Sunday, February 22, 2009

A True Religious Cause: Hobby Fairs for Youths

My idea of a true religion is a pragmatically idealistic, implicitly-deistic and rationally religious, diligently law-abiding and crime-deterrence-minded, clean-talking, platonically polite, non-stalking, alcohol-free, tobacco-free, non-proselytizing denomination that sponsors wholesome public hobby fairs primarily aimed at addressing the needs of and helping to educate persons age 30 or younger.

I believe very strongly that a true modern religion should help persons age 30 or younger to achieve the best possible start in life during that crucial three-decade period.

Reminding youths and adult young persons under age 30 of the many wholesome, law-abiding, and creative hobbies and pastimes they might wish to learn and pursue, is a truly noble public service that a true religion should be sponsoring.

Among the hobbies or pastimes that young persons could be reminded of at a public hobby fair open to persons of all ages, might be:
---collecting postcards highlighting interesting places throughout one's state or nation or world.
---tea-brewing involving a wide variety of teas from around the world.
---exchanging personal letters during one's leisuretime through a mutual-consent correspondence with a personal friend on a year-round basis.
---joining and becoming involved with a wholesome and idealistic non-profit organization that particularly appeals to oneself.
---learning and pursuing several of the lifelong sports.
---pursuit of racquet sports, including tennis, racquetball, squash, table tennis, and possibly even badminton.
---keeping a personal journal during one's leisuretime on a year-round and lifelong basis.
----mending one's own clothing after a button falls off a shirt, for instance.
----developing a postage stamp collection devoted to a particular theme, such as great political leaders, education, environmental protection, peace, children's rights, human rights, parenthood, religion, literature, the arts, or entertainment.
----cultivating a small indoor botanical "garden" inside one's home that is fragrant or visually attractive on a year-round basis.
----humor-writing and collecting humorous books or movies as a hobby or pastime.
----preparing and baking fresh homemade bread inside one's home on a year-round basis.
----the hobby or pastime of making factual reports to the applicable law-enforcement agency on a year-round basis that relate to possible criminal-law evidence that one has directly observed.
----the hobby of doing crossword puzzles.
----collecting philanthropic and wholesome posters highlighting human beings who evoke a sense of sublime beauty.
----writing letters to government officials that offer public-policy suggestions for the city, county, state, nation, and world in which one lives.
----paddle-boating with a mutual-consent companion while having a nice conversation with that individual.
---visiting and studying museums in one's city, metro area, state, or nation, or elsewhere.
---pursuit of creative brainstorming on a year-round basis, whether in a personal context, a religious context, a pastime-related context, or a professional context.

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