorney Austin-based member of the State Bar of Texas during a 21st Century paid legal consultation I provided to a single adult gentleman inside my law office in downtown Austin, volunteer on my own volition to that individual that "there appears to be a non-profit group intrusively involved in and meddling in your own living conditions in Austin, Texas, these days," without my ever citing to that gentleman seeking factual information from me the actual name of ANY specific religious group or any specific educational-services group or any specific civic group of any type, or any other specific non-profit group of any type, that allegedly was violating the privacy rights of, or allegedly was meddling in the living conditions of, that single adult gentleman during the 21st Century period of his own life.

---Did I as a female adult representative for a religious group in Austin, Texas, ever state on the telephone in the late 1990s to a law-abiding single adult gentleman making a phone call to my religion's offices in Austin, that I declined his invitation that I meet him for lunch inside a local restaurant, with my ONLY cited reason for declining that invitation from himself being that "your televised statements here in Austin, Texas, in which you urged the government to close down all gay bathhouses in Austin, Texas, is very offensive to me. It's obvious that you are too homophobic and too anti-gay for the Ethical Culture Society and all of our group's membership here in Austin."

---Did I myself ever trigger considerable emotional duress and suffering and accompanying massive weight gain on an individual that was based on my having emphatically stated to him on the telephone from my home in Austin, Texas (this during a long-distance phone call he made to my home from his rental apartment in Pampa, Texas) that I myself did not acknowledge or agree with his own very emphatically asserted legal right to himself permanently EXCLUDE from his own life a cited male adult person to whom he had already mailed at least one lawfully-worded rejection letter through the U.S. Postal Service.

--Did I as a male adult waitperson for Souper Salad Lakeline restaurant in Austin, Texas, ever state to a male adult coworker of mine in 2007 or so that I myself would like to become a lifelong personal friend of himself, with myself then adding, when asked by that coworker of mine if I also want him to enjoy full natural longevity and a full creative lifespan in his own life, that "I (the server who on his own volition volunteered to be a lifelong friend of a coworker of his inside that chain restaurant workplace) wouldn't go that far with it."

--Did I myself as an Mormon male adult resident of the U.S. state of Utah emphatically state in writing in a personal letter I mailed to a Texan adult male acquaintance or friend of mine in 1995, that he was being victimized by alleged "demonic forces" allegedly operating in the cited city where he resided at that time, Baytown, Texas----this without myself ever once citing to that acquaintance or friend of mine any example of ANY specific citedly "demonic" person or any specific citedly "demonic" religious group or any specific "demonic" atheist group or anti-religious group or any specifically cited "demonic" media company that might have allegedly victimized that friendly acquaintance or personal friend of mine during that time period of the mid-1990s.

---Did I as a female reporter for "The Dallas Morning News" in the spring of 1990 emphatically state on the telephone from my newspaper's main newsroom office to a mutual-consent personal friend of mine residing in Big Spring, Texas: "I can assure you, categorically, that you yourself have NO CHANCE of your ever landing a job with 'The New York Times' daily newspaper at any time in the entire future of your life."

---Did I as a male adult resident of Austin, Texas, emphasize repeatedly on the telephone in the 1990s to a male adult acquaintance of mine in Austin, Texas, that "I'm very sure that you have NO chance of your ever landing ANY job with 'The Austin American-Statesman'. There is no circumstance in which 'The Austin American-Statesman' would ever agree to hire you for any position of employment."

---Did I as a newspaper publisher in Wisconsin and journalism professor at The University of Minnesota significantly demoralize a male adult acquaintance of mine for whom I had previously provided a very favorable professional reference in 1985 that landed him a job at a general-circulation daily newspaper at Quincy, Mass., by my stating to that acquaintance of mine in a terse reply postcard that I had written and mailed to him from either Wisconsin or Minnesota: "I know of NO newspaper ANYWHERE in the United States that would be willing to hire you."

---Did I as an editor at "The Austin Chronicle" alternative newspaper in Austin, Texas, ever state matter-of-factly to a single adult gentleman visiting my newspaper office that day in the late 1990s that "because you are not a good match for the demographics of Austin, Texas, you may have to move to another metro area if you want to yourself develop any kind of sexual romantic life in your own life."

---Did I as the Hispanic male adult editor of the editorial page of "The Austin American-Statesman" flatly refuse to publish a letter to the editor from a law-abiding gentleman whose November 23, 2006-dated E-mail letter to the editor submission to my daily newspaper had expressed indignation over the apparent absence of a sizable anti-drug community in Austin, Texas.

