Friday, April 3, 2009

United Nations Protectorate Needed For Current Nation of Israel

I have been surprised by the lack of commentary in the media about the possible need for United Nations governance of much of the territory of what is currently the nation of Israel.

If an ethnically-tolerant, racially-tolerant, and religiously-tolerant, United Nations protectorate were established over the Jerusalem area and much or all of the rest of Israel, this would save millions of lives of Jewish persons, Palestinians, Arabs, and other human beings.

A United Nations Protectorate State in much of what is currently the nation of Israel would do that in part by successfully putting an end to any scenario in which a World War III would be triggered inside that geographical area of the world.

Any conflict that developed would receive an immediate response from the General Assembly of The United Nations and the United Nations Security Council, or possibly by some special United Nations Commission that might be established to preside over international governance of that geographical area. The United Nations would have legal authority at all times to send United Nations military troops representing soldiers from every UN member nation into that geographical area. Those troops could help to put an end to any civil war or other major acts of violence that might ever occur in the geographical area that currently is called the nation of Israel.

The proposed United Nations Protectorate in that geographical area of the Middle East would also save millions of Jewish lives of the present and future by helping to reduce the level of antipathy toward, and prejudice against, Jewish persons that for decades has been spawned by the ruthless intransigence and the militant racial supremacy stance of Israel. The complete lack of empathy toward Palestinians and Arabs and neighboring countries that the Jewish nation of Israel has exhibited, when combined with a "Jews-only" racist policy on citizenship status in Israel, has severely undermined the reputation and personal safety of Jewish persons all over the world.

The proposed United Nations Protectorate in that geographical area could fully protect the legal and human rights of law-abiding individuals from a wide variety of religious beliefs and ethnic and racial backgrounds throughout the entire world, who each might wish to visit and admire, and possibly even reside near, what they regard as holy shrines or holy monuments or sacred sites in that geographical region of the Middle East.

Anyone who fervently supports Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, and Freedom of Association, should also revere the human right of any civil and honorably law-abiding person of any religious identity who wishes to visit what he or she regards as being "Holy Land" areas currently found in the foreign nation of Israel.

At present, many billions of dollars of potential tourism revenue are lost each year because of the needless violence inside Israel and Israeli-occupied territories that involve conflicts between and among Palestinians, Arabs, nearby nations, and Jewish citizens as well as the armed forces of Israel.

Many thousands of religious persons throughout the world who otherwise would have pursued with sublime pleasure a religious journey (or pilgrimage, as they might call it) to visit what they regard as "The Holy Land," currently are declining to take that trip because of the risk they perceive of being victimized by terrorist violence in the nation of Israel.

It is hoped, in fact, that an official estimate will be compiled soon to calculate the total amount of tourist income that's lost each year to what is now the nation of Israel as a result of the risk of violence against tourists and because of many non-Israelis' alienation from the bloody retaliatory intransigence that has all too often marked Israeli foreign policies.

It is obvious that if the "Holy Land" region were transformed into a United Nations-protected leading tourist destination for the billions of religious persons who are subscribers to Judaism, Christianity, or the Moslem religion, this would bring many billions of additional dollars in tourism revenue each year into the economy of that geographical region.

Reduced incidence of violence and terrorism in that region resulting from United Nations governance of much (or all) of Israel of today would also add to the economic productivity and yield billions of additional dollars to the economic vitality of that region.

United Nations governance of much of what is Israel today would also enable the United States Government to significantly reduce its level of foreign aid support for the territory in which Israel is the governing and occupying nation at present.
That very heavy and inordinate financial burden on American taxpayers by the nation of Israel has spawned considerable resentment of Israel by millions of Americans. That resentment would diminish considerably through establishment a proposed United Nations Protectorate in nearly all (or all) of the geographical territory where Israel is situated today.

The proposed United Nations Protectorate over that entire territory would also foster a massive increase in the number of archaeologists and historians and anthropologists who would seek to pursue research trips into the territory where Israel is currently situated.

The harmoniousness of a truly tolerant multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-religious "Holy Land" region in what is currently the embattled nation of Israel, would also help to inspire world peace throughout the entire world.

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