Friday, November 19, 2010

Inevitable Trend Toward Bequeathing of Estate Funds Earmarked for Drug- or Alcohol- or Tobacco Addiction Treatment, for Tattooing-Addiction Treatment

One of the inevitable trends in last wills and testaments of Americans of the 22nd Century will be the insistence by an increasing number of Americans that the amount of money they wish to leave behind to a cited relative or friend or acquaintance of theirs is:

---strictly contingent on that individual cited beneficiary of the will on his own initiative and with his own explicit prior consent, choosing to himself enroll in a treatment program he feels comfortable with that will help to cure that individual of his cited addiction at that time to marijuana or some other illicit drug or illicit drugs, his cited addiction to one or more licit drugs, his addiction to alcohol, his addiction to tobacco, or his addiction to having his own body tattooed.

---strictly limited to direct payment of money to the state-certified treatment program per se that provides drug-addiction, alcohol-addiction, tobacco-addiction, or tattooing-addiction treatment services to the cited individual upon his prior specific and explicit and formal written request for any or all of those specified addiction-treatment services.

--limited by a cited total maximum lifetime expenditure of money by the administrator of the will toward payment of "addiction-treatment" services per se for the cited beneficiary of that last will and testament.

In this way, the individual who had his last will and testament written in this manner can make it very clear that he is not willing to help finance an unlimited number of enrollments in addiction-treatment programs by that particular cited beneficiary. "It is the contention of the individual having this last will and testament written on his behalf that the cited beneficiary should be able to fully cure himself of his addiction to drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products from three or fewer total respective separate enrollments in treatment programs, and within 10 years of this will being formally and officially filed in a county courthouse."

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