--Did I as the Hispanic male adult editor of the editorial page of "The Austin American-Statesman" ever send an abusive reply E-mail note on November 30, 2006, to a law-abiding Austin gentleman who had expressed major concern to me about the illicit-drug crisis in Austin, with my reply E-mail note to himself having bluntly stated, "Don't waste my time with any more of your whining. Clear enough?"

---Did I myself ever complain to anyone or attempt to punish anyone based on my perception that a new religion he had established in Texas has strict membership-eligibility requirements that lawfully and in a civil manner exclude 99.99 percent of all homosexual adult persons, all bisexual adult persons, all effeminate male adult persons, all gay male adult persons, all gay female adult persons, all lesbian adult persons, all bisexual adult persons, and all transsexual adult persons, from themselves on an individual basis (or on any other basis, for that matter) ever at any time qualifying as prospective members or actual members of that particular new and non-Christian religion.

---Did I in the summer of 1991, during a long-distance phone call I received at my private residence in Austin, Texas, state to an acquaintance of mine who was calling me from his private rental home in Cuero, Texas, that "I will be inviting you very soon to submit to me a sworn affidavit describing your living conditions in Texas," with myself days later stating to that same individual that I had decided against obtaining any such sworn legal statement from that individual----this without my citing any reason for that change of mind on my part.

---Did I as a humor columnist for "The Austin American-Statesman" in the 1990s frequently and very abruptly hang up my end of the phone line either at the start of or in the middle of phone conversations I had in which a local male adult resident had made phone calls to me at my daily newspaper office in Austin, Texas, in order to himself offer helpful column-idea possibilities for me on the telephone.

---Did I as the Hispanic male San Antonio-based Director of Human Resources for Souper Salad Inc. of San Antonio, Texas, write and send by E-mail two or more very hostile and very accusatory reply E-mail letters --- one of them declaring that I myself from my HR office in San Antonio was "totally outraged" (exact quote) by cited conduct from the male Anglo adult employee in question --- to a conscientious and law-abiding and vigilant and law-enforcement-minded single adult gentleman who was himself during that time period a permanent part-time employee of Souper Salad Inc., and who himself NEVER ONCE received any disciplinary write-up by Souper Salad Inc. at any time during my own entire multi-year tenure as the Hispanic male adult Director of Human Resources for that San Antonio-based restaurant corporation.

---Did I as an official of the Methodist-affiliated hospital in Baytown, Texas, in 1995 refuse to grant admission into my hospital to an adult gentleman who had been diagnosed minutes or hours before by my hospital's emergency room medical staff as himself having a severe case of bronchitis pneumonia, so severe, in fact, that the medical physician who diagnosed that patient in the emergency room told him he was the "sickest person I have examined all day," or words to that effect.

---Did I as a medical staff member of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, in late 1987 fail to honor my initial very clearly stated promise to provide neurological testing inside my hospital in Boston to a single adult gentleman who had politely called my hospital in advance on the telephone to schedule his visit there about his cited need for neurological testing at Mass General, with himself explaining in that preparatory phone call that he had suffered severe headaches ever since the spring of 1987, he politely stated or indicated in that late 1987 phone call to my highly-rated Mass General Hospital in Boston.

---Did I as a male adult employee at Souper Salad Lakeline restaurant in 2007 or 2008 in the middle of a workshift for myself choose on my own volition to myself shout at the top of my lungs in a very loud and panicky-sounding voice to a cited male adult coworker of mine whom I knew at the time to himself definitely be HIV-negative (and whom I clearly addressed at that moment by his first name),"YOU HAVE AIDS!!!", with my shouted comment inside Souper Salad Lakeline restaurant that had no context to the outburst from myself having been so loud in volume that several of the customers inside that restaurant workplace at that time overheard that emphatic outburst from myself and registered understandable anxiety and concern on their faces as to what that shouted comment might have signified; and did I minutes later explain my shockingly abusive conduct toward my male adult coworker that workshift by emphatically and indignantly asking him inside the waitstation of Souper Salad Lakeline, "CAN'T YOU TAKE A JOKE?"

---Did I as a male adult junior-high school instructor at O. Henry Junior High School of Austin Independent School District in Austin, Texas, emphatically and loudly declare to a 13-year-old or 14-year-old male student of mine during homeroom period for himself in 1970 or 1971: "If you get any fatter, they (sic) will have to take you out and butcher you!"

---Did I as a news-media professional in Austin, Texas, emphatically state to a male adult gentleman on the telephone in 2006 or 2007: "It is not YOUR responsibility to terminate the voices!", without myself then politely volunteering to that law-abiding single adult gentleman exactly WHICH law-enforcement agency or other government agency, which judge, which "jury", which private attorney, which law-enforcement agency, which federal official, which State Government of Texas official, which Travis County Government official, which City of Austin official in Austin, Texas, which business owner, which non-profit group official, or which individual or group of individuals in Austin, Texas, did, in fact, hold primary or sole "responsibility" or "authority" for lawfully and in a civil manner terminating the cited anonymous background voices and accompanying year-round noise pollution that I myself definitely acknowledged to be occurring in Austin, Texas.

---Did I volunteer on the telephone in 1992 or 1993 to an acquaintance of mine living in Pampa, Texas, during a long-distance phone call he himself made to my home in Westlake Hills, Texas, that "You are making a lengthy transition into a career in the television industry for yourself," even though the acquaintance with whom I was speaking had never once stated to me that he sought to pursue a career in television.

---Did I myself ever volunteer in person during an outdoor hike I had with an acquaintance of mine in Westlake Hills, Texas, in 1986, that "'The New York Times' does sometimes spend a considerable amount of money as part of its recruitment of new employees for 'The New York Times," with myself thereby indicating to my acquaintance that he should not rule out the possibility that the New York Times Corporation was the media company that may have possibly sought to have a professional relationship with himself.

---Did I from my home in Austin, Texas, repeatedly advise an acquaintance of mine on the telephone in the early 1990s to refrain from ever stating to anyone, regardless of the individual, his complaint about verbal harassment of himself in Texas that involved anonymous background communications from others, with my cited reason for that advice of mine being that "even when the voices end, you may find that you are subjected to continued dishonest and manipulative circumstances in your own life. So it is best not to openly and honestly state your own complaints about your circumstances, as the statements you make during this period of your life can be used against you by others even after the voices end."

----Did I ever mislead an acquaintance of mine in 1990 or 1991, during a long-distance phone call he made from his apartment in Pampa, Texas, to my home in Austin, Texas, by myself volunteering he should expect a very pleasant future scenario for himself in which he visits a football stadium and "everyone you see in that entire football stadium is a personal friend of yours," as I confidently predicted, a statement of mine that occurred during the same approximate period in which I emphasized during a long-distance phone conversation with that acquaintance of mine residing in Pampa, Texas, at the time, that "you will feel a lot better when this is all over," without my ever specifying what I meant by the term "this."

---Did I myself ever insinuate or suggest or indicate to an acquaintance of mine in 1990 or 1991, during long-distance phone calls he made to my home in Austin, Texas, in which he complained about hearing lots of rumors in Pampa, Texas, to the effect that someone expected him to relocate to San Francisco, California, that "You should keep in mind what San Francisco has traditionally signified for our family. San Francisco is where your father and mother got married inside a Swedenborgian church in that northern Californian city. So San Francisco, for our family, has always been synonymous with the theme of romantic love. So perhaps these voices you're hearing in Pampa, Texas, are merely indicating that they hope you have a successful romantic life."

---Did I myself emphatically advise an acquaintance of mine in 1994, during a long-distance phone call he made to my home in Austin, Texas, from a pay telephone in Kermit, Texas, where he resided at that time, "You have no need to spend any money in order to place ANY personals ads in any newspaper or magazine in your quest for a mutual-consent romantic relationship. You will find instead that the prospective dating partners for yourself will come from the individuals whom you encounter in your everyday life in west Texas, and who on an individual basis express personal interest in you."

---Did I ever advise an acquaintance of mine, during a long-distance phone call he made to my home in Austin, Texas, in 1996, from his residence in Denver City, Texas, that he should consider relocating to the state of New Mexico, with myself in that context volunteering, "I myself would gladly move to New Mexico in a minute if a career opportunity there developed for me."

---Did I emphatically advise an acquaintance of mine in 1990 or 1991, during a long-distance phone call he made from his rental apartment in Sweetwater, Texas, to my private home in Maryland, that "I would urge you to NEVER visit Mexico or any other foreign nation during this period. If you visit a foreign country during this period, the authorities there are likely to apprehend you and put you in a mental institution where you might get stuck for a long time. You are much safer in the United States, from that standpoint, since you have more legal protection against that type of very grim scenario here in the United States."

---Did I emphatically state to an acquaintance of mine during a long-distance phone call he made in 1994 to my home in Austin, Texas, from his apartment unit in Kermit, Texas: "I don't know of ANY attorney anywhere in Austin, Texas, who would be willing to help you in this matter," with myself beginning to cry from my end of the phone line as I offered that very bleak and tragic assessment to that individual whom I had been acquainted with during my childhood in the Austin area.

---Did I emphatically state to an acquaintance of mine in 1991, during a period in which he resided in Cuero, Texas, and made a long-distance phone call to my home in Austin, Texas: "You misunderstood me before when you thought I had indicated to you that if you consult a private attorney in Texas, the actions he pursues on your behalf won't be what you had directly requested of him. What I instead meant to suggest is that whenever you consult a private attorney here in Texas, the consequences or repercussions for yourself from the legal actions he pursues on your behalf based on your directly stated goals and wishes that you verbalize to an attorney, will be consequences and repercussions for you that are VERY DIFFERENT from what you had anticipated."

---Did I as story-assignments editor for "Texas Monthly" state on the telephone to a single male adult aspiring journalist in Austin, Texas, that "it was outside interference (exact quote) that prevented us at 'Texas Monthly" from using ANY of the dozens of story ideas you recently wrote up and mailed to us," without myself ever once stating to that male adult acquaintance of mine WHO or WHAT The source of the cited "outside interference" was.

---Did I as story-assignments editor for "Texas Monthly" ever state on the telephone to a single male adult journalist in Texas in the late 1990s that "we at 'Texas Monthly' have not used ANY of the hundreds of story ideas that you have typed up and sent to us or shared with us on the telephone in the last several decades."

--Did I as a University of Minnesota Math Department full-time clerical employee and fiction writer residing in Minneapolis, Minnesota, repeatedly and emphatically volunteer on the telephone in 1984 and 1985 to an acquaintance of mine who made long-distance phone calls in 1984 and 1985 to my private residence in Minneapolis from his own cities of residence of Worcester and Boston, respectively, in Massachusetts: "The people of Worcester, Massachusetts, come across as being very strange, with lots of insanity on their part; you should return to Minnesota, where the people are more normal and there's less insanity per-capita in this state"; and, later, "the people of the Boston area are mean-spirited (exact quote) toward you; you should return to Minnesota, where the people are mellow and not mean-spirited toward you."

---Did I as a female student at Stephen F. Austin High School of Austin Independent School District in Austin, Texas, in 1973 or 1974 write and read aloud at a debate-club party an ostensibly "humorous" fictional or semi-fictional account in which I predicted that a cited male member of my high school debate club would himself someday as an adult American be living in severe financial poverty and forced to rely on food stamps in order to obtain any food for himself and his household, with the cited "context" for my "humorous piece" being that the nationwide high school debate resolution that school year was in favor of the federal government providing a guaranteed minimal annual personal income for all Americans.

---Did I during my high school years as a male student at Stephen F. Austin High School of Austin Independent School District write and then read aloud in April 1974, inside the Marimont Cafeteria along Barton Springs Boulevard near downtown Austin, a poem "birthday tribute" to a cited male schoolmate and debate squad colleague of mine in which I myself emphasized in the text of my poem: "Many have speculated about his expected demise. But that is risky grounds on which to theorize, since something that never existed CANNOT DIE."

---Did I repeatedly and emphatically state to an acquaintance of mine inside my home in Westlake Hills, Texas, that I did not acknowledge his asserted legal right to himself have a new and fully independent religion of his own that was not affiliated with any other religious group or religious denomination, and that "I will always regard you as being a Unitarian, regardless of what you yourself say."

----Did I as a high-ranking official of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in the 21st Century write and mail to a single adult gentleman in Austin, Texas, a signed reply letter on official University of Pennsylvania stationery in which I stated to that individual that he should refrain from ever again describing or referring to "your personal problems" in any future letters or E-mail correspondence that he himself writes and sends to anyone employed at my Ivy League school in Pennsylvania.

----Did I myself cheerfully volunteer from my home in Maryland to a cited "personal friend" of mine in late 1996 that "The voices can end spontaneously!", this during a long-distance phone conversation I had with that single adult gentleman who had called me in December 1996 during his move by automobile from Denver City, Texas, to Palestine, Texas, for a full-time reporting job at "The Palestine Herald-Press" general-circulation daily newspaper in Palestine.

---Did I myself confidently state to a cited friend of mine during a long-distance phone call he made to my home in Maryland from his city of residence of Palestine, Texas, in 1996 or 1997: "If you develop a sexual relationship with another human being, that could end the voices!"

---Did I myself write a signed handwritten personal letter in 1997 from Maryland to a cited "friend" of mine residing in Austin, Texas, in which I emphatically advised him, "If there is some individual in the background who is so bored with his own life that he has been meddling in your own life, and you actually identify who that person is, by all means reject that individual!", without myself ever once volunteering to that cited "friend" of mine the name or names of any persons whom I suspected of "meddling" in his own life in any way.

---Did I myself ever make a knowingly untrue or false statement to a former classmate of mine from Stephen F. Austin High School of Austin Independent School District in Austin, Texas, when I myself stated in the early 21st Century to that former classmate of mine inside a University Federal Credit Union facility in northwest Austin, "I don't know ANYTHING about your circumstances or living conditions in Austin, other than what my parents have told me about."

---Did I ever at any time in 2000 state in person to an acquaintance of mine in Austin, Texas, with whom I was sharing an apartment at the time, that it did appear from I could myself see that there appeared to be a very suspicious and mysterious sizable air pocket in his abdomen or stomach area that, I agreed, appeared to NOT be adipose tissue, with myself indicating to that acquaintance that possibly there had been some alleged possible medical fraud or "foul play" by a person unbeknownst to myself involved that might account for that artificially inflated abdomen to his own belly.

---Did I as a female married woman in Austin, Texas, volunteer to a single male adult visitor to my and my husband's home in east Austin in 1997 that "an injustice (exact quote) has been done to you, and the private attorney in Austin you've consulted this week will help you," without my ever once citing on any occasion to that single male adult acquaintance of mine any specific example of any specific "injustice" that had been inflicted on that personal acquaintance of mine.

---Did I volunteer (without any clear context to my comment) to a single male adult acquaintance of mine in 1996, during a long-distance phone call he made to my home in Austin from his home in Denver City, Texas: "I'm sure that many of the people of your own past who have wronged you were Jewish," without myself ever citing the specific name of ANY specific Jewish person who allegedly had wronged that acquaintance of mine in any way.

---Did I in the summer of 1991 state during a long-distance phone call from a single male adult acquaintance of mine in Cuero, Texas, to my home in Austin, Texas, that I knew of one total person from his own life whom I regarded as being "evil," I volunteered in that phone call, with myself identifying that person by his full legal name, a full legal name featuring an apparently Jewish surname, and myself adding that "He is very 'abnormal'..., and he seems to be changing his mind about whether he is willing to let you live in Texas; he seems to be more receptive to that outcome for you than he was in the past."

---Did I as a private attorney in the Panhandle region of Texas state in early 1997 during a long-distance phone conversation I had with a recent former client of mine who called my law office in Pampa, Texas, at his own expense from his daily-newspaper workplace in Palestine, Texas, "There may possibly be some person accounting for outside interference in your own life. However, I as an attorney member of the State Bar of Texas have not been able to ascertain WHO the source of that outside interference is. If that individual ever does contact you and attempt to develop a 'relationship' with you of any type, you of course have the legal right to reject that individual."

---Did I as a private attorney member of the State Bar of Texas greet a prospective new client inside my law office in downtown Austin by emphatically stating to him within a few seconds seconds after he had politely introduced himself to me inside my law office in Austin, that I myself would NOT be willing to assist him in any way, with that pre-scheduled legal consultation that he had arranged for in advance on the telephone being immediately terminated by me upon his arrival inside my law office.

---Did I as a blonde female editor for "The Galveston Daily News" agree on the telephone to myself grant a job interview to a newspaper journalist in 1990 or 1991, with that applicant for a full-time reporting job at my daily newspaper then traveling hundreds of miles from Cuero or Yoakum, Texas, to the main office of my daily newspaper in Galveston, Texas, only to be told by me a second or two after he politely introduced himself to me inside my newspaper office that I could not offer him any job of any type, and that the interview was over, with myself declining to financially compensate him in any way for his traveling expenses in connection with that job interview.

---Did I as a male adult editor of the daily newspaper in Wichita Falls, Texas, grant a job interview in 1993 or 1994 to a male adult "Pampa Daily News" reporter seeking a full-time reporting job at my daily newspaper in Wichita, only to myself terminate that very same pre-scheduled "job interview" with that applicant for employment within 10 seconds after he had politely introduced himself inside my newspaper office, and without my then financially compensating him for the gasoline-mileage expenses he had incurred from traveling by automobile to that job interview in 1993 or 1994.

---Did I write and send a 2007 E-mail rejection letter to a friendly acquaintance of mine in which I indignantly accused him of having subjected me to "cries of distress," or words to that effect, during a multi-year time period for himself in which I was myself fully aware that he was being victimized by illegal communications and other forms of crime being perpetrated on himself by persons other than himself or myself.

---Did I as a private attorney member of the State Bar of Texas state to a single male adult acquaintance of mine consulting me during that time period of the 21st Century that he himself may have been subjected to "illegal communications" (exact wording) during working hours for him at one or more of his workplaces, without myself ever elaborating on that observation of mine at any time and without my citing any basis for a legal complaint of any type.

---Did I as a private attorney member of the State Bar of Texas advise a client of mine in Austin to NOT himself pursue a request for public information from the Federal Communications Commission any further, since that proposed inquiry by himself would be pointless, I indicated to that client of mine during a consultation he had with me inside my law office in northwest Austin.

---Did I as a male adult freelance writer in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and self-described Yale University alumnus and former "Minnesota Daily" student newspaper news editor state to a former acquaintance of mine on the telephone in 1991 or 1990, during a long-distance phone call to my private residence that he made to me from that individual's private apartment in Sweetwater, Texas, that "I (that Minneapolis resident) have never met the bastard (profane speech word, exact quote). If you try to oppose him in any way, it will DESTROY YOU!", with myself thereby discouraging that Texan gentleman from himself contacting ANY private attorney in Texas and filing a legal complaint on his own behalf against a cited male adult person who reportedly resided in the northeastern United States.

---Did I as a private attorney in west Texas choose not to make ANY statement of any type on behalf of a client of mine in the spring of 1990 at a judicial hearing in Big Spring, Texas, even though that client of mine was someone I had previously had a friendly personal rapport with during a German language instruction class in Big Spring, Texas, during my and his leisuretime, and my client in the context of that judicial hearing having emphatically stated to me that he had been significantly wronged by a state agency of Texas in the context of that judicial hearing.

---Did I in 1983 or 1984 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, state on the telephone to a single adult gentleman during a local phone call I made to his private residence in Minneapolis that anything he wrote, regardless of whether he had meant it to be serious in nature, came across as being humorous and comical to myself when I read that writing by himself, with myself thereby indicating that none of the concerns of his elicited ANY concern or indignation from myself as well.

---Did I make a completely unsolicited long-distance 1991 phone call from my home in Dallas, Texas, to the private residence of a male adult acquaintance of mine in Sweetwater, Texas, in which I chose to volunteer with no context to my comment, that a certain female adult person from his own past "always did have a thing for you" (exact wording), as I put it, without my explaining in that long-distance phone call I made at my own financial expense WHY the cited woman would have had any involvement or any role of any type in that single adult gentleman's own living conditions or life circumstances in Texas as of 1991---some 12 years AFTER he last spoke in person in Austin, Texas, with that particular female University of Texas at Austin student who identified herself at the time as majoring in English.

---Did I emphatically and in a panicky-sounding voice volunteer on my own initiative to a law-abiding male adult acquaintance of mine during a 1992 phone call he made at his own financial expense to my private residence in New Ulm, Minnesota, from his rental home in Zapata, Texas: "I can offer you this clue: You are not a MASS murderer...," with my voice trailing off at that point, as if to invite speculation from my listener as to whether someone or some "legal" authority or some "attorney" or some "judge " or some government official had accused him of allegedly being a "serial killer", thereby implying that he had himself ever on ANY occasion been physically violent toward ANYONE at any time in his entire life; someone whom I did not cite by name in that phone conversation or since then had allegedly accused my male adult acquaintance of having somehow allegedly "harmed" or "annihilated" the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and its residents by himself moving away from that U.S. state in January 1988; someone had accused that male adult acquaintance of mine of pursuing conduct that somehow allegedly undermined the holding of "masses" or church services inside Roman Catholic churches in the United States; or, as another alternative theory, someone or some entity had possibly accused that male adult acquaintance of mine of having allegedly committed "hate" crimes through his internal thought process, presumably, that were allegedly directed against persons of some specified minority background, without my having ever specified as to which "minority group," if any, had alleged that it had been victimized in any way by that civil and law-abiding gentleman with whom I spoke that day in 1992; or that I knew of one person in Minnesota or elsewhere who had allegedly committed the crime of suicide, otherwise known as the crime of self-murder, and who had left behind a suicide note in his own handwriting which blamed that male adult acquaintance of mine in some context for that very same crime of self-murder, or suicide.

---Did I mislead a male adult acquaintance or male adult relative of mine by volunteering to him on the telephone in 1990, during a long-distance phone call he made to my home in Westlake Hills, Texas, from his duplex rental apartment unit in Big Spring, Texas: "I already know how this is going to turn out, so I'm not worried about it," with my disclosure in that phone call failing to cite to that male adult acquaintance or younger relative of mine the specific name of the individual who allegedly was meddling in the life of that male adult acquaintance or younger relative of mine during that period.

----Did I mislead a male adult acquaintance of mine in 1997 by volunteering to him on the telephone in 1997, during a local phone call he made from a pay telephone at his UT-Austin-area apartment complex along Salado Street to my home in Austin, Texas: "The project (exact wording) is winding down, and should be over very soon....", with myself thereby acknowledging to that male adult acquaintance of mine that he was, in fact, being subjected to unwanted manipulations of his own living conditions and unwanted violations of his own privacy rights during that period.

---Did I as an employee of a non-Christian religious congregation in Austin, Texas, in 2001 or 2002 firmly decline to listen to an oral complaint about alleged verbal harassment of himself that a law-abiding single adult gentleman employed as a temp employee at Northwest Life Insurance company in Austin, Texas,. had himself chosen to share with me on the telephone during a work break from his temp job in 2001 or 2002, with myself emphatically stating at that time to that civil and honest gentleman: "Please, don't go on with it!"

---Did I as an adult male acquaintance of a single adult gentleman in Texas repeatedly criticize that individual on the telephone over a multi-year period by myself stating to that individual with no specific context to my repeated reprimands of himself on the telephone in the late 1980s and 1990s during his period of residence and employment in numerous cities and towns of Texas: "You seem to proceed on the assumption that because you believe you have been wronged by someone, you are entitled to financial compensation to yourself. In fact, your attitude of having this sense of entitlement to financial compensation to yourself is offensive to myself and many others."

--Did I as an editor or staff member of "The Big Spring Herald" daily newspaper in Big Spring, Texas, choose in late 1989 to myself consume marijuana along with several or more colleagues of mine during a work-related "party" I myself hosted or attended in late 1989 inside a private residence in Big Spring, Texas, a party that occurred a matter of hours after and the very same day that one of the invited guests who attended that party, a law-abiding single adult gentleman non-smoker, had himself been interviewed for a full-time reporting job inside my general-circulation daily newspaper office in Big Spring, Texas (a newspaper owned by a media company headquartered in Canada).

---Did I as a government official or public official in Texas refuse to insist on a full government-sponsored investigation of circumstances in Texas that pervasively had violated the privacy rights and permanently as well as significantly harmed the hearing capacity of a law-abiding single adult gentleman in Texas.

1 comment:

  1. You are a "racist!", "an anti-Semite!" a "pathological liar!", "a paranoid!", "a mental patient!", a "traitor!", a "moron!", "a mentally retarded person!", "the Anti-Christ!", "an atheist", "someone guilty of treason against the United States Government!", "a pederast!", "a pedophile!", "a rapist!", a "Fascist", "a communist in political ideology", "a Nazi", "someone very similar to Adolph Hitler of Nazi Germany!", "someone very similar to Benito Mussolini of Fascist Italy!", "someone very similar to Josef Stalin of the Soviet Union!", "someone very similar to the Fascist political leader Generalissimo Franco of Spain!", "a murderer!", "a serial killer!", "a genocidal maniac!", "one of the most infamous persons in world history!", "a notorious refuge from justice with pending criminal-law charges against him, someone who soon will be formally extradited to Massachusetts, Israel, Nebraska, California, Florida, New York, or Minnesota by the Governor of Texas in the very near future in order to himself then face felony criminal charges in a court of law in Massachusetts, Israel, Nebraska, California, Florida, New York State, or Minnesota!", "a military officer who will soon be subjected to the humiliation of a dishonorable discharge from the U.S. Armed Forces!", etc.


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